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Everything posted by skruis

  1. New release with fire effects AthenaWeb_Alpha_20221108.zip
  2. Been working on the firedMan event handler
  3. I'm guessing that's why I see your comments on the community wiki pretty frequently. Only reason I brought it up was because after my corrections, the same name was listed twice and I wanted you to know it wasn't a duplicate...that it actually was 2 units with the same name so we wouldn't be chasing a bug. I might take you up on that. I think that's 1400 Central US. To that point, do you think it's worthwhile for me to expose an array to which units can be added that will never be shown in Athena? I'm assuming that prisoner would be on the same side as the players and probably a group leader. The only way to hide them currently is to change their side...maybe change their rating so that they're sideEnemy but I think that { side _x } forEach allUnits; would still return west if if they were determined to be sideEnemy. What do you think? Sounds good. Thanks for all the help!
  4. AthenaWeb_Alpha_20221107.zip This update adds 'sleep' commands to the data collection routines which might alleviate the mission startup issues depending on whether or not the issue is time until the players interface is loaded or time until your objective setup sequence (the additional mission prep scripts you've included) is complete. If it's the objective setup, which I think it is, I might not be able to do much about that because to the best of my knowledge, it's really a scheduled environment issue: a flurry of heavy scripts trying to run at the same time. I'd be open to suggestions about minimizing impact. If that's the case though, in this particular example, it should only really affect the server and not the players ... which I think you pointed out. Additionally, I believe I've resolved the following issues: 1. Not following the player after respawn. 2. Units that are no longer 'alive' or who have not had position updates for the last 60 updates/frames are no longer displayed in the follow list 3. I've added colors for civ, east, guer, unknown, dead units should now have their colors correctly tinted to civilian colors as dead units are civilian I believe 4. A new signing key for AthenaWeb (included in keys folder) This update affects the pbos (addons folder) and the wwwroot folders. I don't believe the extension (dll) was recompiled as no changes were needed. Tank, there was a unit in your mission, actually 2 that shared the same name (name unit) but had different netIds. They existed in the beginning but after the objective setup completed and the player was moved, they were removed from the mission. So I don't think the unit was duplicated, in the follow menu, there were just 2 different units with different netIds that had the same name. I think it was Ryan something. Btw: I got my butt handed to me in your mission.
  5. When you say load times, do you mean the time until the player view is loaded or do you mean until your generated tasks begin and the players are moved from the start island to the first AO?
  6. Yes, there are several modes: //1 - Player //2 - Units in Player Group (including player) //4 - Units on Player Side (including player) //8 - Player + Group Leaders on Player Side //16 - All Units (including player) //32 - Player + Group Leaders on All Sides //64 - Specific Units (No automated collection of units, manually supplied by mission editor/scripters) These will be exposed in the app eventually. There are two variables in the player namespace that can be exposed to mission designers/admins/etc: player setVariable ["ATHENA_SCOPES", 15, true]; //this is the sum of the scopes you want to be available to the player player setVariable ["ATHENA_SCOPE", 4, true]; //this is the selected scope player setVariable ["ATHENA_SCOPE_UNITS", [], false]; The intent is to allow 3rd parties to set a limit on the available options and to allow the user to select one of those options. Now that I'm looking at the implementation, I think I need to add a check to see if the player variable is already set to a value before I set it to my default. I'll also need to add a notification method from in the game to the app to notify the user that the available options have changed. So, the feature needs some work but if you want to try playing around with it as is, you can. The value of the ATHENA_SCOPES variable is the sum of the options you want to make available to the users. By default, the user will be able to select any of the first 4 options (1+2+4+8). The ATHENA_SCOPE variable is what they selected. By default, all units on the side will be displayed. I had intended to change the default to the player and group leaders on the same side but for testing, I wanted to match the expectations from the current version of Athena. The ATHENA_SCOPE_UNITS variable is the variable that's populated via the unit collection script. If you set ATHENA_SCOPE to 64, nothing will appear in Athena unless you, as a mission designer or admin, manually add units, including the player, to the ATHENA_SCOPE_UNITS array. Note: The 64 value shown is actually 32 in the C version you're currently running. I've added the Player + Group Leaders on All Sides option to the next version. The selected scope (ATHENA_SCOPE) is used to collect a list of units. From the list of units, the groups and also the vehicles they occupy will be collected. Then the scripts will continue to cycle through those lists (units, groups, vehicles) and provide extended information about them: their netIds, names, rank, weapons, group leader, crew members, etc in the scheduled environment because I don't expect them to change often. On EachFrame, in the unscheduled environment, the units and vehicle positions, direction and speed are collected and sent to the app as updates because those will change often.
