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Everything posted by skimbo

  1. skimbo

    Authentic sound & weapon Mod

    Predator = God of ARMA Skimbo
  2. skimbo

    Authentic sound & weapon Mod

    Predator! Don't give up matey!! I wish I knew sommat about the game/modding but I am pretty crap when it comes to that sort of stuff. For the record whenever I fire up ARMA it is with your weapon and sound mod - I've tried the other sound mods out there but quite frankly there is nothing that can touch your work. It would be a pisser if you left it now - a real shame! Keep your pecker up mate! Skimbo
  3. skimbo

    Sahrani Radio Player application

    He he this is awesome, I love this kind of sh*t! Just out of interest where is this fictional radio station based in Sahrani? This is what makes games like Grand Theft Auto so great - the radio station content. Just as a thought could you perhaps stage the Norths invasion of the South with breaking news reports and even a storming of the radio station as the North causes a media black out as it siezes the South's communication assets... Could make an awesome mission, for some of the talented modders out there - a few stalwart civvies with AK's trying to hold off an attack by Northern scumbags! Skimbo
  4. skimbo

    M1A1 Cheese tank?

    Hi all Was recently playing and I came face to face with a BRDM (MG mounted variant). I ordered my gunner to fire and the halfwit used the MG instead of HE or SABOT. So theres me and my Abrams duking it out across 30m of fresh air with this BRDM and them bammo - it shows up that my main gun turret has been hit and is status red?! I mean wtf? How can MG rounds bugger up a tank main gun? I've also had the same with Shilkas. They return fire and then suddenly its status red and everyone is leaping from their tanks - c'mon this can't be right? I'm probably mis-informed (I'm not an army guy) but is this possible? Thanks in advance for replies! Skimbo
  5. skimbo

    RHS Hind v1.0 for ArmA

    Yeah tried it with the FDF mod and it works fine. Shame Predators mod doesn't work with this. Thanks for your Hind! Skimbo
  6. skimbo

    M1A1 Cheese tank?

    Cheers for replies Does ARMA have hit points for all aspects of tanks then? What I mean by this is does the front armour have more HP than the sides or rear? Skimbo
  7. skimbo

    M1A1 Cheese tank?

    Wow this post has grown arms and legs! I wasn't hit by anything else I'm more than sure. It was just me and this BRDM about 30m away - I was just incredulous when my gun went red - I though how can MG fire do that to a tank?! I can buy the idea that optics etc were taken out - at that sort of range it would be pretty easy. I just automatically assumed my gunners would just blow it up with a HEAT round it seemed it would be a laugh to sit there for a while until the BRDM was turned to swiss cheese by my 50 cal. Not so! What does alarm me somewhat is this talk of Tanks/vehicles having hit points?! Is this a mil-sim or some beardy role playing game fanatics battlefield fantasy? It makes me cringe to think that if I sit there long enough with a pea shooter I'll eventually be able to wear down a tanks 'armour hit points' enough that it explodes. What a load of arse! Finally maybe could set me straight on something else. RPG's - just your bog standard one that OPFOR use in the game - could that REALLY take out an Abrams? The amount of times I've been twatted by an rpg in game and everyone bails out! Grrrrr. If so how? Is it a hollow charge type effect that RPG ammo has? Thanks in advance for replies! Skimbo
  8. skimbo

    RHS Hind v1.0 for ArmA

    This is the thing. It works fine in normal ARMA. I've flown the Hind around and its great! It just won't work with Predators sound/weapon mod. It's the same with a lot of the other mods I've downloaded also - not just this one, so don't be disheartened you guys! If I place it in my normal bog standard out of the box arma add ons it works fine - trouble is then I have to put up with the sucky sounds that come with the vanilla version. Ah well. I'll live - don't worry about it! Thanks for your help. Skimbo
  9. skimbo

    RHS Hind v1.0 for ArmA

    Sorry yes. It says something along the lines of "config/bin/missing/MI24" or words to that effect. I've placed it in my addons section of the sound/weapon mod folder which I am running. Regards Skimbo
  10. skimbo

