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About tomservo

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  1. tomservo

    AI Discussion (dev branch)

    So yeah, how hard is it to balance the actions of the AI to be in some middleground between the two current extremes (i.e. complete obliviousness and eagle eyes)? I think the last bit if gameplay today took the cake for me. If I'm a sniper, hiding between bushes, shrubs and trees in a ghillie suit of all things (you know, supposed make you nearly invisible in the current example), taking two potshots at the nearest AI, which is goddamned 1500 meters away, why do I have the Wrath of God coming down on me in form of mortars within seconds of the second shot? On other missions, I'm like 700 meters away lying in grass (half distance of the example above), no other obstructions, clear in your face line of sight, and I'm popping 30 or more AIs running around like headless chicken, without apparently getting noticed just even once. Things like this have been happening since the original OFP. One would think the AI got a little more average across the board by now. Things like this spoil the game pretty hard, especially due to the logistics of getting around on Altis.
  2. tomservo

    ArmA II and 64bit

    Bunch of reasons why a 64bit version might be good: - Mode switches and thunking crossing from 32bit user mode to 64bit kernel mode and back aren't necessary anymore. - More registers and specialty instructions allowing the compiler to speed up various calculations and memory copy operations. - More address space. Also, the 10-40% total increased memory usage from doubling pointer width is a crap argument. If your game has such a footprint in pointers in relation to overall memory usage (especially with huge textures in memory), something's really wrong.
  3. tomservo

    Huge drop of FPS

    Here's an idea to fight vegetation lag: When going prone, the grass view distance scales back the closer you get to ground. When actually being prone, the game should only draw one or two layers of grass, to avoid overdraw. When being prone, the grass is already too much in my face to even see something useful, so it doesn't need lots of layers for the same effect.
  4. tomservo

    Huge drop of FPS

    Here's an idea to fight vegetation lag: When going prone, the grass view distance scales back the closer you get to ground. When actually being prone, the game should only draw one or two layers of grass, to avoid overdraw. When being prone, the grass is already too much in my face to even see something useful, so it doesn't need lots of layers for the same effect.