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Everything posted by telejunky

  1. Yeah they really improved the vehilce sounds with doppler effect and the feedback of wheels on different grounds. But the weapon sounds umm... I hope they implement new ones. I wish they update them immediately.
  2. telejunky

    Which faction doyou think is next?

    But what after that? There is only NAPA left...maybe the will introduce the player into the weapons and machinery? It would be cool if they show for example how fast the bmp can drive, how many people he can carry, how far it can shoot... And so on Maybe something in a chart to compare the vehicle etc
  3. telejunky

    Track ir

    I am using Headtracking with www.free-track.net in ArmA now. I bought an used Wii remote for 30€ and for some LEDs ('only' 20 in the pack for 3€). I modified an old bicycle back light for a non brazed construction including a resistor and a battery-chamber and put it upon my headset. Regarding the fact that i like to make creative things, the purchase was worth every cent. At least i had to order some nimh rech. batteries, too. But therefore i am having a head tracking feature for less then 50€ and a very cool multimedia remote control. And another advantage of the wii remote: it is around 100 fps like the dearer 'official' TrackIR Flying without headtracking umm i can't do it anymore You will love it, even in cars. Comparing ArmA 1 and 2 there is only one thing i already mentioned: Why the hell is there no interior for tanks?  Only this window... I think the headtracking users would be happy to look around and use the 'multimirror' cockpit playing in veteran.  At least BIS could make the driver position in 3d. This would help driving alot especially when the 3rd person view is disabled. If there is no time making interiors, finally you could make it like mentioned above and leave the gunner/commander stuck with the 2d view...
  4. The elevator was working in the GC build back in GC 2006. But it was not working complete. They couldn't syncronize the doors..Maybe there were some other bugs, too. The video was recorded by ofpjunk due to the GC '06 for the former fansite armedasssaults.de
  5. telejunky

    New ArmA II Pictures!

    Airfield or lake? http://www.arma2.com/images....9_2.jpg
  6. Yeah, it makes me sad that people out there are saying "arma is shit, ofp rules and will be better than arma"... I am hoping to see the statement printed on serveral magazines! As far as i know, ArmA showed various ingame scenes which seem to me much better compared to the small ofp scenes... My hint to BIS: Use classic elements in ArmA II. Especially songs by seventh, the bell when finishing the mission, easter eggs related to OFP. It is very good in the psychological way. It makes the player feel "hey this is related to the good old OFP. I like it" They get back the good memories playing OFP for hours...
  7. telejunky

    Collector edition ?

    A shirt for your wife/girlfriend is definitely better then forcing her to hold the arma case in front of her face while..you know what I mean Back in 2006, I purchased the german special edition with that fancy ammo case. I like it. Very cool way to protect your equipment like mouse/gamepad against scratches on the way to lan parties Hell yeah, this rocks! I hope there will be fancy stuff in it. Maybe a tactical Map - not the sahrani satmap - i mean something like this > click me< or even this (was it from william porter blog???) > click me<
  8. @Törni Yeo it was mentioned in the past that the island skira was evacuated. BIS doesn't make it so simple: they included civilians! Far more interesting than only west vs ost
  9. Sorry i don't know how but i played some years ago the BIG CTI for OFP. There were Everon, Kolgujew and Malden combined onto one map covering lot of ocean but it was really fun playing a CTI Mission in this scale  So even without streaming technology it was possible, with it should be even better. Look even the editor window is to small to show each island at its full size
  10. You don't need to link them, if you got the hdd space you just put them into one map. Thanks to the streaming technology, islands are only hdd-space limited. Try to imagine you want to upload you custom island up to 2+ GB And yes, i am really sure they edited the big cities so you got the city-feeling in ArmA 2 but they wont demand great hardware... It is not like VBS cloning a real city into a game/simulator
  11. Yeah may the hunt begin We just need the good old Kolice. Amen
  12. telejunky

    No-Island issue

    There is a chance that chernarus could be fully integrated into the game. But who really thinks BIS got the time to ad villages, forests etc to a tenfold bigger map than sahrani? I doubt it. To the borders discussion: I think there could be a kind of a generator creating more and more mountains. But this would be only cool, if it is determined. So you can go on different ways and there will be the same structure of terrain... I remember back in the days, the pc gamers of the tv show 'giga games' spent several days exploring the generated terrain of a game... and it wouldn't end So would could be done? Just blocking the player via deadzone? Would not be nextgeneration. Would even destroy the feeling of a wide and open world. A huge fence only Chuck Norris can climb up Mep! Failure Anti Air Defense Missiles by russia Would be great idea. Maybe it would fit into the story. But what about the national border of south zagoria to the rest of chernarus? Don't think it would make any sense... and what about user generated missions? Terraingenerator First a Generator, creating many different mountains etc... something like untouched nature. But it would be cool if there would be an algorithm also creating streets, villages etc from a datapool.... So what do you think?
  13. telejunky

    ARMA with SSD / Flash drives ?

