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Everything posted by william1

  1. william1

    CWR Mission Sharing Thread!

    OFP official SP mission Take the car : http://rapidshare.com/files/80160767/TakeTheCar.ABEL.pbo.html OFP official SP mission Vulcan : http://rapidshare.com/files/80161047/Vulcan.ABEL.pbo.html
  2. william1

    CWR Mission Sharing Thread!

    if you send me the OFP SP missions by PM i could try to make a conversion edit : OK i've got them
  3. william1

    Xam 1.4 released

  4. william1

    CWR Mission Sharing Thread!

    CWC Guardian : http://rapidshare.com/files/79459494/Guardian.ABEL.pbo.html
  5. william1

    Jonny´s Marines

    and the engineer
  6. the more i play on Malden the more i like the island , it's Damn beautiful and in my opinion much more suitable as a combat enviroment than Sahrani , that is very well done and detailed , but let's face it , it's just a place to go on vacation with all those sunny places and tropical beaches
  7. william1

    CWR Mission Sharing Thread!

    CWC Taking Command : http://rapidshare.com/files/79365350/TakingCommand.ABEL.pbo.html
  8. william1

    RHS Hind v1.0 for ArmA

    i did a while ago a replacement that replaces the BIS Mi17 with rockets with the RHS Mi 24P (AT) , maybe someone will interest it (i left the default BIS mi17 cargo untouched for more variety in the game ) here is the archive: http://rapidshare.com/files/79243628/RHS_Hind_REPLACEMENT.rar.html
  9. william1

    Xam 1.4 released

    i've been wondering that since 1.305 version , there is no way i can lift a vehicle with it am i bad or am i bad...
  10. william1

    ArmA photography - Questions&Comments

    lol, that Bunnykiller should be the pet of the forum
  11. william1

    CWR Mission Sharing Thread!

    CWC interdiction : http://rapidshare.com/files/79190726/Interdiction.ABEL.pbo.html
  12. william1

    CWR Mission Sharing Thread!

    you are right , sorry for that , i forgot to remove the required addons after saving the missions while using mods , the mission turning the tide works well though here are the links to the fixed versions without addon requeriments , sorry again (updated as well the links posted before) http://rapidshare.com/files/79152107/Defender.Abel.pbo.html http://rapidshare.com/files/79241103/Pathfinder.ABEL.pbo.html http://rapidshare.com/files/79152609/HoldMalden.Abel.pbo.html
  13. william1

    CWR Mission Sharing Thread!

    CWC Turning the Tide : http://rapidshare.com/files/79116892/TurningTheTide.ABEL.pbo.html CWC Hold Malden : http://rapidshare.com/files/79152609/HoldMalden.Abel.pbo.html
  14. william1

    CWR Mission Sharing Thread!

    ups , didn't notice that the name of the mission doesn't appear in the notebook , bug fixed plus a new conversion of the CWC campaign : Defender http://rapidshare.com/files/79241103/Pathfinder.ABEL.pbo.html http://rapidshare.com/files/79152107/Defender.Abel.pbo.html
  15. william1

    CWR Mission Sharing Thread!

    don't think twice, PBOview is your solution http://rapidshare.com/files/78991009/ARMA_PboView.zip.html
  16. thank you Winter Kolgujew is really beautiful , too bad that in Saharani there is no snowy zones , that way you could have used the snow step sounds like in the old OFP, it really added much inmersion to the winter experience , anyway i love it , the textures and the trees are awesome
  17. william1

    CWR Mission Sharing Thread!

    CWR campaign - Pathfinder mission (one of my favourites ): edited: see link below
  18. william1

    2a42 & ffar's by zguba

    i think that "burst/ is not a class" is a bug from the 1.09 patch itself , i've had it several times playing and i don't have Zguba mod installed
  19. william1

    Jonny´s Marines

    if you would had appeared 5 minutes beforer , i would have saved 100MB of download
  20. william1

    Jonny´s Marines

    you are da man donwloading now thanks !
  21. the runway lights in Malden don't switch on by night , only the ones on the head of the runway , i know this is an Arma bug because i knew from this problem before, but wouldn't be better to change these lamps with the same lamps placed in the head of the runway , at least those work well (and they are more visible from the air)
  22. william1

    Swat units release

    weee! keep on coming ! awesome mate , thank you and Merry Christmas to you too
  23. i've just taken a look at malden and i almost wet my pants , it's beauuuuuutiful what a memories bring me this mod . By the way , i found out that @NWD_Ballistics are incompatible with this mod , the soldiers have no ammo even though they have magazines in the inventory
  24. william1

    Xam 1.4 released

    yep. maybe some game logics with optional ambients? if you want to disable the ambient combat sounds , just unpbo the Xam_Engine .pbo and comment the proper entries in the init.sqs i disabled them too because they are audible even in not combat situations and it feels a little odd. But i left the ambient (no combat) sounds , they add much atmosphere especially in the woods , although the night one sounds pretty loud for my taste. Very beautiful the wind sounds though
  25. now this is really a surprise ! just enter the forum and watch this , thank you all involved in this project and happy Christmas Eve to BIS and the community