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Everything posted by Tom_48_97

  1. Tom_48_97

    arma2oa dedicated server on debian 64

    Many thanks Whisper, lib32stdc++6 was the missing one ! (Don't know why since it's in the default install for my servers, a purge had to be made, I do not know when) Unrelated: /home/arma2oa-1/server/.server I've try to launch it directly to see what kind of return it gave me to debug. My launch script is arma2oaserver ;)
  2. Tom_48_97

    Armaholic - all news and info

    Thanks for reporting, no ETA, just: ASAP :) We've still some troubles with some sites but nothing dramatic, all data are intact, so, no worry, all sites will be back soon.
  3. Tom_48_97

    Armaholic - all news and info

    As Fox already said on another topic, the server is back online, so we can start working on. It should take 1 or 2 days more to get a fully working site. BTW, the message you can see while accessing to the site is normal in the immediate. ps : we'll keep you informed in this topic and only this topic.
  4. Tom_48_97

    Microsoft error reporting fail

    That means the file you're trying to open must have an association and actually, there is not. Windows ask you to select with which program it should open the file. What is your windows version ? About your edit, yes you can, always better to know what kind of file you're opening ;)
  5. Tom_48_97

    Armaholic - all news and info

    Next step : Pre-prod version with a failover, never that again :) Thanks for you support !
  6. Tom_48_97

    Armaholic - all news and info

    Thanks for the offer, for the db, we've got all necessary, but for the files, it represents a very large amount of GB :D We use the second mirror as backup. But anyway, I keep your offer in record, we never know ;)
  7. Tom_48_97

    MAF Mod - WIP

    Oh sorry, I didn't seen it :D Well, have fun with the textures and keep us informed ;) BTW, excellent work on the refuel truck!
  8. Tom_48_97

    Armaholic - all news and info

    When the server will back on web, we'll be able to restore the files quickly (4 or 5h I guess). More news will come this night.
  9. Tom_48_97

    MAF Mod - WIP

    Good job ! As already said, I want to see the "tank for girls" (VBCI) :-D Miss a screen :confused: I've seen 4 on another site ;)
  10. Tom_48_97

    Special day for Placebo

    Twice is better than once, so : Happy Birthday Placebo ! That's all...
  11. Just tested, doesn't work with AI unit.
  12. Tom_48_97

    TGW Vehicle Fixes

    Thx for sharing. Is there any bug you already knew ? I'm going to try :) BTW, fox has upload it. http://www.armaholic.com/page.php?id=12127
  13. Mirror on Armaholic : http://www.armaholic.com/page.php?id=8194 thx for sharing.
  14. Tom_48_97

    Digital Compass

    Nice concept ;) Thanks for sharing
  15. Since too much years... July 2001 with my heavy internet connexion : 56Kbps (connexion to a server was like sending a Fax !)
  16. Tom_48_97

    Namalsk island, v1.10

    Thanks, it's now fixed. This file is for ArmA 2, only the classification was wrong ;)
  17. Tom_48_97

    FLIR v1.0

    With the upcoming addon for ArmA 2, Apouh will probably not update the FLIR.
  18. Tom_48_97

    Namalsk island, v1.10

    done, see my post upper yours :) Fast mirrors
  19. Tom_48_97

    Namalsk island, v1.10

    Wait 5 minutes, I'll update this post with some mirrors (200Mb/s of bandwidth :D) UPDATED Mirror 1 Frontpage news : http://www.armaholic.com/page.php?id=7783 I've up it third once because the bandwidth seems to be limited per domains, so if one is slow, try another.
  20. Tom_48_97

    B-52 Buff - Bomber

    At DTM2801: This plane needs a big airport, no way for it to takeoff from a small airport... It needs a long and large field.
  21. Tom_48_97

    Namalsk island, v1.10

    Hello, I'm currently trying to download the file to upload it on armaholic ftp, but you're right, you're ftp seems to be connected with a fax :D It'll be up within 40 minutes ;) Mirror ! http://forums.bistudio.com/showpost.php?p=1456042&postcount=29
  22. Tom_48_97

    h-53e pack released

    You're welcome, always a pleasure to test new addons well made. About scripts, yes, more, SQF allows a script handler, that should be usefull with animations phases. For the texture, no, I'm gonna to reveal to all the community who you are :D