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Everything posted by -Total-

  1. -Total-

    ArmA and TripleHead2Go Video

    I don't have a video (yet), but just got my TH2G set up last night. loving it :D
  2. As I stated earlier in this thread, I made several missions using the AAS template. From urban infantry only to infantry w/ tanks, and all out war using infantry, armor, and air assets. So, if I take Domination off of my server (which keeps it populated nightly I might add) and replace it with PvP missions that utilize the communication, strategic, and tactical requirements ArmA employs then my server should be expected to fill up over the following week with the hordes of PvP seekers right? If they are out there waiting, then why didn't this happen the last 5 times I uploaded PvP missions from AAS to Berzerk, to whatever Pvp mission I downloaded at armaholic and advertised it here that a PvP server was up? The answer: Cuz those same PvP players came up with every reason in the world as to why PvP cannot work in ArmA. The simple fact of the matter is that PvP in ArmA takes too much coordination and strategic sense as an entire team for most random pubbers.
  3. -Total-

    co30 Domination! One Team

    Xeno, I am having a problem with 3.50 ACE. Half of the time, the ATV's will disappear anywhere within 60 seconds to 3 minutes if the player stays alive. This doesn't settle well with players who have gear in the ATV when it disappears or for those who were using it to flank around to the other side (ie drive, get off, shoot perimter enemy, go to get back on to conitnue around the flank - bike is gone) Of course, if they die, then it's a toss up on if the ATV disappeared or is still sitting a good ways away from them. If it's still there, then they are waiting 30 minutes. It wouldn't be such a problem if they weren't disappearing so quickly when the player was alive. The only parameters I see to make any adjustments are %1 and %2, but I can't quite wrap my head around what the parameter syntax is really saying. Any help would be appreciated :)
  4. -Total-

    BattlEye problems

    Seeing that same error over and over in my server for the past couple of days.
  5. Then you have people fighting and TK'ing for the pilot spots, sniper spots, etc I have played PvP in ArmA and had a blast, but it was a tightly regulated server with a very specific mission and rule set. Playing against human intelligence is always more challenging and more immersive than playing against AI. As far as regular pubbing, to control the behavior is one thing, coordination is another. Coordination 16+ players per side is a headache. Back in OFP PvP worked well because, for many, it was their first experience in more than Unreal Tournament. Now, everyone has played several games and everyone feels as if their idea is the best way to tackle the mission. Teamplay tends to go off to the wayside in lieu of pride. I wish I could say differently, but it's the sad truth of today's gaming state. Clan organized gameplay in PvP is still alot of fun, but that's generally by invite only since the servers are locked to keep the "I just wanna shoot and fly stuff" pubbers out.
  6. -Total-

    Track ir

    Infantry combat w/ TrackIR is a whole new dimension. You'll soon forget about the basic, locked in view, FPS lol
  7. -Total-

    co30 Domination! One Team

    I had some weird problems with the ACE 1.01 update. Turns out, my provider had gotten a borked download of the update. Have you tried updating your server files with an ace download from another source? Also, are you using any other addons? If so, how odes it run with just beta;@ACE in the mod line?
  8. -Total-

