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Everything posted by stegman

  1. stegman

    DMA CoIn Coop Engine

    I have DLed it but havn't had chance to play on it yet. Nice. had a quick go last night (SP). However the 'patrol' mission did not work. Gave an error message, can't remember what now{i'm useless!} I'll try and get the fault again and be a lot clearer!
  2. stegman

    DMA CoIn Coop Engine

    I've been working on a patch and this is one of the planned features. I've spent the past few days acquainting myself properly with DAC. I believe it is possible to do the commitment and so forth too. DAC is a fantastic system. Get on it dude! If any one can do it, you can!
  3. stegman

    DMA CoIn Coop Engine

    I have DLed it but havn't had chance to play on it yet. BTW I've added 4 more guys (troop9,10,11 & 12) to the standard cce. And made only 3 guys playable This has provided three teams of 4 allowing for better tactical deployment. (Obviosly only good for three players now! If you are lucky eough to have 8 human players this is of no use to you). I have also added the ability to merge these 3 teams in to 2 or 1 team if the other guys dont want to lead and then split them up into 2 or 3 teams again if they do!! (Also usefull if one of the other players drops out) Nice touch, I liked and needed it, simple to do and only a sugestion... Also you have got to try this out!!!! Try putting Mapfacts DAC onto the same mission as a CCE!!! It's bloody fantastic!! It's now no longer safe on the way to the mission zone, or on the way back to base for that matter! Really gives the feel of being in the middle of a full blown conflic...rather than on a deserted island. I'm sure it totaly buggers up the commitment etc...but just try it out.
  4. stegman

    ArmA Progress Updates

    ArmA was announced during E3 2005, you haven't even waited 1 year yet {...feels longer}
  5. HYK blokes look good. (could do a winter mod of this mission too! Also a readme would be great for people like me who are only just starting out with scripting...
  6. stegman

    ArmA Progress Updates

    'good things come to those who wait' ArmA should be bloody tremendous, we've been waiting year! This topic is going well off topic at the moment...I think we need some thing to pull us back on track: What do we know so far? We know; there is a new game due to come out it will have 'join in multi play' it has a masive new island it has the old islands from OFP (including nogova???) it has a brand new campaign We don't know; when it'll come out Who will publish it it's offiicial release name minimum spec cost Is that a fare recap??
  7. stegman

    ArmA Progress Updates

    so i guess you're the only one that comes in here for that... yea sure. off topic, what did you expect? there isnt anything we'd call news to talk about. about ontopic progress news, what are you saying? you know something the rest of us dont? how about you share, seeing that you know more on the subject then the rest of us. i compleatly agree that if there isnt any news to talk about, people should just stop posting all together in here untill there is news. Â Ok guys, play nice. We're all exited about the release and just want to talk with like minded people. When actual news does come out, you can be sure to find it here.
  8. stegman

    ArmA Progress Updates

    I see. Sorry.
  9. stegman

    List of...

    Umbrella! They should make that a carryable item. You could have a new mission: Capture the umbrella! Or you could replace the para model for the umbrella!! HA HA HA HA! ahem...yes..very nice image.
  10. stegman

    DMA CoIn Coop Engine

    ...sounds a lot like the mission/campaign i was working on. I'll check this out i think.
  11. stegman

    What do you *HOPE* will be in ArmA?

    The command system for BiA was pretty good. I think it would be a good idea, you could keep the old F# for more intricate commands but for speed i think the hold right click, possition, let go thing work quite well. Also surpession fire would be very nice and add a whole new level to ArmA.
  12. stegman

    ArmA Progress Updates

    Sorry i upset so many people with these images. First: Sorry i posted images that were too big. Â For future could you tell me what the max size is and the prefered size please? Second: I wasn't putting BIS down, i was only saying that these early shots look pretty good, so when the next games does come out it should be fantastic. Sorry. Sorry everyone.
  13. stegman

    ArmA Progress Updates

    Early Alpha eh? but what do they look like now? Theres a lot more on the site to see. (I'm not sure how big they are, but i only poster links with the image tag...Sorry Admin guy if i did it wrong.) Will the game represented in these pics still be released? Also June 22nd is taking the pee. 5 years to make a re-make!?! They wont release game 2 for several years after that, or they'll make no mony from ArmA!! Will Game2 be another 5 years in the 'making'?!
  14. stegman

