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Everything posted by wipman

  1. wipman

    Catalonia: is Europe’s next independent state?

    Hi, i doubt that Cataluña ever gets to be a country, our laws (im spanish) don't allow it AFAIK and much less our political class, our "democrazy" stopped it's grow and development on the late 80's or early 90's so things like referendums or things like that are nearly forbidden as we're on the hands of the sons and grandsons of the ones that won our civil war; that's from were our actual political and law problems come from, we'd never really changed "the back stage", just washed the face of the theatre. But all that is just a part, maybe the root of the problem, apparently... the region of Cataluña has a big debt, created by their politicians, the same ones that are now in charge there... so "the best way" to aboid to explain that (the debt) to their citizens, was to create a big smoke courtain and in a country with our past... this independence issue will create a big enough smoke courtain to keep the political class life level and in case of loose pressent themselves as "the victims" of a (for sure) not participative political system that came out from the relaxing of the economic powerful class of the regime. In any case... most of the population in Cataluña don't want to be a country, just more decission power; it's estimated that about the 34% of the population there wants to be a country. Give 'em the right to choose, if that estimation is right... will stop the fabricated debate, but will open the door to other regions as Euzkadi, Asturias, Galicia.. and some others for do the same referendum among their citizens, something that our political class is not willing to deal with; maybe because of a "famous motto" of the dictatorship that they assume as own, which was "una grande y libre" (= one big and free). As spanish... im not worryed about this issue, i think that they should have the right to choose if they want to be a country or keep being part of spain; rightnow we and they have much bigger issues to deal with, the most important one IMO to change our laws, political system (politicians included) and work system. The 64% of the population between 16 and 25yo are jobless, between the 20 and the 32% of the population is in the poberty, we're the 3rd country of the world with smaller growth rate; spain is dieing slowly, to be more precise... spain is being killed (IMO, by our political class), Cataluña included. Let's C ya
  2. - Euro-Camo game's NATO choppers.
  3. wipman

    ArmA 2 C-130J and MV-22 Redux

    Hi, looks like very needed addons, i hope that they be stand alone; with Euro-Camo they'll look great. Let's C ya
  4. Hi have that problem too, had it also on the ArmA2; seems that's a thing of the mission loading the possitions of everything but not re-running the addons/mods, it's a game's thing... but sometimes after a while... it comes up again.
  5. wipman

    A-143 Buzzard Far too Slow / Weak

    Hi, i would have used an AMX A1, instead or an Alpha Jet or a OV-10D... even an EF 2000 or an X-32B, all this is fictional so they could have used any thing instead; is that the L-159 makes me puke, really; i can't stand it and aside of that... IMO don't makes much sense... . They should've go for EU things, the Eurocopter... the NH-90... and the EF-2000 & also the CV-90 family on the ground, instead; now that's done we gonna have to live with that crap, k... but i don't like and keep thinking that were much better options for their choice. In my eyes is use a trainer for a role that it can't do as well as it should. Let's C ya
  6. wipman

    A-143 Buzzard Far too Slow / Weak

    Hi, the A-143 is one of the most ugly planes that i've ever seen and don't really know what's doing on the game; there're thousands of other planes that are more pimp, will fit better and would be more useful as CAS plane in game. Come with this is like come with an A-4 Skyhawk or an F-5, really don't makes sense to me... , also, i miss the ArmA2 planes aswell the choppers too, those at least would make sense and work and fit better IMO. Let's C ya
  7. Hi, with the default settings improve very much the silly game's sway, when you're standing/not moving; is great and was very needed. Let's C ya
  8. wipman

    Custom Face

    Very hard. They should remap the whole arms+legs+face/head texture on all the playable character models with a single texture file that contains all those parts in a single texture instead have 'em separated, loosing texturing quality (because the smaller size that would have) or... loosing performance because each character skin texture should have a size of 4096x4096 or something like that; aside of the time required to remap every playable model with the new texture and the required time to make this new texture. So... it'll be very very hard for BIS to fix this issue. Seems to me that they don't wanted to allow a good support for custom faces this time as this is intended, they'd knew what they were doing and what it would do; so don't spect it to ever change on the game's life as this is how they'd wanted it to be. Everyone using the game's faces and period.
  9. Hi, IMO... they don't incorporate the hi-qual mods/addons because leak of testing, what works in a PC may not work on another, also because add X weapon, unit, vehicle or whatever should or may require 'em to rewrite the SP missions or the campaigns; but mainly i think that's because they should make a full test of the content, it's functionality, possible impact on the game performance and gameplay, how it fits into the whole package and if it have a counterpart in case of be designed for a single side as i.e NATO. Then, as last part of the thing... i think that there's also the money thing, they should have to pay every person involved in the creation of an addon and in a proportional way and this opens two problems, A) communications management. B) Time. That's what i think 'bout the thing. Let's C ya
  10. wipman

    the houses and ruins are the mp problem ...

    Hi, sounds like an important issue, i'd never heard about such thing on the OFP/ArmA/ArmA2/Dirty OA and hope that it be adressed soon. But... if they haven't fix yet the holo-sights aim point/aim cross that dissapears with a clear background... i wouldn't put much faith on it. Let's C ya
  11. wipman

    What Difficulty settings do you use?

