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Everything posted by wld427

  1. wld427

    Project RACS

    Thanks for the report. The etendard issues will be addressed in the etendard update. I had alot of difficulty with the AS30Ls on the MirageIII as well. As far as unguided bombs go..... not to sure the best way to make them hit the target as well... they are unguided lol. I think this is why BIS never put any bombs on thier planes. I may re-evaluate the loadouts on them too. They need work on the shadows and i need to get the hook animated. never fear though its up on the block soon. thanks Eddie Project RACS
  2. wld427

    Server rental

    I am looking for a new server ever since LeetServers has stopped hosting Arma. Does anybody know of any that have decent prices and allow you to run alot of addons..... My small gaming circle is going to be stuck out in the cold unless we find a new server.....
  3. wld427

    Project RACS

    we actually use one big readme. I did this as evey time we release something new we simply add the new classnames to the list. Then when the downloader extracts the new files to his drive he just lets it overwrite the old one. i think its a pretty good system.
  4. wld427

    Project RACS

    will do. For the time being just check the comments as i put a date there the last time the file was updated. enjoy
  5. how do you plan to actually edit Sahrani?
  6. wld427

    Project RACS

    Updated MirageIII and Chinooks released on the website. http://www.projectracs.armaholic.eu/ mirrors and players combat photography appreciated
  7. wld427

    Project RACS

    Updated MirageIII and Chinooks released on the website. http://www.projectracs.armaholic.eu/ mirrors and players combat photography appreciated
  8. Xeno has a working ruck in Domination....
  9. wld427

    Project RACS

    The sheer awesome of the PRACS team's work causes computers to burn themselves out like caffeine junkies after 5 days of no sleep. sounds like me trying to fix the damn turrets on the LAVs!
  10. wld427

    Project RACS

    as both Lamar an I have had disasterous hard drive failures recently.... i think its a clue to how dilligently we have been working to bring you this project. worn the damn thing out working so hard
  11. I was not implying competition..... i was merely suggesting helping each other out seeing as you are all making variations of the same exact kit. either way..... good luck with your project
  12. wld427

    Project RACS

    Hm, you're not referring to my changed Mig23/27 engine sound, are ye? "Optimizing the sounds" would be way exaggerated I guess. Anyway, let me know. Regards, VictorFarbau nah a fella contacted me about changing all our wav and wss files to ogg....and optimizing them
  13. Good luck with your project fellas. Just a thought kinda how we are doing with Project RACS. Link up with a few of the other modern British MOD teams and help them out with thier projects in return you can use a copy for your MOD. Then you can add your paint scheme, external equipment modifications etc. It would be a shame to see three different mod teams all making a warrior or a challenger2 all at the same time... seems a waste of effort. I wish you all the best
  14. wld427

    Project RACS

    thanks buddy, right now i am going back thru alot of our older stuff fixing things. Right now witht he help of william1 we are going XEH compatable with all the aircraft that run scripts. Also we have added flare limits to the Mirage3 and a new version with mavericks. next time i talk to blue_flight i will have him get some pics of the new loadout up. I spent all day yesterday beating on the chinook. All RPT errors are solved. i added new rotors and fixed a few small issues. when re-released these will all come with signatures. up next is the etendard.... got to fix the shadow bigs and 2 small rpt errors.... FA Dalai Lamar is working ont he RVMATs for the VEC and that one will be complete. Fusiliers are complete... will be available next time i update the website in the next couple days. Leos are done..... except a small RVMAT issue witht he M60-2000 but should be done quickly. LAVs have an issue witht he turrets i could really use some help on if anyone knows about turrets. The commander stays turned out all the time.... kinda annoying.... I know connor is working hard to finish up the last couple ships as well....
  15. well as anyone can tell you that has been in the military (US anyways).... vehicles get painted once at the factory..... for eternity after that its updated by privates in the motor pool with rattle cans. No two vehicles ever match the same.... good luck with your paint job.... I need to get started on the RACS version.....
  16. wld427

    F-15 Eagle/Strike Eagle

    Well southy reguardless of what has been said here ... i think its an exceptional jib of porting an aircraft straight over from OFP.
  17. wld427

    rotor spin speed

    dear god how did i miss that...... thanks buddy
  18. anyone know how to change the speed at with the main rotor on a helicopter turns?
  19. wld427

    co30 Domination! One Team

    Add a trigger in the editor, condition: true, on activation add the following: <table border="0" align="center" width="95%" cellpadding="0" cellspacing="0"><tr><td>Code Sample </td></tr><tr><td id="CODE"> handle = [] spawn {while {true} do {player sideChat format ["pos: %1, dir: %2", position player, direction player];sleep 1.012}} Xeno there ya go.....
  20. wld427

    rotor proxy error

    weird problem if anyone else runs into it jsut binarize the rotors separately from the model.... not sure if this is the right solution but it works....
  21. <table border="0" align="center" width="95%" cellpadding="0" cellspacing="0"><tr><td>Code Sample </td></tr><tr><td id="CODE">pracs_ch47\rotor_blurred_front.p3d: vehicle, config class missing pracs_ch47\rotor_blurred_back.p3d: vehicle, config class missing this is the strange rpt error im getting in my chinook..... anyone have an ide how to eliminate this?
  22. wld427

    Project RACS

    also.... a gentleman contacted me a lil while back about optimizing the sounds within our mod.... i unfortunately lost all my saved PMs somehow. If you are still out there buddy please get in contact with me. Since i am going back and applying all of our newly learned addon knowledge to our older addons...... why not go all the way.
  23. wld427

    F-15 Eagle/Strike Eagle

    hey bud if you need me to do the shadows for ya let me know.
  24. wld427

    RH Aks pack 1.5

    ive been shooting my entire life and i have one question? why would you not zero for center mass? im asking this seriously...
  25. wld427

    Bomb Cam

    i hat another revelation.... instead of adding a check .... how would one make this run off of a hot key?