    RHS Hind v1.0 for ArmA

    Hi The Hind is awesome and I've had a chance to fly it now using vanilla Arma. However it won't work with my sound/weapon mod of Predators. Does anyone know of a work around for this? Thanks. SKimbo
  11. skimbo

    RHS Hind v1.0 for ArmA

    Hello First off the pictures look stunning - congratulations and great job. However I can't get it to work! I've followed the instructions that came with the readme. I am using Predators sound/weapon mod. I placed the RHS pbo in the add ons folder of my mod folder. When I tried to start rats nest co-op it said something along the lines of: config/bin/missingMI24 (or something of that nature! ) Can you tell me what I need to do to get this puppy in the air? Thanks in advance. Skimbo
  12. skimbo

    Eastern Weekend Radio

    This is great Listening now Skimbo
  13. skimbo

    Authentic sound & weapon Mod

    noooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooo! Don't leave for too long. We need you back to continue your stunning work!!!! Come back soon! Skimbo (Predator groupie)
  14. skimbo

    Laser Designators

    Hi all Can someone explain how the laser designator is used? In particular I am using Predators excellent sound and weapon config mod and the Cobra no longer has a radar but has a laser designator. How does this work? Also special forces seem to have them but I've yet to have a mission where I need to use the designator - am I missing some vital piece of functionality not explained in the (sparse/crap) manual? Thanks in advance. Skimbo
  15. skimbo

    Laser Designators

    Thanks Love y'all! Skimbo
  16. Me and my mate played this. very good! Skimbo
  17. skimbo

    Authentic sound & weapon Mod

    Predator Better get lubed up baby cos your mod worked a treat!!! Thank you soooo much. I've just stopped the game mid way through a mission to let you know it has improved the game immeasurably! Your effects are awesome. Skimbo
  18. skimbo

    Authentic sound & weapon Mod

    Predator Better get lubed up baby cos your mod worked a treat!!! Thank you soooo much. I've just stopped the game mid way through a mission to let you know it has improved the game immeasurably! Your effects are awesome. Skimbo
  19. skimbo

    Authentic sound & weapon Mod

    Sorry Predator this questions a bit off topic. Someone said you did mods for SWAT4? I picked this up for £4.99 the other day and it is an incredible game - would be interested to see what stuff you did for this also. All the best Skimbo
  20. skimbo

    Authentic sound & weapon Mod

    Sorry Predator this questions a bit off topic. Someone said you did mods for SWAT4? I picked this up for £4.99 the other day and it is an incredible game - would be interested to see what stuff you did for this also. All the best Skimbo
  21. skimbo

    Authentic sound & weapon Mod

    Just waiting for my download - even though I have yet to experience your sound mod (probably because I am incompetent ) thanks for your work on this. I am tormented daily by your early previews you posted on youtube... hopefully this time I may get it to work! If this works I'll make sweet love to you... Skimbo
  22. skimbo

    Authentic sound & weapon Mod

    Just waiting for my download - even though I have yet to experience your sound mod (probably because I am incompetent ) thanks for your work on this. I am tormented daily by your early previews you posted on youtube... hopefully this time I may get it to work! If this works I'll make sweet love to you... Skimbo
  23. skimbo

    Authentic sound & weapon Mod

    Really looking forward to your next release matey as you said it will be easy to install Can't wait! Wanted to get my hands on this baby for a loooong time... Skimbo
  24. skimbo

    Authentic sound & weapon Mod

    Really looking forward to your next release matey as you said it will be easy to install Can't wait! Wanted to get my hands on this baby for a loooong time... Skimbo
  25. For me the campaign sucked big time. I was hoping that annoying female reporter would be shot (fortunately BIS came through on this one! ) and the gimp in the news studio needed a rpg up his arse also. Far to short and bugged with missions that couldn't be finished as some script/vital element could not be completed for whatever reason. For me BIS shining moment was with the Op Flashpoint resistance add on - absolute genius. I'm no beardy role playing gamer but I loved the idea that people who survived missions with you gained experience and stayed with your through the game and the fact you had to scavenge for your weapons with hit and run tactics. I hope the cold war mod guys can convert resistance - here's to you! Â Skimbo