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Everything posted by wld427

  1. will mission users be required to have all the addons installed if i only use the BIS objects? also..... I open up domination in the editor... place my guy, run the editor, and place my objects..... when i save the project and export mission SQM it does not save the objects in the Domination mission..... the file in the ArmaEXT folder only shows the objects i placed...... is there a better way to import a pre made mission to add objects too? and tehn how is the propper way to save them?
  2. wld427

    sound location

    the only sound int he PBO is for the engine.....
  3. WOW this thing rocks! i really hopw BIS can look at this as they design the mission editor for ArmaII.... thsi is truly how it SHOULD be done! Thanks for the hard work guys!
  4. i got the same thing as Manzilla
  5. wld427

    SCUD - Nuclear Explosion

    Any luck on making the different types of warhead?....IE high explosive, chemical, and bio?
  6. wld427

    Project RACS

    well we really have done our best to put the Euro-flavor in our mod. Reality is the majority of western european nations relied on american military equipment for a long time... and alot still do.....We want to do our best to sick with the story line of items already in the game. Our stuff will simply fill the gaps or expand on whats already in the game. Obviously Sahrani is a US or NATO client therefore thats how the equipment will be focused..... we are working to bring you the Puma....Bushwars has already given us permissions we are just waiting on the MLOD....M113s will be the backbone of this army in its many variants..... we are still looking for a suitable wheeled APC to fill the gaps between the LAVs and our tracked items.... PS Etendards will be out shortly............hows that for Euro! Â Â
  7. how about a serious placeable runway addon.... instead of having to put all the lil pieces together and then 10000 grass cutters that slow performance........
  8. wld427

    Project RACS

    and the work continues.........
  9. what type of addon is it?....plane, tank, weapon?....take a look into some of the configs of other ported addons it will help you understand the coding
  10. I am hoping someone could help me with this. It may be as simple as a trigger. I want by radio Juliet to call a designated search helicopter at the airbase when shot down. I want it to come to my position, pick me up and fly back to its start point and land. Anybody got anything like this or able to help? thanks Eddie Project RACS
  11. wld427

    Project RACS

    PRACS migs will definately....satisfy you!
  12. wld427

    Project RACS

    could you get a picture or video? ... we have nto been able to recreate theis problem,,,
  13. wld427

    Project RACS

    oops..... we made one giant readme that we continually update..... i forgot to update thet before i uploaded it...
  14. wld427

    BRR 80 Released!

    i pose the qustion again...... did you recieve authorizations from the original add on makers to modify and release your variants?.....
  15. wld427

    Project RACS

    check the addons complete section......
  16. wld427

    Project RACS

    F-16 Fighting falcons are released. This should hold you over until we can get the scripting finished for the wingtip missiles...... Happy hunting.....
  17. wld427

    Project RACS

    F-16s are out....... look at thse as kind of an alpha as i have Scars09 working hard to script the missiles so all versions will have sidewinders on the wingtips. either way... here is the RACS precision strike fighter.....
  18. wld427

    BRR 80 Released!

    are these authorized edits??? I just want to say this is turning into a mess.... i agree with manzilla that they need to be re-named and propperly redefined. Just liek the Su-25 there are already a bunch of different versions of the same exact thing with the same exact name......
  19. EddyD give us some sweet skins for it!
  20. wld427


    hey Vilas the FFAA mod has the Leo2 and HWM has Leo1 if you were looking
  21. wld427

    Project RACS

    Well we hope to dissapoint you with the "worse" stigmata We are working very hard to bring good addons to the table on the first try. F-16s are getting closer jsut need to complete some more multiplayer testing and shoudl be ready for release.
  22. wld427

    Project RACS

    Thanks guys for the feedback. The "hole" will be fixed and we will take a look into that RPT file error. HUD issue and shadows will be fixed with next update... I also updated the first post with the loadouts.... Please remember the Mirage is not intended to anchor our mod so there will not be a bunch of different versions. We have several more aircraft coming that will fill the gaps.
  23. wld427

    Police Officers anyone???

    check armaholic.... there are a couple police addons already out there