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Everything posted by xmongx

  1. Im in two minds about this, i generally dont approve of things (that im aware of) that take control from the player, but ive learnt to be accurate with shaky hands in FPS, they would have to be seriously shaky to stop me making a shot. The pseudo-accuracy of arma sometimes feels right to me. I can understand that for a competitive player it may seem cumbersome but sometimes (although i dont necessarily like it) it adds to the experience for me. Id go with minimising dispersion rather than removing it, not that i have any knowledge about the stuff you guys do
  2. xmongx

    1.08 Troubleshooting thread.

    i have 2 main problems 1. Increased lag with scopes and foileage but everyone seems to be getting that 2. Silly sky colours in early evening, at certain times the sky looks BRIGHT blue like its glowing, nothing snaps me out of the game more than turning round and seeing a flourescent blue/purple sky. I had this in all three beta releases but figured it would be fixed for 1.08...is this a driver problem? (7600gt). On another note anybody whining about performance under vista should re-read the system requirements. Im sick of hearing people moan on about vista compatability, not just for this game, in general. If you understand operating systems you know to stay away from new versions for 9-12 months, its ALWAYS the same story. Saying "well application x runs fine so why doesnt application y" is just ignorant.
  3. xmongx

    Patch 1.08 - Released!

    TPB is as legimate a place to download the patch as any. Pick up a copy of the game at the same time and watch youre bullets fly in random directions Thanks for the patch BIS, been looking forward to it.
  4. xmongx

    8500GT Stutter?

    +1 It performs worse than a 6600 GT
  5. xmongx

    1.07.5157 Computer hangs

    i noticed the same thing with the beta patch. if you run zonealarm or something like that then the exe will have changed and may not have permission to get out. try disabling youre firewall altogether
  6. xmongx

    8500GT Stutter?

    Its not youre card, you proved this yourself by saying it happens with ALL graphics settings. Defrag youre hardrive (properly) and you will most likely see the problem dissapear. The command prompt program "contig.exe" can be quite usefull as it can make sure that all files within a directory are contiguous. It may also be worth using something like "smartclose" to close all other programs and unecessary services before running arma, youre antivirus or firewall could cause this problem. But in my opinion..its youre HD, try to defrag and move youre swapfile away from the os' boot drive if possible.
  7. xmongx

    Multitude of Graphics problems :(

    Sorry to dig this up but the issue keeps coming up and every time people presume its a hardware problem. The problem is due to the ATI drivers the behaviour you get looks a lot like what happens you have when you have stuffed youre card by overclocking too aggressively. I had the problem myself when i used an ati card. Revert to catalyst 6.7 if you can which will most likely fix it. Check this thread: http://www.flashpoint1985.com/cgi-bin....t=55868
  8. xmongx

    Artifacts in ArmA

    Its a driver issue. Search and ye shall find. Looks a lot like a broken gpu but is most likely not. Use catalyst 6.7 if you can.
  9. xmongx

    1.06 betapatch /securom issue

    Maukings You have file extensions hidden. Do the following. open my computer, go to tools and choose folder options. then click into the view tab. You will see a check box saying "hide extensions for known file types" uncheck this and apply. Now rename again.
  10. xmongx

    PC Gamer ArmA Preview

    Rofl The guys gun on the first page is suffering from the lod bug, its in 'flat' mode...classic. (you can tell via the textureless clip).
  11. Ill drop by and register, ill be sl4sw0rd. Just getting the mod as we speak. I'd considered joining in the past, this post has given me the kick up the arse to do so. Hope to see you ingame soon
  12. I totally agree, i was expecting to see server upon server of tight knit groups playing realistic small scale missions. It seems to be that larger less specific missions are the most popular, ill be a trend thats hard to reverse and seems like such a waste of potential. There are already countless BF2 style games for me to play. Although evolution is an achievement it is very dull, it seems like all i do in MP coop is fly to towns and shoot a couple of guys. Where are the serious players? really...where are you...i want to join in
  13. xmongx

    graphic "smashed" ?

    Crap...just noticed what card you have. Heres the thread i was on about, youll see lots of people have/had the same problem...youre card is probably fine. http://www.flashpoint1985.com/cgi-bin....t=55868 EDIT: its not the LOD problem. almost EVERYONE gets that . Getting it in 3dmark isnt a good sign though
  14. xmongx

    graphic "smashed" ?

