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Everything posted by stegman

  1. stegman

    PC Discussion Thread - All PC related in here.

    Just a min. Â This isn't a very Armed Assault related topic. Â Shouldn't this be in "Off Topic"?
  2. stegman


    Yes with CTI style missions players should join in at any time, while objective driven missions should be down to the Mission editor, who will have more of an idea if a man should be respawnable. We do understand. I just think that on certain types of missions, the mission editor would be in a better position to decide if would adversely affect the mission. Quite right. I'm sure it'll be done very profesionally.
  3. stegman

    Latest screenshots available

    LoL. Â Remember MetalGear 3? Great game and camo concept, but the "being able to change your uniform at any time" feature was silly. Nice idea poorly executed.
  4. stegman

    Armed Assault fiction competition

    j00 4r3 s0 un1337. I can't believe you don't recognize it. Â So what if I am? I'm 27 and too mature for all that Leet crap. At least my typing is legible.
  5. stegman


    Surely thats for the mission designer to decide. I still think the best way is for the designer to allow it or not then, if it is allowed, the server administrator can decide to allow it in that sesion.
  6. stegman

    PC Discussion Thread - All PC related in here.

    First... you can't install DX10. You either get it when you buy Vista or you don't get it at all (Which I don't understand why all the complaining from everyone.. just DONT buy Vista if you don't want it so badly) Think about when DirectX9 came out versus the capabilities of DirectX8.1. That should give you an idea about how long and what it will take before a full switch over. DX9.0L is final for series 9 AFAIK. I always laugh at this... harder how? harder as in you don't get stuff for free?? You can't have your cake AND eat it to? To include everyone else who was ranting... They have completely re-did DirectX (yes yes AGAIN - I know) and it's either make it worse by trying to meld it back into XP or earlier systems OR optimize it for the newest OS. XP is 5 years old btw... think about that... that is almost twice the distance between Win95 and Win98 and between Win98 and WinXP. I paid my money 5 years ago and trust me.. even if I had paid full retail, off-the-shelf price at $300 (which I didn't) and had the worst experience than anyone else ever had with XP... that is still like $60/year. I pay more for my 3 domain names registration. Â If it's so bad to have to upgrade... or that you gotta PAY someone who's hoping to make a living for what they do... ..then vote with your dollar(or local currency) and don't buy or use it. Thanks, for answering the questions there, mate. By "harder for us" i mean forcing us to make decisions between things wed never though of and things we were allready happy with. So DX10 comes built in with Vista, is this right?
  7. stegman


    I think, as others have said, Join In Play should initaly be down to the mission designer.  He/she specifies to dissable fully or allow. If Dissabled, then no JIP Else The server administrator has the option to;   Allow;    JIP allowed as specified by designer   Dissable    No Join in Play at all. I think thats the best way to go about it. BIS, I tell you what, why not release a MP demo and a few patches to alter the JIP and we'll let you know soon enough what we think...
  8. stegman

    PC Discussion Thread - All PC related in here.

    Hang on a second: -DirectX10 is not backwardly compatable. So if i install DX10, none of my old games will work. Meaning I'll have to roll back? -Vista uses DX10 and/or DX9.0L. So what benefits does DX10 have over DX9.0L? I guess all new games will run with DX10, but will DX9.xx keep running (E.G: DX9.0M, N, O upto DX9.0X and beyonds)? @Bill Gates; what are you guys playing at, eh? You just keep making life harder and harder for us.
  9. stegman

    Armed Assault fiction competition

    ...eh? whats that all about? Â Spaz out on the keyboard did you?
  10. stegman

    ArmA Progress Updates

    NO! Don't alter the Helo stearing etc just to fit in with modern games! We dont want another game, we want a game/soldier sim like OFP before it! (...sorry..to agresive?)
  11. stegman

    Latest screenshots available

    Quite right, sorry. Right, back on topic about these screen shots; See this one. Â It looks fab, but is this 4x4 replacing Frank's pickup? Â I hope it's as well as the beat up red one with the patchwork door. Â It gave the feel that the island populas was poor. Also should the HumVee <a href="http://www.bistudio.com/games/aa/Anniversary_Release _ArmA_02.jpg" target="_blank">here</a> be glinting quite so much? [EDIT] I just noticed that the HumVee image is a few months old, at least 22/6/06 and has probably been altered..
  12. stegman

    ArmA Progress Updates

    Read This. As I understand it this already exists, not only in this but most games. Â Also I was under the impresion that some/most/many buildings would be distrucable...
  13. stegman

    ArmA Progress Updates

    No. Probably not. I also heard there wont be soldiers in it either. No, really.
  14. stegman

    Latest screenshots available

    When do we get a demo?! [EDIT] I actualy just got two stars on my name!! ...what does it do?
  15. stegman

    ArmA Progress Updates

    Arf... you too ! Arf, arf... me three
  16. stegman

    William Porter's Blog

    What do you feel about the fact that WIlliam Porter wont be in the game?
  17. stegman

    ArmA Progress Updates

    Dude! Guba whould be about 70 or 80 now! He looked close to his mid 50s in 1985!! That would be fab, how come no ever created a wheel chair for OFP?! to bad taste i guess
  18. stegman

    Latest screenshots available

    well you ride in the back of the APC so you must have an interior Hope so. Wonder if you can ride on the outside of vehicles, dodgy malitia style...
  19. stegman

    Latest screenshots available

    This is the section, it's very clear and only refers to tanks (kampfpanzer). We already saw a bunch of cockpit pictures from the new units. Thx btw for telling me what ladebalken is used ofor in this case, cause usually it's a part of the gun so i was confused. But what about APCs? Are they clasing APCs in with Tanks? Probably not i guess.
  20. stegman

    ArmA Progress Updates

    Stop quoting quotes of quotes of quotes! Really hard to read! Any way, if thats the release date, think there'll be a demo out soon?
  21. stegman

    Latest screenshots available

    that is a shame, but to be honest i never looked at the inside of the tanks or the apc (unless i was cargo). As soon as i get into an armoured vehicle i press 3rd person straight away. In fact, i do that for every vehicle, bikes and copters too, unless im a passenger. Game is looking fantastic. It'll be out soon!! ...and i'll have to upgrade...
  22. stegman

    Latest screenshots available

    hmm...sounds possible. I like the idea of different guys. In Ten Hammers, the guys all have some slight difference, making them unique. THis would be nice in ArmA. Hope your right.
  23. stegman

    ArmA Progress Updates

    I wanted that in OFP. Â It would be so much easier to have 'team red' act as a complettely seperate group untill you call them back. ...actually, i gues you could do it with some slight scripting...say you split off 5,6,7 and 8 to be team red. You could get 6,7 and 8 to become a different team (say, bravo) and have them follow number 5 around. this way you would only be responsible for one man. Then when "all are team white" 6,7 and 8 join your team again! Hay, that would work!!!
  24. stegman

    Latest screenshots available

    observe: here are the two different style sleves in the same shot. Â What's that all about? Some one asked "why are there army and navy units mixed together?" (marine cobra is in the game aswell as other army things). Â My theory is that the army call the speedy responce of the marines. Â One of the gus in this image is navy, one army. Â Notice how the guys at the back does not have the bull symbol on his arm. Whats your thoughs on that? Maybe im totally wrong.