    It is caused in the registry. You can't run Ofp/ArmA without an entry of your cd key in the registry. So You can install arma 1.0 and then just copy all your stuff over it. But you can't install ArmA on a hdd and run it without a registration on another computer. best regards
  14. A system like plaintiff1 mentioned would be great but i don't know how difficult it is to implement such skybox associated to the mountains... This would be very cool and definately "next generation" as game was called in the past Yep, it is some kind of new to me, but there is the thing about the realase and bugtesting... I think if they would implement such a feature, it will be included in a future patch. Now it is more important to fix those children illnesses like ArmA had!
  15. telejunky

    water operation

    Hey this was already sayed within the GC time There will be a static carrier so you can land on it. But the destroyer will be playable so far as i know. Â
  16. @Praelium Those distant mountains (the greyish ones) are definately part of the skybox. We discovered this feeature on GC 08. But thanks BIS they are only visible on the island side. So if you are at the beach, on the one side you will see the sky at the horizon, on the other side you'll will see those great looking mountains. To me, it doesn't matter if they are real or just faked. The evoked atmosphere is really great! Â edit: Here is are those mountains Hit me!
  17. telejunky

    ArmA maps are TOO large for public servers

    Hey Peter maybe alittle late, but did you also tried the Insurgency Mod? I like it! First, it is a free mod for Hl2 MP. In Insurgency, you have no corsshair, no 3rd person view and you definately need teamplay! Just give it a try To me it fits the gap between Battlefield 2 and Armed Assault. But without cars... http://insurgencymod.net/ Hope that ArmA 2 will have more enterable buildings to make urban warfare more interesting
  18. telejunky

    water operation

    The problem with bigger boats like ships are, that arma handles them like a tank. If you get out you will have to swim...there should be some instance that if you want to get off driver's position, you will find yourself on the deck. Only then you can get of the ship. This would be my idea, because i don't think that ArmA 2 will allow to move yourself on such 'dynamic' vehicles...thats a dream
  19. Okay damn it... i overread törnis comment. And forgive me for calling this scenes as new ones. I was referring to the latest arma II HD ingame trailer and there they are not a component of the trailer http://www.icq.com/greetings/cards/122/
  20. hey there, the preview page on arma2.com was recently updated. The preview of sme.sk contains a video including the old trailer with new unseen scenes of arma 2! http://hry.sme.sk/c/4276683/arma-2-armada-ta-chce.html I already posted a news on armabase.de with pictures of those Scenes http://www.armabase.de/page....id=2083 best regards, telejunky
  21. telejunky

    New ArmA II Pictures!

    With 1 pic a month and 2 months left regarding Q1 2009 this makes 2 more pictures I hope ArmA 2 is going to reach the beta status in the next weeks. I am looking for nice interviews with ign or so. The advertisment should start in february if they (BIS) >really< want to keep Q1 Otherwise their advantage of selling ArmA 2 earlier than ofp2 would fade away. In my opinion, many customers will only buy 1 game considering its similar content. Maybe the good old William Porter is reporting for duty this time, too. This was a great pr step towards the hungry community. btw I'm daily looking for updates on the arma2 site. lets pray amra 2 will be more bugless than ArmA 1 and the release will be in march 09. amen
  22. Mirror by armabase.de > klick < repacked in 4 parts for comfortable downloading. Rapidshare.com: Part 1 | Part 2 | Part 3 | Part 4 The Patch will be added as soon as i can
  23. telejunky

    Battlestar Galactica

    News and mirror by armabase.de btw great addon, can't wait to fly the galactica. Maybe good purpose for "destroy the hostile" super weapon
  24. The trabant sounds are assimilable with the crazy frog. The old two-stroke makes this pretty retro 'ring ding ding' you know
  25. telejunky

    Spanish Army mod pack 3

    Hi there! News by armabase.de > click < and additional Mirror by armabase.de > download page < as well as rapidshare.com links for the fastest possible download http://rapidshare.com/files/182010216/_FFAA.part01.rar http://rapidshare.com/files/182010297/_FFAA.part02.rar http://rapidshare.com/files/182010259/_FFAA.part03.rar http://rapidshare.com/files/182010287/_FFAA.part04.rar http://rapidshare.com/files/182010317/_FFAA.part05.rar http://rapidshare.com/files/182010087/_FFAA.part06.rar