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Everything posted by xmongx

  1. xmongx

    co 22 Operation_HERRICK.

    Many, Many thanks for these damn fine missions.
  2. Id consider either changing the -maxmem=512 to 1024 or removing it completely. I only run maxmem on my system as i have sometimes seen an out of memory error message and to stop bad lag encountered when tripping over into pagefile.
  3. xmongx

    Strange screen thing...

  4. xmongx

    Strange screen thing...

    press shift and the - sign on your numeric keypad then type flush. maybe try a: D.D.D.D.Defrag?
  5. xmongx

    Strange textures on floor

    I cannot tell from your image... are you experiencing this: http://community.bistudio.com/wiki/ArmA:_Troubleshooting#Strange_Lines_In_Game
  6. xmongx

    Getting kicked from servers

    Not the same problem, but most of the time, say if i go to a club or something,i end up getting kicked out, they always mention something about my massive ugly face as a reason. In all seriousness, a lot of servers will kick you for a custom face size over a certain limit (40KB?), are you certain you removed the file. Did you try deleting and reconfiguring your profile?
  7. xmongx

    Unable to change my view distance

    MP or SP? Most MP servers enforce between 900-1200. You can 'hack' through it with mods as you describe...If its SP then i have no idea.
  8. Do i understand correctly?, You took your machine to a store and played arma for 20 mins without issue? Brought it back home and the issues re-occured? Please tell me you do not keep youre PC next to a radiator or some other heat source. (badly ventilated cabinet?)
  9. xmongx

    Strange screen thing...

    try adding -maxmem=1024 to the end of youre desktop shortcut. According to the developers it is no longer necessary to define memory usage but i have seen definite differences in behavior, on later versions, with and without the switch. also when ingame, instead of ALT-Tabbing: Hit left shift and - together, then type FLUSH. You should see the screen go black and say recieving, this flushes the GPU memory (IIRC) and can help stave off certain engine issues.
  10. xmongx

    Annoying 'light meter' effect

    For me, maxmem seems to be a trade off. ArmA will behave in one of two ways with/without it. Without maxmem limiting my memory usage performance will degrade over time untill (in rare occurances) ArmA throws an out of memory message. With maxmem overall performance over time will remain constant but i will begin to see other problems in game the longer i play it (Lod Switching, long periods of 'recieving' between map and game etc), both of which are a result of me stretching the engine with my current hardware i may add. One thing is for sure. It will not have any affect on HDR flickering. Ingame gamma and brightness settings could possibly help but AFAIK its a known bug with certain setups*. (*read setup as GPU+driver+resolution+hdrprecision setting)
  11. xmongx

    First Mission,stock campaign

    Its nice for ArmA to have so much new attention coming up to ArmA 2's release but its not really worth playing through the stock campaign. The way i have always seen ArmA is as a set of tools for the community to use until 'game 2' is released. I dont think i would be speaking out of place if i said that that is how it was intended. I have appreciated ArmA in that state more than any other piece of software i have used to date. I would not be surprised to hear that the stock campaign flat does not work with arma 1.16b, the game has evolved so much since 1.00. Do yourself a favour and dont bother with the included campaign, play one of KJU's suggestions. Better still...bypass SP, download ace, find a good server and enjoy. (Or look up OAC if youre really interested in SP ;))
  12. If you are getting that message it means that ArmA is starting with a resolution that your monitor does not support. Rather than delete the arma.cfg open it and find the following lines: Resolution_W=1280; Resolution_H=1024; and refresh=60 (if in doubt leave at 60hz...pretty standard) I run mine at 1280x1024@60hz Replace those values with a resolution and frequency you are sure your monitor supports and hey presto...no more err0r.
  13. xmongx

    New beta patch 1.16

    Many, Many thanks for the continued support, you have far exceeded any expectations i had when i fired up 1.00. OFP/ARMA is the only software that is always in use on my machines and believe me..ive got a shit load of software for all platforms old to new (im an eighties kid) but your products are the only ones in serious rotation. EDIT: removed unecessary rambling.
  14. xmongx

