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Everything posted by vengeance1

  1. vengeance1

    Automated medic?

    This is great, I really like the idea. Trying to figure out how to get this function into a Medic that was created in-game MP from a Recruit script. What would the code look like to insert this {dummy = [this, units (group player)] execVM "scripts\automedic.sqf";} into the AI init when creating him?
  2. vengeance1

    Ivory Aircraft

    Awesome! Nice work and very much appreciated!
  3. Awesome Video, like the music as well who is that? Got to say with all the mods I use this one is definitely my favorite! Great Detail! Vengeance
  4. vengeance1

    A-10C for Arma 3

    Very good to hear, thanks for the new features.
  5. Bigshot, Thanks for the response "@Vengeance - stop hitting the "restart" button and use the "resume" button instead :-)" I understand that :) your latest modified mission works fine with no save issues, the mission from Steam does not. Problem solved thanks!
  6. Not sure what I am not doing but when I save the game in either SP or MP it says it saved the game but starts over next time I start game? What am I doing wrong? Thanks Vengeance
  7. vengeance1

    STI Addons

    NICE, all I can say is Well Done! Been waiting for a A10 with these features. Thanks!
  8. vengeance1

    LIFTER for ArmA 3

    Thanks RAV_RAVEN for adding TacOps! Much Appreciated.
  9. vengeance1

    A-10C for Arma 3

    Yes I saw that too but as soon as I moved my view up a bit it went away? Weird?
  10. Arty- How does the player actually call in Arty using the Combat Support? I have it sync'ed with all the other CAS etc and it shows available but I can't seem to figure out how to mark map and get it to fire? Selecting the available unit does not seem to give anymore directions? Thanks
  11. I worked with John_Spartan on the first Arma 2 F18 and he put his heart and soul into it, now you guys have done the Arma 3 F18 and the SU-35, just wanted you to know how grateful most all of us are that you made them in the first place. Thank you for what we have guys and thanks for continuing to improve them for all of us.
  12. Awesome Video! This is definitely my favorite mod, you guys ROCK!
  13. vengeance1

    Armor Improvement System (AIS)

    Bakerman, Good stuff! I see an error on test download that looks like it is missing an AIS_Launchers folder? AIS_Launchers\Function\fn_addTrackingEvents.sqf was that intended?
  14. vengeance1

    [WIP] IkaR F-16

    Really nice looking IkaR, great to see you making mods for A3.
  15. A very welcome addition Gnat! Thank You
  16. Confused, i am using inidb with =BTC= mission but his is inidbi? Whats the difference?
  17. Does anyone know where we enable AI Radio chatter? Never mind I found it "0 fadeRadio 0;"
  18. Hey Roy86 loving the game, trying to figure out how to disarm the Sea Mines? I am a rifleman can't figure it out?
  19. Alive Team: I don't see where anyone has asked this, how do I disable the side missions?
  20. This is a great script, only error I get is if I move Benches up or down I get error (under defined variable "MH9AA_STR_BENCH_UP_French" and can't get action to move again?
  21. vengeance1

    Armor Improvement System (AIS)

    Nice! Very impressive.
  22. Maybe I am doing something wrong but now that the Catapult has to have a Module to work I sync it with the FA18 but on the Dedi Server in MP it does not work? What am I doing wrong?
  23. Very nice ALiVE Team, I run only MSO missions anymore (in A2), looking forward to seeing how this does in A3!