  7. It 'should' increase in fidelity when you stop moving. Additionally, there's a setting in the app that lets you control the resolution of the chunks background and foreground. The background is rendered on map load and is always visible. So to keep memory usage low, you'll want that to keep the scale of the background low. That's especially important on a mobile device. If you're on a desktop device and have memory to spare, increase the scale. The foreground scale is used when a chunk comes into view and the re-rendering is triggered. At this time, re-rending is triggered when you stop moving. I'll probably add a timer of some sort to the process as well so that it updates every X seconds regardless of your activity level. Even though the map is exported once, to the extension, the maps are still rendered dynamically by the app using the chunk data. This includes the 50x50 cells, structures, roads, etc. This is because I wanted the app to have access to the raw data and for there to be some flexibility when it comes to what data to show/hide when the user zooms in/out, clicks on things, etc. Or are you referring to the squareness of the cells? I debated about using the contour of the zero elevation as a 'fill' but ... meh.
  8. Thanks for all the feedback Tank. I'll investigate all of this tomorrow.
  9. Ill investigate the startup delays. I noticed the same thing even in my own testing. Base Respawn: Was it following player or a specific unit? As soon as the units data exports and shows that its being occupied by the player, it should recenter. Ill investigate. Shooting: Absolutely. Mission Designers: Theres a couple of variables attached to the player namespace. The intent is that a mission designer/server admin can limit the unit scopes available to the player and them another variable used for the players choice. Ill get you the vars later in a bit but if its something that interests you, using them, you can control if its just you, your group, you and all group leaders, you and all on your side or everyone in the mission.
  10. Fantastic! I'm very interested to hear what you find out.
  11. So after a bit of a buggy start, do you think it shows promise as a future replacement? Also, how do you feel about the visual changes in the map vs the desktop app? It should be fairly easy for me to expose the colors for customization too. Might even add color profiles so users can customize day/night schemes.
  12. Hmm, well, I must have misplaced the key then. It's a new mod, should probably have a separate key. I'll generate a new one and sign it with that moving forward. Sounds good?
  13. Hmm, I wonder if your browser cached the original files. Can you hit ctrl+f5 to force refresh?
  14. Stepping out, will be back in ~45 minutes
  15. Yep, that's the exact error I ran into. The c update should fix that. Thanks for all your help testing Tank. I really appreciate it.
  16. Just to confirm, are you running the c update? Also, is your mission in the workshop?
  17. Is this in a fresh game with just yourself or are there other units and if so, did any of them die? I just released an update that fixes that issue if that's the case. Otherwise, in your browser, can you open the dev tools and check the console log. There should be an error listed there. Also, you would only need to replace the wwwroot files with those in this update.
  18. AthenaWeb_Alpha_20221105c.zip Fixes issue where render fails after any unit death.
  19. Also, I've found a bug that should have been found before I released this as an alpha. In my testing, I loaded a map and ran around, ok great. I never died. There's a bug when the unit dies, it's icon is eventually removed however I was removed the 'texture' the icon was using too which is also shared by all of the other unit icons and caused the render to error out. I've fixed and am packaging another update.
  20. Just to be clear, when you say appdata, you mean c:\users\tanky\appdata\roaming\athena? Huh, I wonder if when the extension runs, it auto creates the folder. Didn't expect that.
  21. When the mission starts, the extension will start. It'll check the worlds folder for *.json files. If the current world isn't one of them, it'll start exporting it immediately. It'll do this for every world. You should end up with a <world>.json file per world.
  22. Posted another new version. Fixed my previous fix and fixed an issue in the unit tracking list not selecting the unit you were tracking on modal open. Sorry bout that! AthenaWeb_Alpha_20221105b.zip
  23. Ok, should be fixed. Updated download link: AthenaWeb_Alpha_20221105.zip Changes: typo in getUnits, _unitsP instead of just _units Also, it looks like the same key I've had since 2014.
  24. Yep, found the bug. I hadn't tried it in multiplayer and that line of code would have only been touched when there are 'playableUnits' in the mission. I'll update the zip in a few.
  25. I think its the same key…does your server require battleye?