    co30 Domination! One Team

    You ARE running this on a dedicated server and not hosting the mission right? Xeno stated a few pages back that it has to be run on a dedicated and not hosted on the game machine. I haven't had any problems except the Javelin & Stingers randomnization making them sporadic when getting from an ammo box. I think Xeno coded it this way hoping it would force people to work as a team more rather than everyone having a stinger to take down the choppers.
  9. Whoa! Where did I even imply that I wanted it to be anything like BF? That's the last thing I want lol! BF42 just one of the games that I competed within in my past. I never did play BF2 past the demo. That one ruined the franchise by nubbing the game down to death. I would LOVE for ArmA to have some great PvP pubs and competition venues, but the sad fact is that it will not likely draw anough participants to justify any sort of league or ladder. God knows I tried to get it going at TWL, but the interest was too low because ArmA's gameplay is too "slow" By "slow", people mean that they just wanna rush in an kill things rather than use their heads. In no way though would I ever want ArmA's gameplay to even come close to some arcade atrocity like BF2! Â
  10. After being around helo's in the military for so long, I can tell ya that the Apache is the loudest, most rumbly helo I ever encountered in the US arsenal. The CH-53 was equally as loud, but not as annoying. Harriers need a muffler in real life. Ingame is subdued lol!
  11. Well, if 37 years old is being a lad, then I'll take the compliment I've competed in team-based online gaming since 1998. Been  to the invite level in both CAL and TWL in several games....just not CS or CSS. Never liked those two lol! Yes, there's teamwork in a clan match depending on the game, but more often than not it centers on killing the other team rather than the objective. America's Army was beautiful for competition, but over time the larger outdoor maps were dropped from the leagues in lieu of the smaller maps that could be accomplished faster with a more smash heads style gameplay. Maps that used to have league round times of 8 mintues are now down to 4 minutes to make it "more tense." Even Tribes2 and Battlefield 1942 both saw this. BF42 saw the inevitable camping of the spawn flag, turkey-shoot to burn down the kill tickets. Competition in ArmA never took off. In TWL, I submittted the first mission pack using the AA Template. I was a competition manager at the time, so it wasn't some random name putting this out there. The missions were made for the 5v5, 7v7, and 10v10 team sizes. Put up on our server and advertised as Player vs Player. Scantly populated, it never took off. I could put Evolution on though and it would fill up in a heartbeat lol! I am speaking, primarily, of US-based gaming too. The European leagues had a bit better luck with the more complex games.
  12. the changelog covers turning while prone.....
  13. There was a much different mindset of gamers in 2001 when compared to now. FPS's such as Battlefield 1942, Tribes2, OFP, etc would not have worked as well these days. FPS gamers are generally after one thing these days - kill stats. There's no kill glory in a support role no matter how vital it is. People are not going to flock to a game where they can't immediately pick up a weapon and start shooting things. The patience just isn't there anymore. I would absolutely love large scale pvp battles in ArmA and ArmA2, but it would not fly. Coordinating more than 6 gamers these days is, well, short of impossible. Each person seems to have their own idea of what is going to make their team win and everyone branches off to do their own thing - and boost kill stats while they're at it. Look at AA 3.0 coming up. In 2001, AA was the only game of it's kind. It took skill and teamwork. Over the years, it was developed and degraded into a fast-paced, kill-centric game. Videos of the new, 2009 one show the weapon staying totally centered while the player is running down stairs. Due to it's complexity and reliance on coordination and teamwork, ArmA and ArmA 2 will be more successful in their roles as large scale coop missions. And that's pretty sad considering the potential that is there.
  14. -Total-

    Evolution (Red+Blue)