    Hi, i use the Regular setting but set up as Vet just to keep the unlimited saves, i don't go crawl like a rat and do 1h turn arrounds just to get a perfect headshot from one of the AI aimbots; that annoys me very much. Let's C ya
  12. wipman

    What does A2 content library mean for ARMA3?

    Hi, sounds like a good new to the community and the addon makers. When i did my M4's pack for the ArmA2 using the BIS Weapons Sample Models i'd found varoious bugs on the sample models, things like holes on the models on various or all the LODs, zones that wasn't unmapped and some other things; they were better refference models than anything. Im againist the big packs, i preffer the modular things... why i've to download and install everything if i just want X or Y?, is like the mod folders... i hate to have to do a new mod folder and shortcut for every single weapon, plane, unit or units pack, vehicle or whatever, instead use general mod folder names and shortcuts like: @Weapons, @Planes, @Rotary, @Units, @Vehicles & @Objects. I think that would be a much better idea, to drop on each mod folder the single addon plane, weapon or whatever that you want and it's bisign rather that something as big as the AiA; it woult be also easyer to identify conflicts between addons and remove the broken or breaker element if they were segregated like this, one by one instead have 'em all on the same huge .pbo, where if something is broken... you'll have to remove it loosing all, the broken things and those that are not. Have access to the ArmA & ArmA2 models and textures to bring 'em to the ArmA3 is pimp for those who (as i...) miss an UH-1Y or an AH-1Z, but if work on the ArmA2 addons was very hard... i guess that work on the ArmA3 addons must be a nightmare; that's why i've left the addon making/texturing world, but i wish good luck to those with the will to work on it, using the buggy BIS sample models or beginning from zero. Let's C ya
  13. Hi, sounds great, Tonal was a great island, maybe the best one of the OFP's history and will be great to have something like that back; i think that the addon buildings that Mondkalb did for the ArmA3 could fit well into a Tonal like atmosphere, this ones: - MBG Kill Houses v1.0. It also have custom/addon concrete walls too; sure that Mondkalb don't cares if you use 'em on a Tonal like island and if you give 'em with the island download, i've try 'em and they look and work great, without problems or bugs. I miss BAS, was one of the greatest groups that i've ever meet, great addon & mission makers, they did the OFP bigger. Good news. Let's C ya
  14. wipman

    Weapon sway

    Hi, i agree that the sway has been improved alot from the ArmA2, but againist the AI is too much. The AI can land perfect headshots on you at any range in 0'5, while you've to aim... hold your breath... control the recoil... and pray, to connect more than 2 shots on a target beyond the 50m; it should be reduced at the 50% of the actual sway to allow us to fight well the AI's aimbot. Let's C ya
  15. wipman

    2 CAS Aircraft remain unknown. What if?

    I had (and still have) that 1/72 scale model, but mine's is painted on russian winter/air supperiority camo; an that MIG-37E was a kind of F-117A but pimper to me.
  16. Hi, i would love to see those a-we-so-me tanks as a stand alone addon for the ArmA3, at least the USMC variants in woodland and desert. Amazing. Let's C ya
  17. wipman

    Arma 3 Marksman Rifles Pack

    Hi, sadly i can't use this weapons pack as there isn't an ammo box for 'em on the editor and neither magazines and weapons classnames; i can say the same about your pistols packs. The weapons look very pimp on the screenshots at Armaholic, but they're useless without their own ammo box. Let's C ya
  18. wipman

    Arma 3 Marksman Rifles Pack

    HI, it looks great!, but i miss there a M1A SOCOM or the ArmA2 M14-DMR at least. Let's C ya P.S: Add a weapons crate for each addon weapons pack plz.
  19. wipman

    this is a driver view ....

    Hi, those 3D driver hatch/interior are great and work with the NVGs; there should be a way of make it have IR view too. But it look perfect on that Marder. Let's C ya
  20. wipman

    Enemy AI and buildings

    Hi, when the AI detects NME pressence some of 'em use to go prone, this also happens indoors and some of this AI (linked to an AI that's outdoors) don't stand up ever again at the same time that they can't/are unable to find the way out of the room; it sucks. On CQB you never go prone inside a house IRL, the sad thing... is that im sure that this wont change on the game's life because that's how they did the AI. Let's C ya
  21. wipman

    Some comments on the new pistols

    Hi, the OPFOR fatiges may be slightly BP because those klingon look alike plates that they have, while as we know... the NATO BDUs are not even really rip-stop; that's my guess, but ain't like what i hear. Let's C ya
  22. wipman

    RH M4/M16 pack

    Hi, the new recoil seems good to me, i like it; but i've found a 'lil bug, with the 'Side M4 Pannels', they seem to be a bit off set to the left, on the M4s and the SBRs. Let's C ya
  23. wipman

    RH M4/M16 pack

    Hi, the slighty smaller recoil on the actual pack is one of few and maybe the only advantage of a 5.56 over the default 6.8mm weapons, IMO. Let's C ya
  24. wipman

    L85A2 Release

    Seems that the missing texture error message only appears with the Picatiny variant, not with the standard nor with the Susat variant.
  25. Hi, i would love to see that M14-DMR & the M14 between some M1A SOCOM on an M14s pack... with propper hands anims for the stock/trigger hand. I still have my M4's & M16A4's pack MLODs arround 'ere if you want 'em. Let's C ya