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Everything posted by -HUNTER-

  1. -HUNTER-

    UK Desert(ed) troops = BLEED 1.0

    YAY Â Â YAY Â YAY Â Â YAY Haha I think the overuse of this smily is because well the news is soo uber elite that ppl are excited about it allot! I LOOOOOOOOVEEE Â The new landy's! combined with the new soldiers it would become Holy!
  2. -HUNTER-

    [RAST]Sniper Pack

    ferretfangs: over at milphotos there was a topic about snipers in iraq, and many of them showed pictures of "our weapons" and for a sniper team there were 2 m4's and 2 pistols and 1 sniper rifle! 1 m4 kitted out for spotter with harris and uber scope, but the other one was also kitted out with acog and laser and stuff.. Besides snipers dont allways have their ghillie suit on! With wearing it sure they wont have a sec weapon. Because it doesnt fit underneath the bushy. But I wasnt talking out of meh a.. about the m4. Lots of pictures show snipers haveing a propper weapon to defend themselves. Eventhough they also have a spotter. The spotter cant take on many targets by himself when the shit hits the fan and I think 2 m4's would be a very good idea... Instead of the sniper hiding behind a wall while the spotter try's to take out enemy. And a pistol wont help you at medium ranges.. edit Ill see if I can find some pics... Â http://media.militaryphotos.net/photos/albums/album80/aaj.sized.jpg Gun on his back http://media.militaryphotos.net/photos/albums/album80/aad.sized.jpg Barely visible next to the dude! http://media.militaryphotos.net/photos/albums/album80/aca.sized.jpg Some more firepower even edit Im not trying to be smartarse here, just mentioning that Ive seen snipers with their own m4's. Not only the spotter has it. Yes in most cases he probally will have it... Are you going to only make the sniper btw? because a spotter with him would be very cool! With a m4 with spotting scope like the one in the M4 pack! Also in the dutch army we have the laser range finder binoculars, just press a button and you see the range in the screen! Can something like that be made?
  3. this would be sweet if you could have a laser pointing in the same spot as the bombsight is... So you could use the thing for Laser Guided bombing like Gulf war I
  4. -HUNTER-

    OFP photography - Questions & comments

    in WWII planes never whent into a dogfight with bombs under their wings, the mission would be called of and or a group of planes would push on while others jettisoned their load and engaged the enemy! Those planes are slow to start with they need all the power they can get to win a dogfight! Nice pictures though!!!!
  5. -HUNTER-

    Idea -:- "UN"

    DKM pack has UN vehicles!
  6. -HUNTER-

    [RAST]Sniper Pack

    to bad you couldnt have a dude with 2 main weapons and a handgun... I think they use m4's as backup weapon and also have a pistol... but there isnt a way arround it with the engine is there???
  7. -HUNTER-

    Strategic Bomber pack: B-52 + Tu95

    how many bombs? for the b52?
  8. -HUNTER-

    Formula 1 Boats

    could you maybee remoddel one of the larger boats to become Navy Seal fast insertion boat as seen in many documentaires about Seals..?? would be sweet to have such a thing..
  9. -HUNTER-

    Zodiac Hurricane Beta

    how about a MG like a MAG, or M240 or GPMG basicly the same but what ever... And then Extend the legs and put it on the edge! Also you maybee could make a version in which they lay on the sides and point there guns all over to cover the area... Think how a l337 crack SF unit would sit in such a boat while going into dangerous area. Not sitting up straight gun on back and watching the nature! They would be laying down pointing weapons! and maybee as said a MG gunner in the boat! Also I dont know if you have ever been in a zodiac but the front end will go up in the air if you speed up!!!! So I dont think a fixed mg would work in such a little boat! I cannot wait for a Seal fast insertion boat with triple 2x 50cal 4x m240 and other stuff!
  10. -HUNTER-

    Tears of the sun seals

    werent there working flashlights on handguns released some time ago/ Would be really cool to have lights and or lasers
  11. -HUNTER-

    Bn880's Tracers V1.0

    I didnt know that either... that is great news though! I have many missions in which I want to use certain weapons that have the very bright tracers.. But it looks strange with this script working aswell!
  12. -HUNTER-

    Mig 28

    movies most of the time have budgets that dont allow them to use real mig's or things like that. Which I find really stupid to see for instance a Puma being converted to look like a Hind! or the F-5 for that matter... I think its kinda crap the whole movie is nice and all but well which part is actually real? Not very much...
  13. -HUNTER-

    Lowlands Warrior Mod

    I need it sooo badly in missions! The jeeps and the tank are good but there is nothing for transporting troops with like in the original game... a truck!
  14. -HUNTER-

    UK Desert(ed) troops = BLEED 1.0

    That would be ****** great! A new landy would be fully sick...
  15. -HUNTER-


    I wouldnt mind having a T-80 or T-90 in detail and with maybee extra gadgets to counter the M1A2 SEP that we have ingame... That thing is lethal and can kill more then 6 tanks like the RHS armour we have now... Also a pack not part of a mod... so its easier to download if you only want the tanks!
  16. -HUNTER-

    UK Desert(ed) troops = BLEED 1.0

    have you got a shot of the bergen and other rucksacks? What kind of packs does the British army use? and how much Liter can go into them? all BB
  17. -HUNTER-

    UK Desert(ed) troops = BLEED 1.0

    or placebo will PWN you! OMFG those new emoticons are wicked! Sorry lets carry on with the topic gents!
  18. -HUNTER-

    M4's for weapon Individualism

    I would think they use them so they can have an extra mag allways where the gun is! and its easy place to reach! it doesnt bother much though I would think cuz its the stock you hold against you shoulder so I dont think weight is a problem... and its on the right side so you dont notice it while shooting... INSANE new emoticons!
  19. -HUNTER-

    M4's for weapon Individualism

    the mag pouches are used allot in iraq with the marines, i could get 20 pics easy by checking milphotos
  20. -HUNTER-

    What is your favorite island?

    Mapfact Nogova Cat shit one afghan island V3 and new pimped version! GAIA is really nice Newland is nice Leusderheide is great for training various weapon systems
  21. -HUNTER-

    Decisive Killing Machines

    Jaguar, the main body of the plane how many textures files is it? Because I was thinking about how the fook you got such nice textures when editing them in something like Photoshop?
  22. -HUNTER-

    UK Desert(ed) troops = BLEED 1.0

    Hmm no I suggest you use afghan everon and also how about I fly the Lynx? Scud hunting it tis... Also I wonder how the units look against 1024x1024 textures on islands like Homeland...
  23. I am learning stuff but I wanted to learn how to make maps first so I learned wrptool. Then I tried better to make some nice missions. Then I tried texturing for the first time, and started O2 up and checked out the functions, f***ed allot of nice addons into hidious monsters I try all functions. Also I give comments in some topic but I try to be constructive and well If I have something like an idea I got that day Ill post it so it can be discussed see what other ppl and addonmaker think and also check what the pro's have to say, sometimes you get really brilliant things from just reading topics! I think we have a nice community far better then the "other" games!
  24. -HUNTER-

    M4's for weapon Individualism

    wishlist: mag pouch on stock, frontgrip, dual mag clip
  25. -HUNTER-

    Multiplayer train

    I would love to have a german ICE train in ofp, but too bad the FPS would be fubar then... Does that happen to others using the AEF train??