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Everything posted by schaefsky

  1. Hello, I have really big problems (since OFP actually) to let the AI do what I want them to do, in regards to "tasks". Short cut: How do you make AI defend something (making them attack something seems rather easy to me) For example: I want a group of AI to engage the enemy, e.g. go towards them or flank them. I want another group to hold a hill or highpoint in the area while another group holds the actual objective, let's say a town. The problem I have is mainly that I can't get AI to hold an area. They always seem to engage on their own. In a mission I'm working on, it plays out like this: AI groups moving towards position of player groups to give him something to shoot at (this works fine apart from friendly AI spotting them from distances I would never notice anything, maybe I just suck at spotting?) A different group to hold a highground on way to player's actual objective (this does not seem to work at all. In my mission enemy AI constantly wanders to the lower nearby road, where even I can spot them from far away, which usually results in a turkey shoot. No enemy AI seems to actually hold the high ground, which I think would be a good idea). I have tried "guarded by" triggers with groups with "guard" waypoint (which gives quite the opposite effect I want for me, AI just wanders all around), "Hold" waypoints (works a little better, but not much), giving simple "Move" waypoints. The only thing that does what I want is placing them manually and disableAI move, but that leads to lot of micro-management (when to allow them to move again, for example). The group I want to guard the actual objective is quite close to the group on high ground and will happily go and look what is happening over there... So... has anyone got the same problems? What is your take on it? I saw bis_fnc_taskDefend, but from the description it doesn't sound exactly like what I'm after (haven't actually tried it yet, though) Or do you think something like a script (suite) to handle this would be needed? Or did I just miss something obvious (crosses fingers) :o
  2. Nice planned features you have compiled there!
  3. I did not know Planck except for the great work he has done. Rest in peace.
  4. schaefsky

    PCGH benchmark GTX480 / GTX470

    What all reviews I have read so far neglect (for a good reason, since it does not matter for real world gaming as of now): Nvidia's new GPUs could really rock with new engines with voxel technology I think. Add PhysX to it, and I am dreaming of a whole new destructible environment game world :eek: Though I doubt we will see a breakthrough in that regard until AMD has something similar to offer, since I don't think anyone would develop a AAA game which runs fine on one vendor only. Maybe next next-gen consoles could give a kick start, PS4 anyone? As said, just dreaming here.
  5. schaefsky

    Operation Arrowhead: open beta

    Thanks Myke, I would have totally missed that vital info!
  6. schaefsky

    Project Reality Development

    Welcome to Arma! I once played with the very nice Charlie Foxtrott community (PvP battles for zones), but it was a little too time consuming for me to stay with it. So I am really looking forward to what might bring more structured PvP to public servers. I hope the PR team could explain the intended game mode a little more since I never played PR before. Are these features a hint at what we can expect?
  7. Great guys, downloading! Also thanks to gol-clan for mirror. Hope there is no bad mood in the team because we forum people pushed for a release.
  8. I vote for release without gamemode and add the mission later. :)
  9. This is such a cool idea! :cool:
  10. In defense of quicksilver67 he meant to make a joke about "not remembering anything" before the person in question developed a mental illness. So in my very personal opinion being sensitive about someone who doesn't show sensitivity himself is not asked for. That said, discussions like that would be more appropriate to the offtopic section or personal messages. Oh and last but not least: F14! Yaiyha! I generally love anything that flies, but that bird always gives me goosebumps.
  11. Now that I'm sober again: you might get more answers if you would describe the task at hand with a little more detail.
  12. schaefsky

    Dragon Rising has been released

    German mag Gamestar did a retest of Arma 1.05 and gave it a 76% (1.0 66%). "OFP" DR still got 78% (for example, they got the same graphics score, nice....). I think 76% for Arma2 is somewhat right for the general gamer, but in comparison 78% for DR? I read (online) game magazines for which games come out, not for how good they are for a reason (and I payed to learn that lesson.) That said, a more stable release of Operation Arrowhead might do some good to BI... Back in my OFP (the real one) days, I used a piece of cardboard and my swiss army knife as weight to press down "w", so I could a roll a cigarette and smoke. Ahh, good old times, actually nice.
  13. Serving up my customers a hustler of the diction Crushing my afflictions, I’m sick in the mind Depends on who you ask And I can do anything depending on the task :)
  14. schaefsky

