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Everything posted by william1

  1. william1

    Armed Assault videos

    surely we killed their bandwidth
  2. william1

    ArmA photography - Questions&Comments

    Opteryx , are you serious ? a mediterranean looking island , omg
  3. william1


    what a tiny beast
  4. william1

    F-14 Tomcat

    why should Eble need the project RACS authorisation to release a RACS version of the f-14 ?
  5. william1

    F-14 Tomcat

    the same post with 20 minutes of interval ? surely it looks great just like the others conversions you made
  6. william1

    alternative history  WWII 1952

    the only way germany could , not win , but at least reach to a position in wich he could negotiate with the allies, is that Germany  would have developed and made a considerable amount of atomic bombs before USA and the URSS. but as hypothesis is interesting.
  7. william1

    Hamis_loading_screens mod

    this config replaces the 3 config files in your addon, you don't need the folder "h" inside the addon. note: i've changed the names of the pictures at my personal tastes, so maybe they  are not the same as the original. QG version: <table border="0" align="center" width="95%" cellpadding="0" cellspacing="0"><tr><td>Code Sample </td></tr><tr><td id="CODE"> class CfgPatches { class Hamis_Loading_Screens { units[] = {}; weapons[] = {}; requiredVersion = 0.1; requiredAddons[] = {"CAUI","UI_DBE1"}; }; }; class CfgAddons { class PreloadAddons { class Hamis_Loading_Screens { list[] = {"Hamis_Loading_Screens"}; }; }; }; class RscText; // External class reference class RscPicture; // External class reference class RscDisplayLoading { class Variants { class LoadingOne { class controls { class DebugText : RscText { text = "RscDisplayLoading: Loading One"; }; class LoadingPic : RscPicture { text = "\Hamis_Loading_Screens\loadscreen_west1_co.paa"; }; }; }; class Loading_West2 : LoadingOne { class controls : controls { class LoadingPic : LoadingPic { text = "\Hamis_Loading_Screens\loadscreen_west2_co.paa"; }; }; }; class Loading_East1 : LoadingOne { class controls : controls { class LoadingPic : LoadingPic { text = "\Hamis_Loading_Screens\loadscreen_east1_co.paa"; }; }; };         class Loading_Wicks: LoadingOne {             class controls : controls { class LoadingPic : LoadingPic { text = "\Hamis_Loading_Screens\loadingscreen_wicks.paa"; }; }; };         class Loading_Larson: LoadingOne {             class controls : controls { class LoadingPic : LoadingPic { text = "\Hamis_Loading_Screens\loadingscreen_larson.paa"; }; }; };         class Loading_Robinson: LoadingOne {             class controls : controls { class LoadingPic : LoadingPic { text = "\Hamis_Loading_Screens\loadscreen_east1_co.paa"; }; }; };   }; }; class RscStandardDisplay; // External class reference class RscDisplayLoadMission : RscStandardDisplay { class controlsBackground { class LoadingPic : RscPicture { text = "\Hamis_Loading_Screens\loadscreen_east1_co.paa"; }; }; }; class RscDisplayStart : RscStandardDisplay { class controls { class LoadingPic : RscPicture { text = "\Hamis_Loading_Screens\loadscreen_west1_co.paa"; }; }; }; class RscDisplayMPPlayers; // External class reference class RscDisplayClientWait : RscDisplayMPPlayers { class LoadingPic : RscPicture { text = "\Hamis_Loading_Screens\loadingscreen_larson.paa"; }; }; class RscDisplayClient : RscStandardDisplay { class controlsBackground { class LoadingPic : RscPicture { text = "\Hamis_Loading_Screens\loadscreen_west1_co.paa"; }; }; }; no QG version : <table border="0" align="center" width="95%" cellpadding="0" cellspacing="0"><tr><td>Code Sample </td></tr><tr><td id="CODE"> class CfgPatches { class Hamis_Loading_Screens { units[] = {}; weapons[] = {}; requiredVersion = 0.1; requiredAddons[] = {"CAUI"}; }; }; class CfgAddons { class PreloadAddons { class Hamis_Loading_Screens { list[] = {"Hamis_Loading_Screens"}; }; }; }; class RscText; // External class reference class RscPicture; // External class reference class RscDisplayLoading { class Variants { class LoadingOne { class controls { class DebugText : RscText { text = "RscDisplayLoading: Loading One"; }; class LoadingPic : RscPicture { text = "\Hamis_Loading_Screens\loadscreen_west1_co.paa"; }; }; }; class Loading_West2 : LoadingOne { class controls : controls { class LoadingPic : LoadingPic { text = "\Hamis_Loading_Screens\loadscreen_west2_co.paa"; }; }; }; class Loading_East1 : LoadingOne { class controls : controls { class LoadingPic : LoadingPic { text = "\Hamis_Loading_Screens\loadscreen_east1_co.paa"; }; }; };        }; }; class RscStandardDisplay; // External class reference class RscDisplayLoadMission : RscStandardDisplay { class controlsBackground { class LoadingPic : RscPicture { text = "\Hamis_Loading_Screens\loadscreen_east1_co.paa"; }; }; }; class RscDisplayStart : RscStandardDisplay { class controls { class LoadingPic : RscPicture { text = "\Hamis_Loading_Screens\loadscreen_west1_co.paa"; }; }; }; class RscDisplayMPPlayers; // External class reference class RscDisplayClientWait : RscDisplayMPPlayers { class LoadingPic : RscPicture { text = "\Hamis_Loading_Screens\loadingscreen_larson.paa"; }; }; class RscDisplayClient : RscStandardDisplay { class controlsBackground { class LoadingPic : RscPicture { text = "\Hamis_Loading_Screens\loadscreen_west1_co.paa"; }; }; };
  8. william1

