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Everything posted by scubaman3D

  1. globalsecurity.org indicates that an Osprey can climb at a vertical rate of 332 m/min FAS.org says the maximum recommended rate of descent for a safe landing under 40kts airspeed is 244 m/min (thought its capable of a much faster rate).
  2. scubaman3D

    Multicam Special Forces

    cool stuff - they look great...finally tried them :)
  3. I would disagree but I do think that dispersion is a bit exaggerated for some weapons.
  4. Cant make any promises for the next patch, but I think it was already stated that the M2 will be replaced as soon as possible.
  5. yeah, I think you'll have to remove the sf_scar pbo from the Special Forces Detachment Alpha addon. The pbo name is the same for it and ACE.
  6. scubaman3D

    rvmat Brick house

    bravo, as an additional, late suggestion, you can play with the diffuse, ambient, and spec values in your rvmat so that they don't reflect white and the reflection isn't so bright. I've been known to use values that produce a brown reflection, which will dull out the bright spots on a building like that and give it more of a mud brown look. I can show you what I mean via skype if you want.
  7. scubaman3D

    Making an skin

    There are easier ways than this. If you need to repath a texture in several files, I use UltraEdit32. You can tell it to "Replace in Files" and point it to the directory which contains your p3ds or rvmats. Works like a charm, but there are caveats if you're repathing textures of p3ds in ODOL format.
  8. check the manual. I think its some keybind that allows you to switch weapons.
  9. This is good feedback. If you have some time, open tickets on the ACE bug tracker for these things. @Cameron - I can certainly understand your point but its only kind of ascetically pleasing to have a base M4 variant for vehicle crews. There is no added pro or con, other than the way it looks to the player. Still, thats Panda's call.
  10. I suppose we could have over 100 SCAR variants given all the gear we have I mean, 6 base scar variants x2 for a set with suppressors x13 attachments... We've got to draw a line somewhere and there will always, always be somebody that wants just one more variant. Right now, I don't see that we're missing any capability given the weapon sets we have - with the possible exception of the OPFOR weapons. I suppose we are missing capability there to a certain extent...
  11. well maybe when your done downloading and complaining, you'll instead be thanking Q1184
  12. Hey spooky, what would that look like? Do you have info on how they're organized?
  13. This kind of feedback would be good to capture on the ACE bugtracker. Head overt here if you've got some time.
  14. scubaman3D

    USA Politics Thread - *No gun debate*

    Correction, blame the citizens whom voted them in. @General Barron: that's awesome, its about time somebody stands up to our out of control federal government.
  15. There were 24 SCAR variants in 1.01 and now there are 40! How do you call that less variety? ps, I don't know if all 40 are in the ammobox but they're cfg's and there's models for them, so...yeah.
  16. Yeah, I debated about it for a long time. The number of SCAR variants started to get excessive and I wanted to cut the # at 40, total. I was going to cut more of the suppressed variants to allow for more unsuppressed, but was convinced just to cut the EGLM/SD versions by a few of the other devs. Also, in my experience, hardly anybody ever uses the suppressed version in the servers I've been playing on. And, stay tuned for a cool new feature that will make it more convienient and palatable to use the MK13 standalone, or any of the other Standalone GLs
  17. Right, as an FYI to mission makers: SCARs that had EGLM and Suppressor have been removed. also Some of the SCAR variants have changed names. Sorry about the inconvenience.
  18. I get the same thing with an HD 4850.
  19. Well I just wanted to say that if anybody got the impression from me that we're not accepting constructive criticism, I'd like to apologize. The ACE bug tracker is open for feedback - and that is a better place to discuss such things, than here.
  20. oh, pfffew. For a second, I thought it was somebody important.
  21. Peace out. In other news, I'm mulling over what I should do with my new-found powers of "spokesperson for ACE". Â This is just hilarious to me. Â Anyways, to clear things out, I'm not a spokesperson - but I am opinionated. I have the distinct advantage that I don't care what people think about me so I'm not afraid to speak my mind. edit: I invite anybody who has personal problems with me to PM and air their grievances.
  22. Point is, a bunch of people just like you disappeared from the mod and didn't finish their projects - and several of these people have resurfaced to publicly complained about it. For your service to your country, America owes you a debt of gratitude. ACE, however, dosn't owe you anything. Maybe your expectations were too unrealistic if you're truly disappointed. Either way, I'm sure you know the old adage "If you don't like it, don't play it..."
  23. The people who "dropped the ball" were the people like yourself who were "in the loop for several months" but then never finished their projects and left, only to be seen some months later criticizing the mod that has disappointed them so much...
  24. There are currently no plans to separate the core mod from the custom content.
  25. First, I don't agree with you that it is absolutely impossible for an individual to blackout from over exertion. Even so, I'll concede the point. We still cannot force the player's character to slow down while they are running. If, then, they continue to sprint after the obvious signs of exhaustion are displayed for a long enough time, they will black out. Its not perfect but what you are describing isn't currently possible to simulate in ArmA (to my knowledge, anyways). If you know of a way to do this, I'm sure we'd be glad to add it in the next update. We're trying to do the best we can and frankly, for so many people who had so little to do with developing this massive mod, to complain about it is irritating. I guess thats MY point.