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Everything posted by toadlife

  1. toadlife

    Shooting-range 1.0

    I couldn't even see some of the targets as they were obstructed by things like large stone walls - plus the targets are the exact same color as the background. I think the targets should be colored differently - like <span style='color:red'>red</span>.
  2. toadlife

    Valve's computer spec survey

    Forget about 64bit for a second. What you should be considering when you look at the AMD64 is the integrated memory controller on the chip - which gives fantastic performance - especially in the case of OFP. Have a look at the OFPMark thread and you'll see that the highest scoring systems don't run Intel chips - they run AMD64's or Athlon XP3200 with a 400 FSB. Ahh yes the old AMD unreliability myth - perpetuated by Intel Stockholders and home builders who can't install a heatsink properly.
  3. toadlife

    Scripts & reloading

    No it should show the proper version at the top. You have to launch the file 'FLASHPOINTBETA.EXE". You installed the BETA exe but you've been running OFP with your old shortcut, which loads up 1.91. Either make a new shortuct that points to the flashpointbeta.exe file or update the existing shortcuts to point to the beta.
  4. toadlife

    A64 opteron

    A warning about Alienware. We just bought 5 alienware Area51 laptops here at work for us techs. They are fast as hell, but so far we have had to send back THREE of them, all for seperate issues. To top it off, their service sucks - it's been three weeks since we sent the laptops back - we called them and they couldn't tell us where our laptops were or when they would be sent back. Their desktop systems may be better, but like I said - beware.
  5. toadlife

    Scripts & reloading

    I think this is all related to eventhandlers and addon init scripts, which I think BIS fixed in their BETA patches. Are you testing this with 1.91 or the latest BETA - 1.96?
  6. toadlife

    Scripts & reloading

    The one major mission I wrote had tons of scripts that ran from start to finish, and loading a savegame never screwed anything up. If this bug were true, then the mission I'm referring to would most definitely blow up upon a reload. Are you referring to just eventhandlers, or all scripts, and do you have an exmaple mission that can demostrate this bug?
  7. toadlife

    Valve's computer spec survey

    I installed steam for the first time about 2 weeks ago, and it asked me to participate in a voluntary hardware survey, so I'm assuming that this is the same survey. Only took a few clicks, as it just read most of my hardware specs automatically.
  8. toadlife

    The need for new manpads...

    Here is the latest ECP readme... http://www.ofpec.com/editors/ecfg/readme.html Please point me to the '20 page spread' about AI improvement. The fact is enemy Machine gunners have allways been overly accurate in OFP.
  9. toadlife

    The need for new manpads...

    ECP gives effects and doesn't change the behaviour of soliders. All ECP is are a bunch of scripts that create cool drop effects here and there. You are imagining things.
  10. toadlife

    Ofp and windows nt

    With NT you can't play the actuall game because of lack of graphics support, but I see no reason why NT wouldn't run the standalone dedicated server. Have you actually tried running a dedicated server on NT Avon?
  11. toadlife

    Ofp and windows nt

    I think it would work, as the standalone dedicated server shouldn't require accelerated 3d graphics to work, and accelerated 3D graphics are the one thing NT doesn't have. If I had an NT machine in my office, I would give it a try, but we moved everything to 2000 a looong time ago.
  12. toadlife

    Hunting the big savegame bug progress

    hehe... My mission Operation LoJack 2 contains an autosave at the beginning of the mission, right after your squad hits the ground. Clicking retry afer this autosave triggers the bug 99.999% of the time.
  13. toadlife

    Valve's computer spec survey

    I participated in this survey - it was Optional. My system was right on the average (~2Gz/Geforce4/512RAM/256kbit connection)
  14. toadlife

