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Everything posted by toadlife

  1. toadlife

    Test ecp config

    Due to OFP's graphics engine being a older than granny's underwear, anything above a Geforce4 ti model gives minimal performance gain in OFP. It's that old p3 processor and the dismal memory bandwidth that comes with it that is causing void_false's slowdowns. @void_false: If you ever decide to upgrade, grab a new MB/CPU/memory first
  2. toadlife

    A tool to make odol explorer....

    Encryption isn't the right term. That would imply the the game is performing some sort of decryption. I just opened up a pbo file with a hex editor and after three tries, managed to create a pbo which pbo decryptor was not able to read, yet OFP still was. This is nothing but simple obfuscation going on here. If you want to try and protect your work, then more power to you, but I think you are wasting your time.
  3. toadlife

    ODOL Explorer v2.0

    I see the same theme popping up again and again with the people who are against this tool. It's like you are saying, people new to modeling/scripts/mission design should have to learn things 'the hard way', like you had to do. "Why should 'they' have it so easy when 'I' had to suffer so much more to learn what 'I' know." "You youngins have it too easy. When i was a boy, I had to walk five miles up hill both ways in the snow to get to school." This worry about stealing seems to be a diversion to mask the feeling that the current talent-pool of mod-makers is at a pinnacle and can only be diluted by this new tool.
  4. toadlife

    ODOL Explorer v2.0

    Stop it Noony, you're making to much sense!! Ya know what I think of this argument? Seriously guy get over it. Your work is very appreciated, and will continue to be.
  5. toadlife

    Ofp campers

    True, but divx is pretty damn easy to get and install. I say if people are too stupid to obtain one of the most popular codecs around, then to hell with em!
  6. toadlife

    Ofp campers

    Took a peek at it when I was at 40% done, and promptly cancelled it. Nothing more that a pissing demonstratioin. You guys could of at least sprung for Frap 2.0 and gotten some video with sound. I recommend using divx instead of wmv. I've done extensive testing and found divx to beat MS's format hands-down. Oh well, I'll have to give that vegas video thing a look.
  7. toadlife

    Ofp campers

    LMAO!! If that's the case, the designers failed miserably.
  8. toadlife

    Will ofp2 look like americas army?

    Totally agree. The other thing besides what you said I would hope for is for some of the physics problems (boucing tanks, clipping, ect) can be mended too.
  9. toadlife

    Ofp campers

    Oh ok. I guess it uses proper compression then.
  10. toadlife

    Ofp campers

    226MB eh? How long is it?
  11. toadlife

    Custom faces

    R. Lee Ermey...
  12. toadlife

    The Iraq thread 3

    How very insulting.
  13. toadlife

    The Iraq thread 3

    No, that's your opinion. As a U.S. citizen it is my opinion that the American people would not support, nor would congress approve a Syrian invasion - regardless of the success of the Iraq campaign.
  14. toadlife

    Will ofp2 look like americas army?

    VBS1 uses the same graphics engine as OFP. All I can say is I hope they improve the graphics. As far as a comparison to AAO, I really like AAO, but don't think the graphics and physics are very revolutionary, or even something to shoot for. The soldier models and textures in AAO are pretty nice, but in terms of physics, AAO's unreal engine simply cannot do many of the things OFP's engine can. Physics is most important to me though. Due to the engine differences, a comparison with AAO's and OFP's physics isn't really fair to either game. On the soldier level, I would like OFP to have the look and feel of Hidden and Dangerous 2. Hidden and Dangerous 2 is a mostly DirectX8 game with features of DirectX9 implimented. It makes for a very playable game that looks dowright brilliant at times.
  15. toadlife

    Privatizing the military

    Very very very bad idea. You think having a military is expensive now? Just imagine if Halliburton ran it for you.
  16. toadlife

