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Everything posted by Undeceived

  1. Thanks for your work, kju! :) *thumbsup!*
  2. Undeceived

    Arma 3 - Pre-E3 Livestream Hangouts

    Great live stream. :) Thanks a lot. Something funny I noted: As Zipper was sprinting into cover in the mission, it looks like he reproduced this bug (with the exception that he didn't look at the AI): http://feedback.arma3.com/view.php?id=4406 :)
  3. Sorry for bumping this - can anyone help me with this? Thanks a lot! :o
  4. Nice! :) What about missions which are not published but deposited in beta test areas for quality ensurance and which are explicitely marked as such? Would a mission like that be allowed?
  5. Undeceived

    Arma 2 on Windows 8

    Yeah, I also can't install BAF since using Windows 8 because of this. Does anyone know a solution (please no "Yeah - use Windows 7"-jokes. :P )?
  6. Hello, can someone help me with that, please? :confused: I have the following array: Group = ["Ondrej","Marek","Ivan","Jay"]; Due to certain reasons, the elements HAVE to be in the "". Ok, apart from that I have 4 AI units in the editor with the names Ondrej, Marek, Ivan and Jay. I want these units to join the player according to the order they have in the array. So what I need is a "connection" between the array elements in the "" and the AI unit names... How can I (in a script) make Ondrej join the player first, Marek secondly, and so on? Please keep in mind that the element order can be different each time the script launches. E.g. Group = ["Ondrej","Jay","Marek","Ivan"]; Thanks a lot for your help!
  7. Undeceived

    Accessing array elements

    Thanks a lot, the call comply format did the trick! I have no idea what happens :D but it works. I modified it a little bit so it works with the name of an array. //Defining the array: GrpArray = ["Ondrej","Marek","Ivan","Jay"]; //And then Later: {call compile format["[%1] joinSilent (group player)",_x]} forEach GrpArray; The units Ondrej, Marek, Ivan and Jay (which have their names without the "") now join the player in the order given in the array.
  8. Undeceived

    Accessing array elements

    Hey, thanks for your answers. The problem is that (Group select 0) is "Ondrej", not Ondrej (without the ""). Using [Group select 0] joinSilent player, would be the same as ["Ondrej"] joinSilent player; and this doesn't work. As the unit's name is Ondrej without the "", the join command has to be [Ondrej] joinsilent player;. That is what I meant when I wrote that somehow I need a "connection" between the array elements in the "" and the AI unit names.
  9. I surrender and ask the noob-question I can't answer... :) How do I create a text dialog (a rather small window) in my dialog system where I can put in a large text and where the player can scroll down and up this text? Thanks a lot for your help!
  10. Undeceived

    Arma 3 Notepad++ Syntax Highlighting

    Thanks a lot, guys! Great work!
  11. I couldn't agree more with the OP! This is a "feature issue" which is absolutely frustrating when you need to get your team out of a location quickly and your team mates RUNNING, not taking care!
  12. Undeceived

    User mission requests!

    Hello ckolonko, I am currently making a resistance campaign with 19 missions. Your mission request fits practically 100%. But it's not released yet (only in the OFPEC forums for beta testing). Other than that... If you like the feeling of having only a small group, being outnumbered by bad guys and having no high-tech gear to fight them, you could try my mission "For The Life Of A Friend" ( http://forums.bistudio.com/showthread.php?121258-SP-For-The-Life-Of-A-Friend ).
  13. Undeceived

    User mission requests!

    What do you mean with Sangin?
  14. Hey guys, this is something I absolutely can't find a solution for. I saw some dialogs already which do it but I wasn't able to "extract" the method how it's done... :confused: I have a listbox with a number of names in it. When I select one of these names, I want the picture of that person to appear in the picture dialog which is right next to the listbox. Then, when I select another person, the picture changes to the second person as well. Beside that picture I want a small description text to appear in a text dialog but IIRC to change a picture and to change text is done by executing the same code - right? Could you please help me with that? As I said, I saw some dialog systems doing it already, but they are in such a way too complex for me to understand how it's done... This is why some really basic explanation to the point would be much appreciated. Thanks a lot!! :)
  15. Undeceived

    [SP] For The Life Of A Friend

    Hello everyone! The mission was reviewed at OFPEC now and got 9 out of 10 bananas. You can read the review here: http://www.ofpec.com/missions_depot/index.php?action=details&id=306
  16. Undeceived

    Development Blog & Reveals

    Both covers are great IMO - the old one but also the new one. Good job!
  17. Undeceived

    [SP] For The Life Of A Friend

    frag, thanks a lot for the feedback! :) Yeah, a campaign is in the making - will take some more time to finish though. About the bug you mentioned: Oh, and if you ran the game with mods (others than the required ones), maybe disabling them would solve it. Good luck! :)
  18. Undeceived

    [SP] For The Life Of A Friend

    Great that it worked! :D Thanks for your feedback too! :)
  19. Undeceived

    [SP] For The Life Of A Friend

    Hi tryteyker, thanks for your reply. Ok - there might be no relation, but did you try to run the mission without any mods except for the required ones? I'm asking because the issues you mention are completely unknown to me... :(
  20. Hey guys, thanks a lot for your answers! Iceman, I'll check that example out - nevertheless I wrote you a PM. ;)
  21. Undeceived

    [SP] For The Life Of A Friend

    Hmm - that sounds rather like a nightmare. :D No idea where this comes from... Can you make some screenshots of this situation? You have to
  22. Undeceived

    [SP] For The Life Of A Friend

    :D :D I wanted to finish my mission FTLOAF first. "Finish" for me means to give it for review at OFPEC (which I did yesterday as well). I hope that version 1.8 is the last one now. And NOW I'm all focused on my campaign Black Lands. :)
  23. Undeceived

    [SP] For The Life Of A Friend

    Hello everyone, I finished a new version (v. 1.8) of my mission For The Life Of A Friend. The download is in the first post. Have a good new week! :)
  24. Undeceived

    Welcome back Ivan & Martin!

    Welcome home, Ivan and Martin!