    Hunting the big savegame bug progress

    This bug is mentioned in the ECP thread, but thats a bit long to go through. The bug basically pops up anytime you try and load a savegame from a mission with a huge amount of variables. It usually pops up when using the ECP mod (which in itself creates hundreds of variables), in combination with complex missions that contain many variables. The two examples I have off-hand are my mission Operation LoJack 2 and Sui's mission Facile Ground, which both contain mountains of scripting. PLaying the two afforementioned missions without ECP will not produce the error, but add ECP to the equation and what you get is a mission in which you can't load a savegame without a CTD. Originally, I thought ECP was to blame for this bug, but as one of the CoC members (I think Bn880) pointed out, ECP is not required to trigger this bug - you only need to create enough variables. The CoC team, being the king of uber-scripting, has experienced this bug with their work without ECP. Edit: Unfortuantely, as ECP continues to grow - I'm afraid that simple missions like 'steal the car' may start to be affected to, rendering the ECP mod completely useless.
  15. toadlife

    Guess the name of the game

    One of my favorite NES games of all time...
  16. toadlife

    Guess the name of the game

    Close enough - It's H&D2.
  17. toadlife

    Guess the name of the game

    Wait, the ground texure...crosshairs...Halflife? LOL - NO. It's defintely NOT half-life. ;) Nope - theis game is alot newer than OFP. I made two more screenshots from different missions.... http://www.toadlife.net/stuff/forum_pics/name-game-game3.jpg http://www.toadlife.net/stuff/forum_pics/name-game-game4.jpg
  18. toadlife

    Guess the name of the game

    688 Attack Sub
  19. toadlife

    Coca colas new water dasani

    Dasani has been on the Market for quite awhile in the U.S.. Why is it such a big deal that they get tap water and filter it? This is what every water bottler does. Did you not know this? Those companies who claim their water is from some natural spring are taking you for a ride - they get the water wherever the hell they can - all in the name of the bottom line. If Evian's water is from a Natural spring, that doesn't mean the water from that spring is particularly clean, or dosen't have to be filtered anyway. If your local water supply is partly fed by a spring then you could bottle tap water and claim it's from a spring.
  20. toadlife

    Real life photography/photo editing

    Baby pictures! My son Wesley, born Tuesday the 24th of February... ..as you can see by his expression, he's still getting used to the outside world.
  21. toadlife

    Aa:sf (sfas) is here!

    I finally decided to start playing this again a bit. I played during 1.9 for awhile and got my honor all the way up to a whopping 14! :P Anyhow, I downloaded the linux version, and have been playing it on FreeBSD. It runs as well or better than in WindowsXP - even though FreeBSD has to run it in linux compatibility mode.
  22. toadlife

    Official Stupid Quiz Thread

    You're Cat's Cradle! by Kurt Vonnegut You believe quite firmly that free will deserted you long ago and far away. As a result, it's hard to take responsibility for anything. Even though you show great potential as a leader of a small 3rd world country, the choices are all made ahead of time. You're rather fond of games involving string. Your fear of nuclear weaponry is trumped only by your fear of ice. Dunno about that one. You're Switzerland! While most people think you're sort of stuck up, it's really just that people don't interest you that much. That's why you'd rather just stay out of everything and be as neutral as possible. Somewhere in there is an ability to be a psychiatrist because you're so objective, but you might just be too cold for that. I also got Mexico when I answered "warm climate", but I really like to snowboard so I'll stick with Switzerland.
  23. toadlife

    Ofpmark part deux (ofpmark v2.0)

    My Alienware Arrived today... Alienware Area51 Laptop P4 3Ghz 1GB DDR3200 RAM Ati Mobility Radeon 9600 (128MB) Hitachi 60GB 7200RPM Hard Drive OFP benchmark: 6849 Test 1: 25.38 Test 2: 21.51 Test 3: 22.51 Test 4: 22.29 Test 5: 9.30 Test 6: 5.45 Total Score: 1679.17 It's a nice score for a laptop.
  24. toadlife

    Intel forced to wake up and smell the coffee

    Here is a feature at ZDNet on Intel's sudden change of heart. http://zdnet.com.com/2251-1110-5159919.html As for what tech the chips will use, Intel has full access to AMD's technology, so if they want to use AMDs 64bit extentions they could. It might be prudent to do so, as it would be cheaper and easier in the short run.