    From EventsC.sqf (from the file you linked) <table border="0" align="center" width="95%" cellpadding="0" cellspacing="0"><tr><td>Code Sample </td></tr><tr><td id="CODE">EVO_AmmoBox = { _vec = _this select 0; //_rank = _this select 1; _rank = 6; clearWeaponCargo _vec; clearMagazineCargo _vec; switch (_rank) do //heavy wep { case 0: { _vec addWeaponCargo ["M136",10]; }; case 1: { _vec addWeaponCargo ["M136",10]; _vec addMagazineCargo ["pipebomb",10]; _vec addMagazineCargo ["mine",10]; }; case 2: { _vec addWeaponCargo ["M136",10]; _vec addMagazineCargo ["pipebomb",10]; _vec addMagazineCargo ["mine",10]; }; case 3: { _vec addWeaponCargo ["M136",10]; _vec addWeaponCargo ["Stinger",10]; _vec addMagazineCargo ["pipebomb",10]; _vec addMagazineCargo ["mine",10]; }; case 4: { _vec addWeaponCargo ["M136",10]; _vec addWeaponCargo ["Stinger",10]; _vec addMagazineCargo ["pipebomb",10]; _vec addMagazineCargo ["mine",10]; }; case 5: { _vec addWeaponCargo ["M136",10]; _vec addWeaponCargo ["Stinger",10]; _vec addMagazineCargo ["pipebomb",10]; _vec addMagazineCargo ["mine",10]; }; case 6: { _vec addWeaponCargo ["M136",1]; _vec addWeaponCargo ["Stinger",1]; _vec addWeaponCargo ["JAVELIN",1]; _vec addMagazineCargo ["pipebomb",1]; _vec addMagazineCargo ["mine",1]; }; }; switch (_rank) do //rifles { case 0: { _vec AddWeaponCargo ["MP5A5", 10]; _vec AddWeaponCargo ["M16A2", 10]; _vec AddWeaponCargo ["M16A4", 10]; _vec AddWeaponCargo ["M9", 10]; }; case 1: { _vec AddWeaponCargo ["MP5A5", 10]; _vec AddWeaponCargo ["M16A2", 10]; _vec AddWeaponCargo ["M16A2GL", 10]; _vec AddWeaponCargo ["M16A4", 10]; _vec AddWeaponCargo ["M16A4_ACG", 10]; _vec AddWeaponCargo ["M4", 10]; _vec AddWeaponCargo ["M240", 10]; _vec AddWeaponCargo ["M9", 10]; }; case 2: { _vec AddWeaponCargo ["MP5A5", 10]; _vec AddWeaponCargo ["M16A2", 10]; _vec AddWeaponCargo ["M16A2GL", 10]; _vec AddWeaponCargo ["M16A4", 10]; _vec AddWeaponCargo ["M16A4_ACG", 10]; _vec AddWeaponCargo ["M16A4_ACG_GL", 10]; _vec AddWeaponCargo ["M4", 10]; _vec AddWeaponCargo ["M4AIM", 10]; _vec AddWeaponCargo ["M4A1", 10]; _vec AddWeaponCargo ["M240", 10]; _vec AddWeaponCargo ["M24", 10]; _vec AddWeaponCargo ["M9", 10]; }; case 3: { _vec AddWeaponCargo ["MP5A5", 10]; _vec AddWeaponCargo ["MP5SD", 10]; _vec AddWeaponCargo ["M16A2", 10]; _vec AddWeaponCargo ["M16A2GL", 10]; _vec AddWeaponCargo ["M16A4", 10]; _vec AddWeaponCargo ["M16A4_ACG", 10]; _vec AddWeaponCargo ["M16A4_ACG_GL", 10]; _vec AddWeaponCargo ["M4", 10]; _vec AddWeaponCargo ["M4GL", 10]; _vec AddWeaponCargo ["M4AIM", 10]; _vec AddWeaponCargo ["M4A1", 10]; _vec AddWeaponCargo ["M4A1GL", 10]; _vec AddWeaponCargo ["M240", 10]; _vec AddWeaponCargo ["M249", 