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Everything posted by william1

  1. william1

    SLX MOD public release

    don't use then the start.bat included in the rar file, use a standard shorcut including the mod=@slx or even better, try to use the Arma launcher by Kegetys to see if it works.
  2. as Manzilla says that could be the case , could you send me the config of the eurofighter via pm to take a look at it ? . apart of this, you don't need to put a entry for each NH90 or eurofighter model, you only need to put  the one the rest of models inherit from
  3. william1

    RHS Hind v1.0 for ArmA

    yes , as simple as that , not sure about the rotor spin direction though , i think it has to do with the 3pd model, but i think only the original authors can do that modification because the addon belongs to them and it is not a error message.
  4. william1

    Sukhoi Su-33 and Kuznetsov CV

    all problems solved now , works like a charm
  5. william1

    Sukhoi Su-33 and Kuznetsov CV

    ey Dwarden , that was beautiful , thanks ! Â edit : Dwarden i get this error with the AV8 : Error in expression < _this = _this select 0; _this = _this select 0; _plane_pos=call (compile "(_th> Â Error position: <select 0; _plane_pos=call (compile "(_th> Â Error select: Tipe Object, esperado Vector,Config entry Error in expression < _this = _this select 0; _this = _this select 0; _plane_pos=call (compile "(_th> Â Error position: <select 0; _plane_pos=call (compile "(_th> Â Error select: Tipe Object, esperado Vector,Config entry also the A10 doesn't show vapour effects , only on the edges of the wings but not in the canopy. anyone elese having this or maybe is an addon i have that is conflicting? edit2 : tested with only official addons , same errors
  6. william1

    RHS Hind v1.0 for ArmA

    i use Pboview , is the first i used and it works perfectly . The problem was in the FFARlauncher baseclass , and i don't get any error with the cobra , it works perfectly too
  7. william1

    RHS Hind v1.0 for ArmA

    Ok people , i've located and corrected the "burst/ is not a class" error in all RHS hind versions , so it won't appear anymore , just unpbo the addon and replace the original file with this one  http://rapidshare.com/files/141735650/RHS_Hind_burstfix.rar.html
  8. william1

    Sukhoi Su-33 and Kuznetsov CV

    beautiful birds , i love them ey [APS]Gnat , have you thought on making them extended eventhandlers compatible? that way we could use flare countermeasures with them and also enable six tracers with the canon
  9. william1

    SCUD - Nuclear Explosion

    thanks for the update
  10. william1


    definitively it will fit perfectly to the civilians of Sahrani and their bermudas pants
  11. william1

    Sentinel AH-1Z Pack Released

    beautiful choppers , thanks
  12. william1

    can som one un pack pbo files

    eyh Manzilla , what are you gonna do with your new tanks ?
  13. william1

    T-90 & T-72BM by Ike

    they look good and the camo's are beautiful , thanks
  14. william1

    International Politics Thread

    put USA instead of Russia and 60 instead of 100 and the phrase keeps its meaning completely
  15. william1

    Project RACS

    glad they are coming along nicely this is a much awaited mod , thanks !
  16. william1

    Nem Zombies with TCP anims

    Hi , the tcp animations should work automatically with the zombies , you don't need any trigger or anything like that . the only reason i see for you to have problems is that any other addon is overrriding the zombie animations . To do the test run the tcp zombies with vanilla Arma ( with no mods or extra addons) and see if they work (they should) , then the only thing left is try to locate the conflicting addon and put it in a mod folder.
  17. william1

    International Politics Thread

    today Mr. Bush was talking about that Georgia is a sovereign country that has right to the territorial integrity... i wonder , is not Serbia a sovereign country as well with right to territorial integrity too ?. then why did the USA supported the independency of Kosovo ? in my opinion, all leaders of the major countries in the world are nothing but delincuents , who despise human lifes and indicate to the others with dirty fingers, and they would sell their mothers for a bunch of buckets and oil.
  18. william1

    Nem Zombies with TCP anims

    you did everything except reading a couple of answers up this thread i guess ? i think Armaholic.com has the two version of TCP zombies , the laggy with antibox and the no laggy without antibox, you can download the one you like more
  19. william1

    Favoutire MODS/Addons

    click here
  20. william1

    F-22A Raptor

    ok , here it is the config.cpp XEH compatible, unpbo the addon and replace the original config with this, the flares will work automatically , hope you don't mind Scars http://rapidshare.com/files/126953330/Config.cpp.html
  21. william1

    F-22A Raptor

    if the flares don't work is because the F22 is not XEH compatible, and its eventhandlers overwrite the flares addon eventhandlers, it's a pity because it only takes 3 minutes to make a config XEH compatible , let's hope scars include this correction in the next version
  22. william1

    UEFA Euro 2008

    Oeeeeh Oeh Oeh oeeeeeh , we are the champions , we are the champions ! good match Germany
  23. if they don't launch flares is because they are not extended eventhandlers compatible , this condition is needed for the flares to work on them , anyway i think many of map choppers like ah64 have their own flares system , don't know if they are only visual feature or working one.