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About shunday

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    Private First Class

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  1. shunday

    Development Blog & Reveals

    How about focusing on the visual notifications, they should surely be able to get annoying enough. (after increasing with object use) If you'd for example start seeing the texture on the object your using flashing with a big DLC-text now and then, that could even replace the restrictions of use. I sure wouldnt wanna pilot a heli where the interior and the exterior is lit up like a DLC christmas tree. (only local though)
  2. shunday

    A storm is coming (Arma 3 Zeus DLC)

    Im hoping for something in the tsunami direction. Like rising the sea level in realtime and creating a dayz like scenario where people scatter for the high parts of the island. Survivors of the hills kinda..
  3. There's an ugly solution that might work.. If someone knows how to mimic this script, why not combat the current one circulating with a harmless copy and spread it around as much as possible.
  4. MD5 hash = takeonthegame.com but offline for now
  5. The thing in the background seems to be an aviation helmet: http://www.msa-europe.com/int/products/head-protection/aircraft/ And the vehicle he's in seems to fit an MD520:
  6. shunday

    FP : DR - News & Discussion

    I'd say a valid story or scenario is important if you want to make this game a sandbox that people will enjoy making missions and mods for. You'd basicly have to mod in an entire faction to make missions for the people that want to play in conflicts that does exist and seem plausible. Making missions with chinese vs us on an empty island is likedly to get boring quickly. In ofp cwc the islands were kinda like skira, but with a few more elements and it was used by mission makers to create scenarios of a possible war in europe or smaller conflicts with the resistance units as smaller factions. Lets see what creative options the current setup will give us.
  7. I'm wondering what BIS'es stance is on the usual reskinning of stock content. Considering that some of the Arrowhead buyers actually might not have ARMA 2 and the fact that alot of the content will be reskinned for desert use. Or will there be no models released? :confused:
  8. Here are some suggestions based on my opinions of what evolution lacks. Mainly cooperation issues and replay value. 1. Definitly tired of playing it the same way every time, but Sahrani has a good set of varying terrain. What could be done, so that people doesnt have to download new maps is having the town that is supposed to be attacked be non-linear, either through random or include a choice from one of the players, possibly even having an overall commander with some other options available. 2. Yes! Less vehicles! Possibly add more vehicles based on number of players. It may not help getting rid of lonewolfs or lack of vehicles, so maybe some sort of delay/restriction script is in order here even if it wont solve the problem in itself. Other games have solved this through longer vehicle respawns or synched player pool respawns. About towns being opened, you could restrict it to only one town at a time. 3. Doesnt matter that much, but US is prefered mainly because of all the equipment. You could use RACS or civilians as a surprise faction coming in on either side and doing some damage. 4. Side missions sure breaks cooperation. If you want them to stay, you could make them a part of the main mission and in the vicinity. Side missions could either make it harder or easier for the main mission, depending on the result. 5. No need for heavy support. Make artillery support less effective. It spoils the gameplay for other players. Even though evolution isnt that realistic, icbm-ing towns always seemed and looked ultra ridiculous. There are more options to create better gameplay and cooperation but im guessing you want to narrow down the work a bit.
  9. Its easy to imagine that a ground skybox works and looks ok. It certainly does in other games. But have you ever seen it in a flight-simulator? I havent. And i think its for a good reason. Lets make an assumption that the skybox mountain range is approx 5-50 km away. You are in a plane moving a few hundred meters above ground and everything looks normal. Skybox is behind the "real" mountains and you can see the 2d fog stretching down from the skybox and meeting the 3d mountains. Now imagine going up 1 km. The fog area will get bigger and the 2d skybox will start looking out of place. Now imagine going up 5 km. This is the point where it will look so unreal that you probably will think that you are hallucinating. You should practicly be looking at the skybox from 45 or less degrees (depending on what distance the skybox is made to represent) and in reality you would be seeing alot of this area from above, but you are not. You are seeing a big gray area with the 3d ground in the middle and the same 2d-mountains all around. The higher you go, the more out of place it will look. In my opinion, you cant have a ground skybox in a flight simulator.
  10. shunday

    Evolution V3.0

    Regarding the problem with not being able to choose a role but having to rank all the way up i've been having this idea that you might implement something similar to ranking up in various roleplaying games. There you use your experience/points to level up in a certain area of expertice. I suppose you'd need either less points between each level or a couple of level-up choices within the current levels. Dunno how hard this would be to implement or if it would become too chaotic, but it could serve as a middle path between chosing a role and the current ranking. You could possibly also add other specialist features to chose from other than vehicles, weapons and AI command. Like for a high ranking commander, being able to see all friendly forces and have alot more ai at your disposal. A sniper/scout could have a higher viewdistance and same for pilots. A medic could be able to drive the ambulance, revive people. A new role, artillery officer could be added with the ability to set up guns and deploy forward observers with a cam to watch the fire. The list goes on and one can only dream.. Â
  11. shunday


    Thanks for the link. I guess i'll have to live without being able to fully command mr no.4. I could possibly learn to doublepress Alt all the time instead, or buy a track-ir.
  12. shunday


    I simply can't be the only one with this problem and i dont know where to put this topic. Hoping someone will have some kind of an idea of a way to get around this. In your typical long coop mission, you're in the midst of the heat and you're watching your AI's by holding down ALT for freelook. At this point you want your number 4 ai to move to a specific location. You press down F4 and then its all over. Instant desktop How about some confirmation when doing this? Or being able to disable it ingame? Anyone know of any workarounds?
  13. shunday

    Confirmed release dates and countries.

    @Sailindawg I'm assuming you are using XP? With XP comes a IDE Transfer Mode Failback feature that basicly changes the method of communication to a safer one when a number of read/write errors has occurred, from DMA to PIO. This is a major pain in the behind for alot of people using dvd/cd burners as they get their transfer rates decreased. There are a number of ways to switch back to DMA transfer. Either just change it (this only seems to work an number of times), remove the device, reinstall windows or hack the registry. Search the net and you will find ways to change back. About the drive not working at all, that i havent seen happen from the failback feature.