10]; _vec AddWeaponCargo ["M24", 10]; _vec AddWeaponCargo ["M9", 10]; _vec AddWeaponCargo ["M9SD", 10]; }; case 4: { _vec AddWeaponCargo ["MP5A5", 10]; _vec AddWeaponCargo ["MP5SD", 10]; _vec AddWeaponCargo ["M16A2", 10]; _vec AddWeaponCargo ["M16A2GL", 10]; _vec AddWeaponCargo ["M16A4", 10]; _vec AddWeaponCargo ["M16A4_ACG", 10]; _vec AddWeaponCargo ["M16A4_ACG_GL", 10]; _vec AddWeaponCargo ["M4", 10]; _vec AddWeaponCargo ["M4GL", 10]; _vec AddWeaponCargo ["M4AIM", 10]; _vec AddWeaponCargo ["M4A1", 10]; _vec AddWeaponCargo ["M4A1GL", 10]; _vec AddWeaponCargo ["M4A1SD", 10]; _vec AddWeaponCargo ["M240", 10]; _vec AddWeaponCargo ["M249", 10]; _vec AddWeaponCargo ["M24", 10]; _vec AddWeaponCargo ["M4SPR", 10]; _vec AddWeaponCargo ["M9", 10]; _vec AddWeaponCargo ["M9SD", 10]; }; case 5: { _vec AddWeaponCargo ["MP5A5", 10]; _vec AddWeaponCargo ["MP5SD", 10]; _vec AddWeaponCargo ["M16A2", 10]; _vec AddWeaponCargo ["M16A2GL", 10]; _vec AddWeaponCargo ["M16A4", 10]; _vec AddWeaponCargo ["M16A4_ACG", 10]; _vec AddWeaponCargo ["M16A4_ACG_GL", 10]; _vec AddWeaponCargo ["M4", 10]; _vec AddWeaponCargo ["M4GL", 10]; _vec AddWeaponCargo ["M4AIM", 10]; _vec AddWeaponCargo ["M4A1", 10]; _vec AddWeaponCargo ["M4A1GL", 10]; _vec AddWeaponCargo ["M4A1SD", 10]; _vec AddWeaponCargo ["G36K", 10]; _vec AddWeaponCargo ["G36C", 10]; _vec AddWeaponCargo ["G36A", 10]; _vec AddWeaponCargo ["M240", 10]; _vec AddWeaponCargo ["M249", 10]; _vec AddWeaponCargo ["M24", 10]; _vec AddWeaponCargo ["M4SPR", 10]; _vec AddWeaponCargo ["M9", 10]; _vec AddWeaponCargo ["M9SD", 10]; }; case 6: { _vec addweaponcargo ["M136",9]; _vec addweaponcargo ["RPG7V",10]; _vec addweaponcargo ["Stinger",9]; _vec addweaponcargo ["JAVELIN",9]; _vec AddWeaponCargo ["MP5SD", 10]; _vec AddWeaponCargo ["M16A4_ACG_GL", 10]; _vec addweaponcargo ["AKs74PSO",10]; _vec addweaponcargo ["AK74GL",10]; _vec addweaponcargo ["AKS74U",10]; _vec AddWeaponCargo ["M4A1GL", 10]; _vec AddWeaponCargo ["M4A1SD", 10]; _vec AddWeaponCargo ["G36C", 10]; _vec AddWeaponCargo ["G36A", 10]; _vec AddWeaponCargo ["M240", 10]; _vec AddWeaponCargo ["M249", 10]; _vec addweaponcargo ["PK",10]; _vec AddWeaponCargo ["M24", 10]; _vec addweaponcargo ["SVD",10]; _vec AddWeaponCargo ["M4SPR", 10]; _vec AddWeaponCargo ["M107", 10]; _vec AddWeaponCargo ["M9", 10]; _vec AddWeaponCargo ["M9SD", 10]; _vec addweaponcargo ["Makarov",10]; _vec addweaponcargo ["MakarovSD",10]; _vec addweaponcargo ["Laserdesignator",10]; _vec addweaponcargo ["Binocular",10]; _vec addweaponcargo ["NVGoggles",10]; }; }; //ammo }; Add in the weapons for each rank. To "unrank" the wweapons, put everything into case 0 (for both heavy weapons and rifles).
  15. -Total-