    the FEW

    Hi there, nice collection CSJ! Note: all of the below was made for the Spitfire, if you like it but don't know how to adapt it, give me heads-up, can change the rest, too. Here is my take on the WEP: private ["_i", "_plane", "_fuel"]; _plane = _this; if (speed _plane <550) then { (driver _plane) say "wep"; _i = 0; while {alive _plane and _i <= 25} do { if (speed _plane < 650) then { _X = velocity _plane select 0; _Y = velocity _plane select 1; _Z = velocity _plane select 2; _plane setvelocity[(_X * 1.01), (_Y * 1.01), (_Z *1.01)]; }; _fuel = (fuel vehicle _plane) - 0.002; _plane setfuel _fuel; _i = _i + 1; sleep 0.2; }; }; put in "csj_spitfire\scripts\wep.sqf" change config.cpp to: class UserActions { class WEP { displayName = WEP; position = "zamerny"; onlyforplayer = 1; radius = 2; condition = "(isengineon this)and (speed this > 70)"; statement = "this [b]execVM[/b] ""\CSJ_Spitfire\scripts\[b]wep.sqf[/b]"";"; }; }; My take on the multi-barrel script, because the version included did not quite work for me (almost every bullet coming from the left): ;// SDP EH script for ZSU Shilka with fully working cannons 2009-06-10 /*-altered by CSJ, schaefsky-*/ _u = _this select 0; _ammo = _u ammo (_this select 1); _b = nearestObject [_u, _this select 4]; _bv = velocity _b; _rand = floor(random(3)); if (_ammo mod 4 > 2 and _ammo mod 4 <= 4) then { _npos = _u modeltoworld [2.1 + _rand, 8, -0.2]; _b setpos _npos; } else { _npos = _u modeltoworld [-2.1 - _rand, 8, -0.2]; _b setpos _npos; }; _b setvelocity _bv; rest as before. "csj_spitfire\scripts\SDP_HHmkIIa_mg.sqf" Cut some parts because you don't have a moveable turret on the plane. The random part is there so fake the 8 barrels, for "real" 8 barrel displacement I had to reduce reload time of the MGs to around 0.05 (5 times less rpm). If you can't simulate it, fake it :D The "8" in "_npos = _u modeltoworld [2.1 + _rand, 8, -0.2];" is there because otherwise it wouldn't work well in dives. Might as well be my not so fast PC. Last but not least, an error in "csj_spitfire\scripts\vapour.sqs" (and all the other planes as well, I think): Two occurances of ? !(isengineOn _vehicle):Exit should be changed to ? !(isengineOn _plane):Exit I advice you to run your Arma2 with -showScriptErrors added to the command-line, to easier spot errors like this. Again, any questions, or too lazy to implement yourself ;) , ask or drop me a PM with your email, I would send you a modified version. Keep it going!
  15. schaefsky

    Arma 2 Grey screen when exit game

    Just noticed this too, seems to happen when I exit editor and then game quickly (without much delay before hitting exit). Running XP 32bit, Arma2 1.05 german, NVIDIA 9800GT 1.82.50. Trying to open taskmanager via Ctrl+Shift+Esc and then killing arma2.exe works sometimes, often not (does not respond to any keyboard inputs then). Quite anoying when you are debugging scripts and have to exit-restart Arma2 for every change you make *hint hint reloading scripts (or pbos) from inside Arma2 would be really nice*
  16. schaefsky

    Music Recommendations

    Hehe, just could not resist. Reading a bit through the thread I don't think it is many peoples taste :rolleyes: My album of the last year at the moment (still have to catch up to music): Atmosphere - When life gives you lemons you paint that shit golden (Great track: Puppets - if someone actually wants to buy the album, get the "limited" edition, it is really nice) They also released a free to download album a while ago, get it here from their labels site: Strictly Leakage Some Albums and a song I like in parenthesis: P.O.S - Never better (Let it rattle - some great songs, some I don't like at all) Sage Francis - A healthy distrust (Sea lion) Problemaddicts - The first step (Hurting) Cunninlynguists - A piece of strange (Since when) Blue Scholars - Bayani (North by Northwest) Common Market - Common Market (G'dang diggy) And some random music videos: Packfm - Plucking Daisies Brother Ali - Take me home Blackstar - Definition Oh yeah, I used to listen to more "thread compatible" music some years ago, what comes to my head right now is: Desaparecidos Favez Aereogramme hmm, can't really remember more now. If anyone knows something similar I would really like to read about it.
  17. schaefsky

    Wings Of Prey

    Aeneas2020, I tried the demo and had the problem too that the yaw and pitch axis of the Sidewinder were wrong assigned. Just reassigned them and everything worked fine (SW Precision Pro) Oh yeah, and also just downloading full version from steam (I think it isn't as good as IL2, but the graphics are really stunning and smooth)
  18. Yes, I actually use it sometimes. However I would like something in between "not moving at all" and "wandering around wherever AI likes to" :)
  19. Well the thing about the Hold waypoint, as far as I understand it, is that it is more or less a move waypoint that doesn't "complete itself" unless you make it "completed" by trigger. It doesn't actually tell AI to hold a (very) specific area, it may appear so because the waypoint doesn't complete and they will go back to it (when they are too far away from it? *guessing*) My problem with the Guard waypoint is that AI interprets it rather... loosely. They do guard a trigger area, just their understanding of guarding tends do differ from mine, i.e. engaging in an area around the Guarded By area. That might be good for some cases, but I never got the results I wanted (see first post) from it.
  20. schaefsky

    FDFmod for ArmA II

    Apart from the artificial horizon this looks really nice (I know it's WIP) Is there a german camo planned?
  21. schaefsky

