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Everything posted by stegman

  1. stegman

    Patch 1.05 "Announced". Includes AH-64

    Ok lads, keeping this civil and on topic please see here for all your AH64 concerns; http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/AH-64_Apache Its on wikipedia,so it must be right ;) Im more interested in this 3 way warfare TBH. We know how the heli campaign is going to work; Fly a few missions, get shot down, join the resistance who help back across to your side of the map. but the warfare, now thats something that could really take off...
  2. stegman

    Patch 1.05 "Announced". Includes AH-64

    3 sided warfare?!?! definitely time for one of these! --->
  3. Hello there, I had a little play with GW last night. I couldnt find the correct Littlebird addon, but managed to get the mission running in editor anyway. I love the start with the rainbow (not sure if that happens for everyone, but it did for me! I worked out where i was, and got a mission from the warlord to "destroy the ammo dump". I checked my tasks and clicked the link, but no marker was placed. The mission was as grid ref:040,037...a small clearing off of a dirt road. I have no addons (other than possibly the wrong littlebird ones) or mods. But i am running through Steam, if that will make any odds..? Also, focus shows up twice in the action menu.
  4. Sounds mega! I haven’t played it yet, but have just read the read me files. I have an opinion on two points and a suggestion for one. 1) Not sure if the player should be a Resistance fighter or Blufor behind the lines helping the resistance. I think the player should be resistance. Should give the feeling you are fighting for your own sake. Your own country and ideals, rather than sticking your nose into anothers afairs.. (although, it might get a little hard trying to understand what your saying for the English speakers amonsgt us! Might be worth using the resistance models, but making them 'west' side, so the language is english??) 2) Major Blufor force attack... Have the basic scripts ready, just need a plan! How about this; you are a resident of Chernarus fighting against the local Chernarussian Movement of the Red Star (ChDKZ) militia and the Chernarussian Defence Forces (CDF) !! You play each side off against the other, doing little ‘tasks’ for them until one is dead, then you finish off the other. I have PM’d you further info on this idea... 3) Long travel times Could you influence towns to become friendly by doing missions near to them? If so, they could be used as recruitment centres and fast travel hubs maybe? No idea how to code such a thing though sorry.. :(
  5. stegman

    Dynamic War

    Looks like this thread might be dead due to RL commitments :( But just in case it isn’t...i unpacked the Warfare.pbo the other day and found several example missions. Some of them are the resistance fighters Vs the Russians with US in the traditional 'resistance' role (occupying neutral towns). This twist of warfare has made me hope even more for DynaMish 2 to be created. Is there any progress on it, oh wise Mr Nasty?
  6. Wow, then we can import ACE island pack and have the Maldern islands and recreate OF:P CWC. again! <..downloading now..>
  7. stegman

    Porting warfare for an old noob.

    AI will now take the towns, but some of the markers still show up.
  8. ...guess your right.. But people do create zombie scripts that stop people going prone, but ok i take your point. :(
  9. How come no one has ever set about doing a fallout mod? Now with fallout3 and its 3d models, surly some talented group could churn out something? We could have Brotherhood, Enclave, Raiders, Waste Landers, Vault dwellers, bucket loads of guns from the original, post apocalyptic island...
  10. stegman

    AI standing around

    i have the same problem with my ported version, i think it might be due to the nearest towns not being defined properly.. I’ll try this out tonight, but if anyone knows otherwise let me know so i don’t waste my time please :p
  11. stegman

    Porting warfare for an old noob.

    I have now got a 'working' version. But it turned out there are less towns in south sarahni than on my chosen island port. I have created a few more and named them acordingly, but AI wont take the new towns and the red markers show up in game. Any idea what i've done wrong here??
  12. What I’ve never understood is why BI never implemented dynamic weather and seasons dependant on the time of year. What I mean is, we have the normal maps right? We can set a mission in any month of the year. So why not change the default island to be a winter map if the mission is in December? Or an autumn map for the autumn months etc..(with golden trees etc) Then, instead of rain or fog you have snow, or hail etc during the relevant months... Granted i wouldn’t have a clue about how to go about it! And I’m sure it would be a difficult undertaking, but surly it could be done, yeah?:o
  13. not too bad mate. dont decide who wins. Build two campaigns, one for each side. let the player decide who wins...
  14. Tidy! Oh this is gonna be good! Isn’t there a PLA or Chinese forces download out there two? I'll set about making my own DR .well well well, IF codies can 'adapt' a story to fit their needs then so can we, 'eh?
  15. This calls for one of these me thinks...----> Cheers matey
  16. how about the old OFP maps :) And the ArmA maps :) And how about the OFP Dragon Rising map, Skira? complete with dormant volcano.
  17. guys, just been playing with the Hitch scripts. Does anyone know how to integrate it into warfare?
  18. stegman

    Dynamic War

    I thought you said you were done with all this scripting malarkey? ;) I’m so sorry I never got around to creating documentation for the original ..i'm just lazy, you know that right? Plus each time i fired up the mission for 'research' i'd just end up playing it! for hours!! So, this new version will be like OFP: Resistance v2 then eh? Sounds mega! Count me in! And here are some concepts. I’ll through some at you and see what sticks. Recruiting personal; you need to go into a town and set up a recruitment office...or something. Then come back a few hours or so later. People will only join if their tolerance level is low. But beware of sympathisers who might rat you out and call the local militia to ambush you next time you come to town! :o IEDs: You have to plant some IEDs along the MSR. I know your not the badies, but definitions get sketchy when your killing people right? Plant timed or bombs and stuff along a previously reconed MSR(Main Supply Route) or in an enemy town. (guess youd have to find a way of dressing as a civilian and not being shot at unless you pull a gun but..) Coop: Not sure if you’re interested in this sort of thing, I know you’re a SP kind of guy, but ARMA2's main campaign is also a 4 player coop. I wonder if a single mission can work the same way?? if not sure you could make it two missions (like a proper 'mission' instead of an intro movie that exits and starts the second, main mission..?) It could then be made into a small scale MP? I’m not talking like a huge warfare or CTI style thing here, just a small 3 or 4 player thing (so you won’t get Rambo types etc..) Anyhoot, fab to see you back. This is gonna be cracking!
  19. Maybe you need to specify "server/client"...so the server knows what client to run the command on?? So sorry, in not sure how to do it anymore.. :(
  20. stegman

    Porting warfare for an old noob.

    Cracked it. Thanks for your help KJU. It turned out i had placed the "WetTempRespawnMarker" marker...ready for it?....in the sea! So you respawn in the sea then get moved inland, hence the swimming! Sorted it now, thanks. And i've changed the town names too. ok...you can bet your bum that i'll find another daft thing i didnt think off..
  21. stegman

    Porting warfare for an old noob.

    Thanks for getting back to me :). 1) cheers, i'll give it a whirl. 2)How do you mean move them in possition? Sorry if thats a daft wuestion... :p
  22. Bugger..:( I notice that if i 'team swap' each subordinate group can accept the mission, but only they can do the mission. Shame. Still, its a bloody good module though 'eh?