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Everything posted by william1

  1. william1

    "Motion" Makes Some People Sick?

    it happened to me too with HL2 , but only with that game, with arma i have no problem
  2. it happened to me too with HL2 , but only with that game, with arma i have no problem
  3. william1

    Armed Assault videos

    an example of an AI chopper fast insertion http://www.liveleak.com/view?i=7f8_1176194589
  4. william1

    RHS Hind v1.0 for ArmA

    yaaaaay ! that pretty baby looks really good thanks you very much !
  5. william1


    thanks Victor for the tutorial ,very well explained and easy to understand , it was very useful to me
  6. william1

    maxed everything

    and you call that a bad pc ? then i have an abacus
  7. william1

    ArmA Public Beta Patch 1.05.5143

    i think the problem with the flying tanks is not fixed yet, i have seen a t72 at 50 meters altitude after being hit by a cobra helicopter
  8. william1

    Dated audio

    the sound i can't stand at all is that from the Ak or some rifle that is like pop corns roasting in a microwaves
  9. william1

    Women civilians

    it think that if Arma is an enhanced version of OFP with better graphics , it is fair that we should have enhaced versions of females civilians like Angelina from OFP, let's say an Angelina...Jolie
  10. william1

    ArmA Public Beta Patch 1.05.5143

    you are trying to launch the game from the arma.exe inside the beta folder instead from startbetapatch.bat in the main directory
  11. william1

    ArmA Public Beta Patch 1.05.5143

    is something wrong ? that's not how batch files work. A batch is just a text command line string to be executed (although it can be made to import arguments). Make a copy of the bat file and edit it directly using any text editor. ups , thanks man
  12. william1

    ArmA Public Beta Patch 1.05.5143

    with this patch i can't load the mods like in version 1.05 not even works the parameter -world=empty this is my shorcut is something wrong ?
  13. william1

    ArmA Public Beta Patch 1.05.5143

    one bug i found : the UH-60 and the AH-1 don't explode after hitting the ground if the player get out of them in flight , only explode when the choppers hit the ground and the player is on board . the view distance is incredible now, i have 3000 meters and the island looks beautiful from the air
  14. william1

    Falklands Mod 1.0 Released

    i never though i would see this day LoL but it is true ! just in time for the falklands war aniversary , well done too bad i desinstalled OFP after buying Arma
  15. william1

    "dry" south Sahrani"

    yes, it's a mistake in the readme , you don't need that file anymore but you have to delete it from your addons folder if you have it from the previous version
  16. william1

    Can sombody confirm this plz???

    will the rest of the mortals no american be able to get those thunderbolts sooner or later ? mmm how would i say it ... i WANT them !
  17. william1

    Training- Combat Pilot Course

    i don't have joystck but i have the same problems fliying the cobra , is too hard , the blackhawk is far more easy to fly , but that damn cobra is a flying nightmare , but for the pilot not for the enemies ...
  18. william1

    Do you like Sahrani?

    totally agree , this island is just wonderful
  19. william1

    petition for wood camo

    i don't see the point , soldiers only can wear a type of uniform at a time , if you change their camo to woodland you would have again the problem in desert zones
  20. william1

    Question for the Dev's

    why there is not an official channel of communication in this forum between modders and BIS official fonts regarding these questions ? i think it's not asking too much
  21. william1

    "dry" south Sahrani"

    very interesting , downloading now , thanks !
  22. william1

    Italian Army Pack by Wallace

    thanks ! but me no watching picture
  23. william1

    OFP photography - Questions & comments

    after playing Arma all these OFP pictures look just prehistoric
  24. william1

    Buying ArmA

    i have had OFP installed for more then 5 years in my computer, i loved it , but the first time i played Arma i desinstalled OFP and i knew i never would play it again , Arma is like OFP but much better , and wait for the comunity to develop its posiblities to the maximun
  25. william1

    M1 Abrams - Single mission 6

    don't know if it is a bug but in the mission battlefields i was playing as a t72 crew and the mission didn't ended until i disembarked from the tank (after killing all the enemies and wandering around a little while looking for posible missed enemies )