    Stargate Universe [SG:U]

    Sorry, did not read the whole thread, but one thing that stuck to my mind: So Chloe is making out with Lieutenant Scott. At the same time Eli is following her like a dog (as someone here put it), and she is not exactly disliking it, I'd say. Then Choe gets back to Earth (episode 4 or 5 or something), and makes a scene that her best friend is making out with her boyfriend. Anyone got the moral of that ? ;)
  22. schaefsky

    Changing environment due to pollution

    Sorry for not answering, was kind of in a hurry. Pfew, difficult subject. Like for almost every war, my answer would be that civilians (no leading politicians or leading military) simply don't know what is going on. My personal point of view on the Ex-Yugoslavian conflict is that there were a lot of people running around killing each other. However, it seems to me that the serbs got painted as the single culprits who were responsible for it. As far as I know (from internet sources that is), this is not the truth. This was the first war germany was activly involved in after WW2. (We did for example sell equipment to make chemical weapons to Saddam Hussein however, the german G3 is as far as I know a often used weapon in african wars, I imagine the list goes on) Milosevic has been painted as the new Hitler (just like Saddam), so that there was a "reason" for Germany to send troops. Having our history in mind, and the Yugoslavian and especially Serb history of resistance to the Wehrmacht / SS troops, this makes me sick. If you look for example at the genocide in Rwanda, it is very clear that our politicians don't give a shit about people getting killed - whether there are resources or whether the country has geo-strategic importance is what matters. I think we have rather strict protection for consumer goods. And you can buy for example boots for 2 Euro in Germany, too. This however is not the normal thing, but rather poor people (for german standard) will buy these. I for example come from a upper class of society (I liked to think of myself as being middle-class, however when I got older I realised that this is rather not the case). We have a very good system of social care in Germany, but this is getting reduced because free-market will solve everything. Except when some banks get in financial trouble, then of course the state (that is, the people who actually pay taxes) has to take care of it. Sorry, I really can not say anything about it, because I and people I know do not seem to have problems with bad products like this. If poorer people have problems I can't tell, because as stated I come from a rather upper-class of society and we like to be in our own circles, so to speak. Took a while for me to realise this. Again, I find this a very difficult subject. In Germany we have a very famous tabloid "newspaper", the Bild Zeitung (literaly translated to "picture newspaper", comparable to e.g. The Sun in GB). This paper is read by a stunning amount of people. I travel by train a lot, and you can bet your arse that on every trip you take there is at least one person who reads this fucking piece of shit. What is worse, to be able to read this, you have to buy it (giving this demagoges your money). So... there has been a case of a child being missing, and some guy took this child to his home, because he apparently thought "better with me than alone on the street". So the Bild Zeitung made an article printing his face for everyone to recognize, stating he is a child molester. Later it turned out he wasn't, he seemed to really have the best interest of this child in mind. Now guess what an "easy" time this guy will have going to the bakery for example, when everyone "knows" he is a bad child molester. While not being directly connected to censorship, I have lost all my faith in news media when I was around 18 years old. A guy ran amok in school, killing some 17 people I think and himself. It turned out he had Counterstrike installed on his PC. So, the media went on to declare that Counterstrike was the reason he ran amok, in fact that's where he learnt to shoot accurate at moving targets. One media report said "Counterstrike is game where the goal is to shoot women with baby carriages". There are no women in unmodded Counterstrike, let alone baby carriages, let alone that it would be the goal to kill anyone than the terrorists / counter-terrorists depending on which team you are (strictly speaking, this only one way to win a round). But these are just details which complicate matters, aren't they? So, the "professional journalists" who wrote stuff like this (this was just the IMO worst example) either plainly lied, or didn't bother to do some actual research. Either way, I don't believe anything anymore just because it is written / broadcasted by "professionals". There was a case in Germany where rotten meat was sold in supermarkets. There was an uproar in the media how bad this is, then it all went quiet again. I don't believe anything has actually changed. But then again, who wants to read about rotten meat when you can read about Paris Hilton or some other random person who is famous for being famous....
  23. schaefsky

    Changing environment due to pollution

    Hmm, don't know, but something comes to my mind: I once read the story that someone in Berlin said shortly after the fall of the Berlin Wall: What are you all celebrating for? Now there is no more communism (or "socialism existing in reality"), capitalism will show it's true face, because it doesn't have to compete anymore. In my words: As long as there were "communist" countries, capitalism played nice to attract people to it. No more competitors - no more reason being nice. There is a saying we have germany: our political system is referred to as "social captitalism". So some people here say that actually means: losses are being socialised, while earnings are privatised. One could very clearly see that system in effect when some banks nearly went bancrupt because they gambled with the money.
  24. I prefer english because the german loacalisation seems usually be done by the acting class of some elementary school. Maybe it's just because english isn't my first language so I have a harder time differentiating between good and bad english voice acting. Also, english text is usually shorter than german, which better fits to menus.
  25. schaefsky

    BWMod for ArmA II

    Stunning! I love the looks of that chopper.