    alien scorpion ready !

    could you post a picture of it ingame ?
  9. william1

    Special Forces Detachment Alpha

    Chechenia war mod (CWM) spetsnaz are quite good
  10. william1

    Hamis_loading_screens mod

    i've taken a look at the config and it is quite messy , there are things defined twice and the brackets are wrong placed all over the place among other things. the config needs a serious tweak , but i like the pics
  11. william1

    Hamis_loading_screens mod

    the error happens with QG too :
  12. william1

    Project RACS

    @wld427 , if you don't make the plane XEH compatible you are avoiding people the possibility of using flare countermeasures with it aswell as other 3rd party features , wich i personally find a big error , extended eventhandlers compatibility should be a  must standard in all Arma addons nowadays.
  13. william1

    Character text to speech

    ehy , good page , thanks Q
  14. william1

    V-22 Osprey Tilt Rotor

    really nice work, it's delightful to see the cargo getin' in and out the plane , love it
  15. william1

    Total Conflict Mod

    is there a Mi-26 in this mod ? ?
  16. william1

    Project RACS

    i disagree in every point of your statements, but nevermind , it seems RACS project team is not willing to change the language and i don't want to extend this subject any longer, averyone will have his own theories. @blue_flight , i don't have those issues with the mirage and etendards , they work fine for me
  17. william1

    Project RACS

    yeah , but SLA is too the official BIS name for the north ( Sahrani liberation Army) and they speak spanish. It's a little strange that a country that speaks spanish designates his own army in english , isn't it ?
  18. william1

    Project RACS

    class cfgsounds...
  19. william1

    Project RACS

    nop , "royal" is not referred to "corps" but to "Army" , so the literal translation would be : cuerpo del ejercito real de Sahrani , but this is a no realistic and a bad translation in spanish , so the correct translation would be something like : "Reales fuerzas Armadas de Sahrani"
  20. william1

    Changing loading screens

    Blue_Flight , download the mission "Status-Quo" by OTK , in the rar file you will find an addon called OkH_ui.pbo that is a replacement addon to change the loading screens for custom ones , you can use it as example , you can find it here: http://www.flashpoint1985.com/cgi-bin....t=75858
  21. william1

    Project RACS

    well i am spanish and i can translate any  word or phrase for you if you want , navy can be translated as Armada or Marina , i'd rather translate it in the Racs case as "Marina Real de Sahrani" for example  . about redoing the work , you'd had just to remake the titles that are assigned to the models with setobjectexture, what wouldn't be so difficult, and change one word here and there in some paa files, not difficult either . I think spanish marks would add character to the addons. regarding the "RACS" dessignation of the south sahrani army , i think it is the english translated name , but you won't see the "RACS" abreviation as such in any vehicle or unit in the independant side, correct me if i'm mistaken.
  22. william1

    ai refuses to get in

    i'd unistall the whole game and install it again, maybe you have some corrupt file that avoids the game to run fine.
  23. william1

    Project RACS

    yep , i'm afraid you guys forgot all the cfgsounds part in the config : <table border="0" align="center" width="95%" cellpadding="0" cellspacing="0"><tr><td>Code Sample </td></tr><tr><td id="CODE">class CfgSounds { sounds[] = { }; class puma330_gear { name = "puma330_gear"; sound[] = {"\PRACS_puma\snd\gear.ogg", db+7, 1.0}; Â Â Â Â Â Â Â Â titles[] = {}; }; }; btw , thanks for adding green cammo version , good job
  24. william1

    Project RACS

    what do you guys think about the convenience of putting the marks on the RAC planes in spanish instead of english ? is not some sort of spanish the languaje spoken in Sahrani ? just want your opinion.