    Us presidential election 2004

    Actually, Bush's policy has been 'tax and spend' minus the tax part. That's why we have a 500 Billion budget deficit right now. Our federal budget deficits is the number one issue for me in this election and has been ever since I started to vote. I voted for Clinton because he stressed the importance of reducing our debt - which he would have done if it weren't for ole' dubya, who threw the Clinton administrations work into the proverbial toilet, and made sure to flush twice. As a result of Republicans and Democrats both being poll whores, all of the other issues besides our debt are pretty much taken care of in a manner consistent with the will of the American people. The debt however is one issue that people just don't seem to care about. As a result our government keeps on running up a tab and addressing the bill to the American people. I really wish Americans would wake up and understand exactly what the national debt entails and WHO owes all this money. Here are some good links about public debt for any American's here that are thinking about voting for Bush. The first site is a government site that spells out exactly what our debt entails. If you have any economics knowledge (or if you have a credit card and understand how it works), you'll be able to figure out just from that page why our national debt is a very very bad thing. The other sites seem to be very liberal leaning, but the points they make are not just liberal propaganda. http://www.publicdebt.treas.gov/opd/opdfaq.htm http://www.disinfopedia.org/wiki.phtml?title=U.S._National_Debt http://www.whatreallyhappened.com/ndebt.html
  17. toadlife

    Custom faces

    If anyone want's their face in game, I can do it for you. I did my own face and it wasn't too hard. A frontal shot and profile shot with even lighting and (both shot from the exect same distance is helpfull too) are required. Here is the custom face of myself I did. The neck is bit messy, but I just didn't bother to spend time getting it perfect:
  18. toadlife

    The things they do in the name of religion

    Not true. A president can only be impeached for "high crimes and misdemeanors", which mean he has to commit a serious crime while in office. You're thinking about Clinton - he was impeached for allegedly commiting purjury. Technically, it had nothing to do with his bedroom antics. Jehova's witness' can be a little weird, but not all of them are so extreme. One of my best friends when I was little was a Jehova. His family was very nice - a little weird, but nice.
  19. toadlife

    The things they do in the name of religion

    Speaking of "The things they do in the name of Religion" I'm not a big fan of the insanity defense. http://www.cnn.com/2004/LAW/04/03/children.slain/index.html
  20. toadlife

    Recent development...

    I agree - if you don't imply any terms upon publishing something, people have the right to view it (in OFP terms play with it) but no other rights. Technically, additional rights must be implied by the author for any other type of use to take place. When I said I released my work with 'no license' I meant that there was no real formal license attached, nor did people have to agree to any tpe of license to download my work. I actually do put a statement at the end of one of my missions that states anyone is free use any part of my mission and need not give any credit to me. So in essense, I was implying a sort of license, minus all the lawyer-speak. I simply don't take the work I do that seriously. It's just a game to me. Only a few months ago, some guy from the UK messaged me on MSN and told me how much he loved my mission 'Dead by Dawn', a mission that I made and released way back in October 2001. Since that mission was so ancient, outdated, by todays standards, I suggested he download my newest mission on my site. He then told me that he didn't knwo where my site was and that he got the mission of a PC Gamer UK CD rom. Was PC Gamer UK violating copyright law since I never specified that anyone could distribute my mission? Perhaps, but I don't really care.
  21. toadlife

    Recent development...

    One minor sticking point...GPL, and not the generic term 'open source' is what you just described. GPL is a license model. The BSD license model is open source too, only it states you can do what you wish with the derived code - even sell it. I have released all of my work with no license agreement, but if I did bother to include one, it would be a BSD style license agreement with no advertising clause. What we have here are different people advocating which license model they think is best, and I don't see anything wrong with that.
  22. toadlife

    Hunting the big savegame bug progress

    1.96 release candidate is out and the bug still exisits - that pretty much says it all.
  23. toadlife

    Hunting the big savegame bug progress

    No it won't be fixed in OFP - but there's allways OFP2.
  24. toadlife

    Recent development...

    You know, if you don't like GPL, or LGPL, you can allways use the BSD license model with an advertising clause - or you can just make up your own license.
  25. toadlife

    Ouija board

    People do notice. A typical session will allways consist on multiple people accusing others of moving the board, and everyone denying that it's them that's doing it.