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Everything posted by sparks50

  1. Ive never heard a Trabant driving, but if they sound anything like old two-stroke Saabs, then I'm sure they sound awesome. (Saab bought the DKWs engine from the Trabant)
  2. sparks50

    HDR lighting

    So the general notion against the HRD is caused by a few people having technical problems? That makes it more understandable.
  3. sparks50

    Afgan Patrol

    I also heard from Matt Rochelle that those who JIP get a full map no matter if they have the map or not. But thats off topic
  4. For me, the normal and high settings were identical to the normal setting, and the very high disabled HDR totally for some reason. That looked pretty poor. Here we are looking towards the sun, 0600 in early morning Normal: http://i532.photobucket.com/albums/ee327/sparks50banan/NORMAL.jpg High: http://i532.photobucket.com/albums/ee327/sparks50banan/HIGH.jpg Very high: http://i532.photobucket.com/albums/ee327/sparks50banan/VERYHIGH.jpg
  5. sparks50

    International Politics Thread

    So your demand is that they should fight a war with symmetrically effective Armies, and if not, it is unfair? That is ridiculous. They both actively worked towards a war like this to happen.
  6. sparks50

    Afgan Patrol

    Put simply, with "Enable: Require Map Object" you need to have the map object in your inventory to see the map. You can also walk onto someone who has the map object, and read their map by using the action menu.
  7. sparks50

    HDR lighting

    I have yet to see something come closer in a game though. One example, go from a lit room into the dark night. you have to spend a certain time in the dark before you have a chance to see anything. For me this effect even seems to be a bit mild. When we had night-watch IRL, it was procedure to wake the people assigned to watch ten minutes before their watch actually started, so that they could stare into the darkness a while. Its also a significant disadvantage in the game to fight towards the direction of a low sun. These are annoying things that has to be considered IRL, and they are also annoying in Arma. And for me, thats a good thing. But I guess we are entitled to disagree on this subject. Im not gonna claim its perfect either, because it sure isn't. But its closer than anything else I have seen. As for NVGs, they aren't very good in vanilla, but luckily mods like ACE sort of fixes that.
  8. sparks50

    ArmA photography - Questions&Comments

    Nice shot Ingram http://a.imagehost.org/view/0984/p85l
  9. Alex: You change from CQB-optics with shift+f. You can also change trow-modes for hand grenade by pressing shift+h while having the grenade selected. Melted faces bug:
  10. The wiki talks about some tutorial missions for ACE features. do these exist? I also wonder what usage the additional medic-kit has(not the bandages, ephi and morphine, but others such as plasma bag etc.) has on the battlefield of Arma.
  11. sparks50

    Graphics engine improvement

    They said they were still working on face models in some other thread in the general section. Also, it has been said that Characters (and possibly other things, I cannot be bothered to watch the trailer again) does not cast self-shadows. This is because its WIP and they just couldn't enable it in the stage they were at in the development at the time the trailer was made. Was it smart of them to release a trailer showing graphics lacking effects? I dunno, but it sure made a lot of people here happy to see some content.
  12. sparks50

    melting faces bug

    I'm guessing you ran ACE mod, because this is not a vanilla bug.
  13. sparks50

    upgraded from E6600 to Q9550. Massive improvement

    A unclocked E6600? Now thats a waste of potential
  14. sparks50

    More Comprehensive AAR

    Battlefield 2 had a feature similar to that. It would definitely be great for clan AAR.
  15. sparks50

    ArmA photography - Questions&Comments

    If only my computer could handle that effect... Oh well, Ill just smear coffee on the monitor itself. Thanks sezechiel.
  16. sparks50

    Q1 date (?)

    Its all good no matter what happens really. More time to enjoy Arma with mods, and more time for them to finish the product
  17. sparks50

    I am back for ArmA2

    Yes, those icons are useless
  18. sparks50

    International Politics Thread

    Actually Matt, I do remember a video clip that made for some controversy some years ago. It had IDF soldiers, breaking into houses of suspected terrorists by pushing civilians in front of them in the doorway as a human shield. Though granted, reports of this kind is far between. I'm no fan of either part. And I'm no optimist when it comes to peace either. People tend to forget that Hamas has a strong following in a big part of the Palestine population. When you add the fact that the ongoing attacks gives them more supporters, you see that there can be no peace by violence in this area, even if they find and kill every Hamas that there is. I am not questioning Israels right to fight back, only stating the hopelessness of there being any peace in this area in any close future.
  19. sparks50

    ArmA Photography I - No images over 100kb.

    Arma 2 Nah -FDF pod island -ErikM hind
  20. sparks50

    HDR lighting

    Well in that case it should be a server setting, because having it on would be a big disadvantage. After what I remember, the HDR in Arma 2 will be a bit quicker, but still with the effects intact. I like the present one anyway.
  21. sparks50

    Q1 date (?)

    Well they don't even have the name right
  22. CyDoN, surely there must be one pvp mission for Arma that you like? If not, how exactly would your dream mission differ from Berzerk? As previously mentioned, according to BI the script language is pretty much the same in Arma 2, so porting a mission shouldn't be any harder than porting a mission to another island is today(with some class name changes etc. of course) There would be little if any waiting time.
  23. sparks50

    Afgan Patrol

    Because its a official expansion pack to the game. And because the new animations gives mission makers more to work with.
  24. Just to let you know, Lokis lostkey addon does the same thing and works with ACE AFAIK. http://www.armaholic.com/page.php?id=3648