    ArmA Progress Updates

    ...not too sure about that. Have a look at these images i found (you may have seen them before but i hadn't) Look at theses guys; [im]http://img.gamespot.com/gamespot/images/2005/138/914623_20050519_screen025.jpg[/img]>100kb Now look at this fellow; [im]http://img.gamespot.com/gamespot/images/2005/138/914623_20050519_screen024.jpg[/img]>100kb (note his shadow, looks good? But how come theres no shadow on the floor(!) It's things like this that make me think it may be worth hanging on untill 'flashpoint 2' is out.
  15. stegman

    List of...

    dude...show me these unbrellas. I must see what your on about
  16. stegman

    ArmA Progress Updates

    Forgive my ignorance but when was the release date of OFP?
  17. stegman

    DMA CoIn Coop Engine

    ...but in practice it doesnt?
  18. stegman

    ArmA Progress Updates

    ...eh? ^^
  19. LOL! I guess you showed me ! 4 posts in under 8 hours, three with new version! Good work. How about putting a triger at the bunker that makes enemy AI Fire at the bunker ([this] dofire "bunker")? Or mayby toss a frag at it? Also Yes i did play as the CO when attacking. It works fine for me (at least on single player). Just took a while as i we can't get the AI into the trucks. not a problem really, more atmosphere when you all have to run about the place, espesh in the fog..!
  20. stegman

    ArmA Progress Updates

    ...looks like it's gonna be on CD... Not too big then 'eh? Pluss (according to that sheet) We only have 4 months left os speculation...then we can all come back on line a bitch and moan about how "the ai is really stupid" and "it's too hard for my infantile mind" and "i finished it already, it's too easy" and...and...stuff! 4 months...then surly a playable demo is due soon?
  21. stegman

    What do you *HOPE* will be in ArmA?

    I havnt seen any shots of the resistance guys yet...has anyone else? Seen the US guys and the Russians but not the FIA. I've seen the LandRover shot, prehaps that belongs to them...or are the UK involved this time? Also I'd like to see the Resistance support vehicles fixed! I can't believe how many patches and mods that have come out and no one (to my knowledge) has ever added the single line of code to fix the Res Fuel or Repair trucks, or added relevant weapons the the Ammo truck. If i can do it anyone can! I guess it must be so simple that no one else has every bothered. ...or has no one ever noticed before?
  22. ...dude...how come you havn't posted yet? You posted every day untill you found that glitch...wats going on? ...I played again, I was West AI was East. When attacking, West won very quickly (in about 15mins) before i even got to the second set of wires. Not sure if a grenade might have killed off the CO, I just don't know. Next I defended at dawn in fog. East came in from a different corner of the town, so i ran to the fight and got absolutly desroyed. I then used the observer cam to watch the rest of the game. East stormed the town killing every one...exept the CO! They all crowded around the bunker and just kept turning left...then right...then left...then right...etc untill the clock run out. Verry odd indeed.
  23. stegman

    Mapfact.net releases DAC

    Oh nuts! The servers here at work wont allow me to down load Zonewriter. Â DL manager keeps getting an error when skanning the file. Â Any Ideas...? EDIT: Â Found out that I can't get RAR files at work...how odd. EDIT.2: Got it now. Went through a different server! HA!
  24. Yeah, its the development faze. Things are ment to go wrong here. I also have a Dedicated Server that i can use to test on, with three extra clients. To combat the NVGoggle issue could you have a totally different script get executed if 'easy' is selected? Sorry might be a daft suggestion, again development is also for brain storming..
  25. If only the AI was smart enough to look for nearby empty vehicles with enough pasanger space before comencing on a journey over a long distance...and then disembarking _x distance from the target zone. You know...that could probably be done. If you check the distance from the unit to the waypoint is, say, over 600m, then...'board and command empty vehicle (much the same way it was done in CTI)'...if in a vehicle, unload all units when distance is, say, 200m... If we, (or you, as i have bugger all knowledge of such a thing) you could have the attacking and defending units spawned anywhere on the map, they all then have to rush to the defending CO to protect/assisnate him! Youd have to scrap the 30 min rule mind.... ...Maybe thats a bit too ambitius for this project, eh? I just get to carried away. (you have to admit it's a nice idea though) Back on track : I think the vehicles should be spawned 0.1 metres high, this will prevent them from 'sticking out' of the mountianside. Place them high and they fall into position. (this also works if placing vehicles in the hangers on Nogova, stopping the wheels from appearing to be in the floor)