    Beta test plan ?

    ArmA2 is one of the very few games out there that is being designed for the PC first and then ported over in some fashion to console. Thank god! If I play one more POS that was ported to PC from the console version, I'm gonna buy a thumb controller and take a hammer to it!!!
  16. -Total-

    please some hand to hand combat or knifes

    I can see it now.... A mission fails because someone wants to be a badass and melee every AI or player he comes into contact with. As a combat vet, shooting from a distance is preferred. When in close quarters, keep your weapon at the ready with someone to cover you. The only "silent killers" out there are the special forces guys and even they will avoid killing because that means avoiding detection. Real war isn't what you watch in the Hollywood movies or see in arcade games.
  17. I can see it now.... A mission fails because someone wants to be a badass and melee every AI or player he comes into contact with. As a combat vet, shooting from a distance is preferred. When in close quarters, keep your weapon at the ready with someone to cover you. The only "silent killers" out there are the special forces guys and even they will avoid killing because that means avoiding detection. Real war isn't what you watch in the Hollywood movies or see in arcade games.
  18. -Total-

    co30 Domination! One Team

    I have those hopes for ArmA2 as well, but I also keep in mind that they plant to make some momeny off of this game. Not everyone has a Quad Core with 8 BG of memory and an uber video card setup. They want to sell to those people too, so the game has to perform and operate within reason. Xeno, been having alot of fun with 3.23 man Thanks for all the work and effort!!!
  19. -Total-

    co30 Domination! One Team

    I can confirm this. Cleared the first town up, Arcadia - not a soul around. It would not clear in the mission.
  20. Three words: Advance And Secure (aka BF-style play of taking objectives) The template has been out since 2006 and it's easy as heck to use. When a few teams at www.teamwarfare.com were trying to get and ArmA league/ladder going, I submitted the first three "missions" of AAS for TWL as soon as the template kit was released. I put them on my server and even put Player Vs Player in the server title. People didn't join. The answer to "why not?" is simple. ArmA is a co-op haven. Large scale battles where you can organize a few and play with many (ie each player with AI). AAS in ArmA takes for more teamwork and coordination than the avergae gamer is willing to put forth. It's incredibly difficult even with the layout being easy. While I was hoping it would have taken off, I haven't seen an AAS in a very long time and my missions that I created have been on DVD of miscellaneous backup files for the past 2 years. I don't blame BIS for this. It's the nature of the majority of gamers out there who want (as mention before) a fast-paced run n gun. BF2'ers who bought ArmA said it was too slow and stopped playing it. You can't speed it up, otherwise it drops the realism that makes ArmA what it is - ArmA.
  21. Unreal, Quake, Refractor..... None of those engines have been re-written from scratch. Just continually revamping the previous version. Economics
  22. -Total-

    To ArmA Developpers: aiming system

    Balschoiw, Great avatar. One of my favorite Muppet vis Firing ranges are indeed far different than firing under duress. Of course smoking a joint of watch......well......I'll leave that one alone.
  23. -Total-

    To ArmA Developpers: aiming system

    80 meter accuracy while walking and sighted? (or moving period for that matter). One word: No I'm a three time Gulf War vet and two time Bosnia vet. Not only is it unrealistic, it's absolutely absurd to think that it is. Here's a visual example. This was done in a CAD program, so this is to scale. I used yards as my grid measurement just because it's what I was working in last. 1 yard = .9144 meters In the picture, the left oval is the shooter. The bottom line is a straight 80 yard line at 0 degrees to the target 80 yards away. The vertical lines are placesd at the 10 yard markers along the X Axis. The top line is an 80 yard line at a mere 1 degree. The difference is 1.43 yards (1.31 meters) away from the center line of the target. Since aiming is 360 degrees, when applied to a circular format, here is your margin of error at 80 yards in relation to the average human head size (inner oval is the head, outter circle is the error at 1 degree at 80 yards). At half a meter from the shooter, a variance of 0.36 inches (0.91 centimeters) is the equivalent to a 1 degree variance. So, unless you hold your weapon steady as a rock while slow walking, then the likelyhood of you hitting anything except air is pretty much null. ArmA has it right.
  24. Now that I've had a couple fo weeks of using it, I do like it I can hold the car in the lane from the airbase to Chantico with no problem. Not to fond of the fact that is prevents me from using the mouse on tracked vehicles tho