    Rolling back to catalyst 6.7 removed this problem for me when i was running an ati GPU. Theres a thread about this problem somewhere, lots of people with ati cards suffered the same problem. The artefacting looks similar to what you get when you overclock too much but is actually driver issue. I think the 6.7 catalysts will sort you out
  15. xmongx

    Shadows Problem?

    Sorry to hijak, How on earth do you get 30+ with shadows on a 7600GT im struggling to hit 20 with same card and high shadows
  16. xmongx

    Demo Video Bug

    Check the stickies Reverting to catalyst 6.7 will remove the artefacting (random polygons obscuring the view)
  17. xmongx

    Update 1.05 aiming problem

    you should buy the game to remedy this problem
  18. xmongx

    Shadows (and grass) messed up

    I second the idea of removing the grass layer. Im struggling to understand what it does or why its there :/ This seems to be the cause of the performance problems.
  19. xmongx

    Next patch - when?

    I think we are eager for a patch because for a lot of people the game has become unplayable for MP. If we want to play SP we can re-install our 1.04 copies and get the performance we lost back. For MP you need to stay up to date. The people who have seen no performance decrease are very lucky, the decrease will be there but you just arent noticing it as it runs good for you anyway. I was wanting to ask the when question myself but thought it too soon so im glad someone else has broached the subject. I hope if it is coming it comes pretty soon. Im wasting my time playing arma at the minute..its just too dissapointing with strobing grey buildings
  20. xmongx

    Problem with startup after 1.05...

    That looks a lot like the artefacting people are getting with ati cards. I tried running ArmA on a 9600 pro and got a similar problem but ingame. You could try rolling back catalyst drivers to 6.7 as that seems to help most people. It could of course be a broken GPU, did you try to overclock for ArmA?
  21. xmongx

    1.05 Causes performance Hits.

    Yeah. The fact you dont have grass is key i think, but why does the new grass layer cause the LOD/Missing textures. If its not down to bad texture handling and is down purely to GFX memory (i dont think this is the case as 8800 640MBs are reporting the problem) does this new grass layer use so much memory?
  22. xmongx

    1.05 patch install errors...sigh

    Im with maruk, If youve done a totally clean install and still get problems it would point to a HD problem, check the integrity of youre hard drive. Quickest way is to run chkdsk from command prompt, you can take action then if it finds any problems. There is a possibility that its bad ram too, from watching what the patch does it seems to load the files into RAM, then patch then put back on HD (When updating you get a lot of HD activity, then nothing for a while, then a spike of HD activity then the progress bar shoots up 20%) You can run a program called memtest at boot to check ram. Hope this helps
  23. xmongx

    1.05 Causes performance Hits.

    Yeah the "use a lower texture resolution" suggestion got my back up too. It doesnt really matter what texture resolution you choose performance still degrades over time. My opinion is that textures arent being discarded properly and are being reloaded. Alt-Tabbing flushes the memory and youre good for another 5 mins. It does eventually get to the point where alt-tabbing has no effect, is this is maybe due to the page file becoming full? If you try to lower texture resolution after encountering missisng textures the engine goes crazy and loads NO textures. I ran around a totally grey masbete last night. Quite funny in a sad way...try it, you'll see what i mean, you have to do it at the point that alt-tabbing makes no difference Its not likely to be a hardware/settings issue. I did not have the problem on 1.04 but since 1.05 i have had frame rate problems which ive had to alleviate by lowering settings and am now getting missing textures (with lower texture resolution settings than 1.04) I would have preffered the patch to have been delayed further and this problem sidestepped. Im totally bemused at the fact that the game runs worse that it did before the patch, the performance has been the games downfall since release and i think it should be the focus of dev efforts. To be honest id rather be able to play the game for a reasonable amount of time than have a slightly lower chance of being hit by AI when im cowering in the grass
  24. xmongx

    Hardware and settings for ArmA

    From what ive seen you'll have tha same LOD and foileage problems as everyone else. Plus fogging problems from the 8800. Itll be sweet for other games though