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Everything posted by wld427

  1. wld427

    Project RACS

    I use XEH on my own personal computer.... i have no issues. I know several of my mod members do not, therfore no focus was taken to make it "compliant". Honestly...i am not sure what wuld be required to make it XEH compatible.... will look into it
  2. wld427

    Vilas' addons

    US pack is missing pic for grenade launcher for M79 also is it possible to config it to take the spot of a pistol or ahve teh ammo take rifle spots.... this way the soldier can carry a SMG or a pistol or something
  3. wld427

    Project RACS

    Bumping for release of updated MirageIII *Solved propbelm of AS30L sometomes shooting itself down *Updated Flight model by southy *Added Lethals Aircraft FX modified by Gnat, project RACS, Southy. All the other aircraft are being upgraded as well with lethals FX script. we usually avoid scripting at all costs but hese look fantastic with little if any effect on MP game play. Puma Issues are being sorted by FA Dalai lamar, the tanks still have a couple teething issues being fixed by Scars09. M113s have a problem with the tailights once binarized. Please be patient we are working hard to bring good addons ont he first try. Thanks on behalf of the entire Project RACS team. Please see first link for updated Mirage.....
  4. wld427

    Open sections

    what is a open face on a model and how do you corect this? I am tryign to get the shadowns on our etendard done but have some issues with these few slections that will not "close". Could someone break this down for me?
  5. wld427

    Open sections

    the problem i have is the "close" tool closes all the faces like it should but 3...... how do i close the faces that the tool will not?
  6. wld427

    Project RACS

    The Aircraft issues we are aware of. Seems it happens to some people more than others. Thanks to some dedicated hard work by FA Dalai Lamar we have it soreted out and will be releasing an update soon. We want to try and make this the last update we make. The F-16 pack will include 2 new versions. A wild Weasel with HARM missiles and a heavy bomber with 12 Mk82 SnakeEye Retard bombs. M133 pack is suffering from some binarizing hiccups but will be sorted shortly i am sure. Leos ar ein Final stages. Just needs some mroe adjusting on the memory points fo rthe commanders gun and they are complete. The issue with the SOCAT Puma not using the FFARs FA Dalai Lamar has tried everything under the sun to solve that issue. We hoped by releasing it the community would be able to spot what we are missing onthat one. We are workign diligently on this pack. Seems our success as of late has motivated us to really dig in and tolerate teh bitching form our wives and work on our stuff.... stay tuned fellas.... we are contantly working! Eddie Project RACS
  7. wld427

    How do i open a binarized model in O2?

    all fine and dandy of its a OFP model..... the primary reason most people binarize thier adons is to prevent you from messing with it
  8. wld427

    Project RACS

    pumas released.... please see discussion thread for photos
  9. wld427

    Project RACS

    it is..... the carrier was only a concept though.... but we will have a couple ships
  10. im ding the BIS editing tutorial for ramadi island. Ive pretty uc learned to do everything but remove the grass. it still shows thru my runway pieces i have placed. How do i remove it?
  11. wld427

    Project RACS

    yeah fellas sorry bout the confusion.... if you depbo tha addon it in the scripts folder. Its a script called sensor and at the top are the instructions on use and adjustment
  12. wld427

    Import objects?

    if there is an unbinarized version in your P drive you should not have a problem..... I know i didnt...
  13. wld427

    Grass removal

    just a heads up for anyone having the same problem..... you need to open the roads PBO from the game and replace the invisible road in your P:\CA folder wsitht eh ODOL formt he game
  14. wld427

    Project RACS

    yes there is a reeally cool sensor script included int the pack with instructions on how to impliment it in your game. thanks again SPON for that one
  15. wld427

    Stryker Overhaul

    Didnt they fold into the ACE MOD? or IMW MOD?
  16. Hey fellas, We are using this code to raise and lower the landing gear ont he Puma helicopters. the only issue is i want the option to only appear when the chopper is withing 10m of the ground... what woudl be the best way to modify this as so. <table border="0" align="center" width="95%" cellpadding="0" cellspacing="0"><tr><td>Code Sample </td></tr><tr><td id="CODE">class LowerLandingGear  {   displayName="Gear Down";  position="gear";   radius=1   onlyForplayer = 1;   condition="this animationPhase ""gear_F"" >= 0.5 and player in this";   statement="this animate [""gear_F"", 0]; this animate [""gear_R"", 0];this say [""puma330_gear"", 0];";  };  class RaiseLandingGear  {   displayName="Gear Up";   position="gear";   radius=1   onlyForplayer = 1;   condition="this animationPhase ""gear_F"" < 0.5 and player in this";   statement="this animate [""gear_F"", 1]; this animate [""gear_R"", 1];this say [""puma330_gear"", 1];";  };
  17. wld427

    Project RACS

    Thanks Buddy! Mirrors much appreciated!
  18. wld427

    Project RACS

    shameless bump....... be32k released if anyone would like ... please post screen shots
  19. wld427

    Project RACS

    the point ive been trying to make from the get go is instead of making your own stuff why not join up with us and help out! From the start its been myself and FA Dalai Lamar doing the majority of the work. @vilas...... thats why we never went for Bionics Leo2A6 and why your Leo2 works perfectly as our modern main battle tank. the M60-2000 is for the Kings Division. I will have your hatches done today. It was hard working with them without a complete addon. Actually i did write you a PM regarding this if you are interested in me joining the team, unfortunately i didn´t get an answer! i returned your PM with a question of if you had any more examples of your work. I never got a response back so i assumed you were not interested anymore. If this is not the case please contact me. we need more people to help out for sure but we also need to make sure we all have the same goals.
  20. wld427

    Project RACS

    the point ive been trying to make from the get go is instead of making your own stuff why not join up with us and help out! From the start its been myself and FA Dalai Lamar doing the majority of the work. @vilas...... thats why we never went for Bionics Leo2A6 and why your Leo2 works perfectly as our modern main battle tank. the M60-2000 is for the Kings Division. I will have your hatches done today. It was hard working with them without a complete addon.
  21. wld427

    Project RACS

    Ok now seriously this needs to stop. if you want to start your own project go for it. i have set out the parameters for this project form the get go. There will be NO project RACS eurofighter. Ther will be no project RACS LAV-25..... why? because Vilas said we cannot. thats why. I told you we were making a Fuchs instead. Eurofighter has not been produced in high numbers or proliferated beyond a fwe european countries. Therfore it would not be available to RACS. They still cannot build enough for the Euro orders. Now why the hell woudl you start trying to compete with us instead of my pleas over and over again for people to help us out..... basically Lamar and I are going to finish up the last couple addons we have close like the leos and a couple choppers and we are pulling the plug on this. If someone else is interested in taking over let me know i can give you the donated models and put you in touch with the propper people for permissions ive had enough
  22. wld427

    Grass removal

    First off thanks for the help. Maybee i screwed something up but when i try to add the invisible road to the roads selection it says that its not a road type object..... then when i add it as an artificial selection it shows only as a small red dot not a regular object square.....im using the models form the BIS MLODs as per the tutorial. Do i maybee need to put the ODOL one in the folder? any idea.....?
  23. wld427

    Project RACS

    yes there will be a Naval Infantry section but thier equipment ill nto be remarkably different from that of the regulars. basically a different uniform and equipmet similar than 1980's USMC
  24. wld427

    Grass removal

    Ok not a big deal.... but how big is each one of the sqares? Does teh red dot equal onte terrain square? and do i need to place one for eace terrain square thats under a runway?