    'essential' addons for multiplayer

    I often hear that the lowplants mod is obsolete but i dont think thats the case, people started saying it after the new grass was added. Whilst the new grass did certainly help performance it did not make lowplants obsolete. Lowplants affects all vegetation and reduces clutter density so can still offer a good boost with a little cost to IQ. The performance gains are most evident in the north sahrani forest areas and worlds like schmalfalden.
  15. xmongx

    game will not load

    Bah!, the openAL fixed that for me, If it were me i would now: Re-install/update souncarddrivers then graphics drivers then run openAL again. Crashing on startup like that with a send/dont send message is likely to be related to either to a supporting file or a securom problem. Also Did you try running the exe from the beta folder that gets created when installing the 1.15 patch? if its a securom problem that may get round it. E.G. shortcut would look something like "c:\blahblahblah\arma\beta\arma.exe -mod=beta"
  16. xmongx

    game will not load

    What actually happens when you say that it fails to load, do you get a send/dont send error message? (Arma.exe has encountered an error and must close) or does nothing at all happen? I had a similar problem with the retail version at one point, cant remember which version it was exactly. Id start arma, the securom checkboxes would tick through then nothing. I resolved it by updating the openAL audio drivers, arma uses these for its positional sound fx. Heres the link: http://connect.creativelabs.com/openal/Downloads/oalinst.zip Worth a try.
  17. xmongx

    SP Night strike- Alarm problem

    That always happened to me with this mission, IIRC theres another bunch of units somewhere in that mission, i think its that squad that causes the problem. Did you tweak any of the difficulty settings via ini file rather than ingame settings or are you using any ai mods?. Both of those could do it i suppose.
  18. xmongx


    You would need to write a replacement config, im not sure how its done but there are plenty out there for reference. You could also try and use this tool: http://www.armaholic.com/page.php?id=3375 Again, i have no idea how it works or how difficult it is to use but its a start. OR, you could sack it off and hope that one of the fine chaps around here does it for you.
  19. xmongx

    UK Weapons

    I only refer to you as yanks because i hate most of you and im racist, you'd be a lot more likeable if you knew when to shut up. Great weapons, nice to see the SA-80 Edit for speeling
  20. xmongx

    Will not launch.

    This is a long shot. Change resolution to 1024 x 768 and refresh to 60 in that file. Maybe youre monitor has trouble displaying 800x600 at 75Hz worth a try
  21. xmongx

    Ahh! Major performance Troubles!

    Just a note on that 7600gt I have one of those cards and arma runs o.k. with all on normal and shadows off still get heavy lag from time to time though..the cards are cheap but youd probably be better off paying slightly more
  22. xmongx

    Expansion: Arma: Queen's Gambit

    Are you 100% on that. A lot of people are running it o.k.
  23. xmongx

    1.08 Troubleshooting thread.

    I have same setup as you get 15-25 fps in cities 25 and upwards in desert. Bigger cities like paraiso really eat my system...if i try and drive through its a slideshow, our p4's just dont cut it any more. Mines not stuttery though, i would defrag your HD properly and you may see that go (running 1280x1024 all normal but AF high AA normal shadows off)
  24. xmongx

    AMAZING TWEAK -Floating Zone & FPS

    This tweak is a lot less AMAZING than i expected. I like mine at 75%
  25. Im in two minds about this, i generally dont approve of things (that im aware of) that take control from the player, but ive learnt to be accurate with shaky hands in FPS, they would have to be seriously shaky to stop me making a shot. The pseudo-accuracy of arma sometimes feels right to me. I can understand that for a competitive player it may seem cumbersome but sometimes (although i dont necessarily like it) it adds to the experience for me. Id go with minimising dispersion rather than removing it, not that i have any knowledge about the stuff you guys do