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Everything posted by william1

  1. william1

    GLT's CH-47 "Chinook"

    i wait eagerly for the final version
  2. william1

    Vilas' addons

    great pack , thanks . one little bug in a quick test , the US M151 and US Willys have a independant soldier as a driver , although they are US vehicles. one more SKOT OT-64: (also when it is in the water it floats too much  , the proppellers can be seen out of the water )
  3. william1

    Spanish army mod - Wip

    those trucks showing in the SAM picture are available already ? or are they from the next release pack ? edit: Ok , answered on Armaholic
  4. william1

    Campaign "Status-Quo"

    anyway if you right click with the mouse and choose "save target as" it works fine i think
  5. william1

    Project RACS

    deleted by thread's owner request
  6. william1

    Project RACS

    deleted by thread's owner request
  7. william1

    CSM Betav2 Released!!

    thanks , it was my favourite sound mod and surely it will be again
  8. william1


    i think it has to do with the aimprecision value in class "RifleProneActions" in the ffn config. i had this problem too with the earlier version of ffn mod until i decreased the value till 0.3 . don't ask me why it affects the recoils but it seems to do, specially with the m240 or the pk.
  9. william1

    Sukhoi Su-47 Berkut

    spectacular bird
  10. william1

    Eurofighter Typhoon

    me like eurofighter european weapons powa! i hope we see the finished version soon , thanks
  11. william1

    Project RACS

    deleted by thread's owner request
  12. Hi , Franze kindly has given me permission to release a standalone addon that enables Flare countermeasures to all choppers and planes in the game.( all BIS choppers/planes - except Camels and DC3- and custom addons XEH compatibles, remember , if you are not XEH compatible, you are toasted, that's the motto). the flare system is extracted directly from Franze's great F-18 planes so it's all Franze's work. Extended eventhandlers by Solus and Killswitch is needed. installation: put Flares.pbo in the mod/addons folder of your choice. put Flares_config.HPP in the DTA folder of your Arma directory. credits : all credit goes to Franze , thanks again update 18-04-08 new version 1.21 out: 1.21 new version 1.21 uploaded , this version takes in count when the plane/chopper is attacked with RPG's or M136 so is compatible with new ZGuba's compact fix 1.2 only enabled flares for BIS planes/choppers with the possibility of adding the flare system to other 3rd parties addons by editing the HPP file 1.1 added a HPP file so you can add any new plane/chopper you want download link: http://rapidshare.com/files/111445583/Flares_1.21_signed.rar.html Mirror by Armaholic.com: http://www.armaholic.com/page.php?id=3041 Mirror by Combat-Prison.de Flares countermeasure system standalone v1.2.1 signed Mirror by ArmedAssault.info : http://www.armedassault.info/index.php?cat=addons&id=432
  13. william1

    Project RACS

    i thought this project was about letting people have a variety of RAC addons so they can build their own RACS army , so , what's wrong with having more addons to choose from ? for me, i'd like to see that mirage 2000 in RAC version   in fact , i'm not a retexturer expert , but i'm learning a bit to have all the addons that project RACS won't cover in their project
  14. of course you've got my permission , but since all the scripts belong to Franze , maybe you should ask him before. regards
  15. william1

    End Point

    nah , you did it very well for the first time. If you need to translate some english phrase into spanish just ask
  16. william1

    End Point

    hehe , yes i'm spanish . "corto" is pronounced  "korto" Â
  17. william1

    Spanish army mod - Wip

    nice Piranha yep Â
  18. william1

    End Point

    Hi Rejn , first of all, congratulations , you have surpass yourself with this mission , it's bloody funny to play , even for a not very skilled player like me. The intro is very inmersive , cinematographic, after laughing my ass off hearing the guy with the accent "you bloody americans with your big noses"     you see the credit titles placed estrategically to reenforce the impression of you are watching a movie. This is the style of mission i like most , great shot exchange with bullets flying around you all the time , and you rolling to avoid them  , very funny . I liked the outro, the secuence of the AV8 bombing the hill is great. Just two things to improve : - in the outro some of the voices sound distorted, don't know if it is only me. -And (for the next missions) , in spanish , an "out" at the end of a radio comunication , is not translated like "hacia afuera", it is translated like  "corto" ,(like you are cutting the comunication)  ah and btw , you sing very bad in spanish   my puntuation : 10/10 Â
  19. william1

    Project RACS

    looks good , great work there
  20. william1

    Project RACS

    any chance of a Leopard 2A in RAC version? Â
  21. william1

    Campaign "Status-Quo"

    a new OTK campaign , great!
  22. william1

    Project RACS

    varios planes like the mirage and the etendards have cammo painting,maybe you could add the same pattern to the Puma and the Leo's ,so they don't look so ..mm i find that plane color a little boring , just my two cents Â
  23. william1

    Dassault Mirage 2000

    it was one of my favourite planes in OFP , thanks for the conversion
  24. william1

    ArmA photography - Questions&Comments

    @TankCommander : love your pics , they have some kind of dramatic feeling with that filter you add , it reminds me of the OFP2 promotional pictures
  25. william1

    Leopard 2 Beta1

    as Bionic states in the readme on the top of the page (known bugs) "At the moment the smoke will not block the AI."