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Everything posted by Undeceived

  1. Undeceived

    Post-Apocalypse mod

    Hey man, you know that I made a mission with these resistance fighters for Arma 1, do you? :D Look at my sig. I am porting it to Arma 2 slowly but so far some addons are missing. The resistance fighters were absolutely awesome, alltough they had some bugs too. ;) So in this case it's great that you're beginning from the scratch. But the appearance of them was just perfect! I was using them for a second mission (as the main role) but then Arma 2 came out and I stopped working on it, because the addons weren't there for A2. It's really a surprise that you are porting them now, this is f*** great!! :yay: Btw. did you change your nickname? Because the guy who did this mod in A1 was agamoth (or am I wrong?).
  2. Undeceived

    Armed Civilians v1.02

    Yes!! :) That's what I also needed. Thanks Wolle!
  3. Undeceived

    German Misc Pack released

    That sounds VERY good!! :)
  4. Undeceived

    Sandy skies

    This is great, Relli!! Thanks for the work. I also wonder if there exists something like a snow storm script or addon already somewhere?
  5. Undeceived

    German Misc Pack released

    Absolutely fantastic!!! :D :D
  6. Cool! :) Beton, watch out, some pics are above 100kb. Or do we have new rules? :)
  7. Undeceived

    Ghost Recon Maps

    I think he meant maps, missions and addons. :D
  8. :D This reminds me of some adventures in Brazil when we climbed on those diesel trains (as slow as the one in the video) and hid ourselfes on the top and traveled to the next village, in the middle of the night... And then, well, we had to return on foot, we arrived home at 5am in the morning. :D
  9. Btw, there is this page with lot of info about the region, with maps and photos, etc. Could be useful for further updates of this great map! http://www.huertgenforest.be/
  10. Great island!! Make sure you continue polishing it, it really is great!
  11. Undeceived

    German Misc Pack released

    I love this pack!! :D Keep up the good work! And (as suggested some pages earlier) please consider making WWII signs and objects. Would be absolutely fantastic!
  12. Undeceived


    Wide fields..................... Wonderful! Thank you for your work, man! Do you also live in that region, Mondkalb?
  13. Undeceived

    German Misc Pack released

    GREAT!!! Thank you!
  14. Undeceived

    Dragon Rising has been released

    So many promises... And so many lies. :rolleyes:
  15. Put a magazine first or the weapon will be empty (at least this was the case in ArmA). An example for you for the AI's init: dude addmagazine "64Rnd_9x19_SD_Bizon"; dude addweapon "bizon_silenced"; dude addmagazine "64Rnd_9x19_SD_Bizon"; dude addmagazine "64Rnd_9x19_SD_Bizon"; dude addmagazine "64Rnd_9x19_SD_Bizon"; This adds a Bizon silenced and 4 magazines. See all Arma 2 weapons in here. Put the class names in the init.
  16. Undeceived

    Revive Script

    Sorry for asking such a noobish question, but I really am new to this script and didn't read all 35 pages. :o :) Is this script MP only (that means that it has to be played on a server) or can it be inplemented in a normal SP mission too? Because I am making a single player mission where civ1 finds civ2 injured in a deep forest and civ2 is unable to stand up (unconcious animation). Civ1 can only drag / carry him, but can't give him first aid. Can this revive script maybe be something what could help me? I tried it with the BI modules too but with them it is only possible to have both options available -> drag and first aid. But I need it this way that only the drag option is available for the player. Can you help me somehow? Thank you very much.
  17. Undeceived

    Deadfast's Translations

    Thank you, Deadfast!
  18. Undeceived

    Arma 2 1.06 Patch Suggestions

    -1 for this idea.
  19. Undeceived

    Sahrani radio podcasts ?

    Well, I hope so. :rolleyes: But I would like to know if there is a possibility for the radio station to return! It was just fantastic!!
  20. Undeceived

    [SP] Evil's Last Will

    Currently I am planning to convert the mission to Arma 2. It's great that Arma 2 brings by itself a lot (almost all) of the addons that are required for the mission in ArmA. I'm only not sure how to make available Sahrani without having to download the 2 GB of CAA1...
  21. Good stuff, BI! I'm sure that via the official site the good work of the community will be more known everywhere!
  22. Undeceived

    Animation Viewer

    Thanks for this! I looked after it, finally I found it! :)