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Everything posted by seminara

  1. seminara

    Cold War Rearmed III - Resistance

    Hi xbladecz, Sorry not the feature, but the MOD. Is it possible to play this MOD in COOP? And if so how? Thanks
  2. seminara

    Cold War Rearmed III - Resistance

    Many thanks, I'm fairly new to ARMA3. One last question. Is it possible to join any COOP groups that use this MOD?
  3. seminara

    Cold War Rearmed III - Resistance

    Thanks xbladecz. Apologies for an inane question, but how does one enable this? Is there some sort of in game console?
  4. seminara

    Cold War Rearmed III - Resistance

    Hi Honger, many thanks for your feedback and apologies for having missed that bit of information. I've finished the campaigned now, so if I replay it - you're saying that ability will now be available?
  5. seminara

    Cold War Rearmed III - Resistance

    Hi all, Loving this MOD. Many thanks to all involved! When playing OFP back in the day, if I was carrying a toolkit, I'd be able to repair a damaged vehicle. But doesn't seem to be the case in CWRIII. Is there a trick to this? Thanks
  6. Hi, I'm new to ARMA3 multiplayer gaming. Can someone please tell me how to go about joining a team that uses the Global Mobilization - Cold War Germany DLC? Thanks
  7. Hi all, hope this is the right place for this question. I've installed IFA3 and CSLA Iron Curtain. So far so good but can't find a way to heal myself. The usual mouse wheel doesn't bring up the option. Can someone tell me the key command please?
  8. seminara

    Looking for WWII campaigns

    Thanks again Gunter, I'll have a look now.
  9. Hi all, I'm new to ARMA3 and have installed the IFA3_AIO_LITE MOD. Can anyone recommend any WWII campaigns that would work with this MOD? Ideally Eastern Front but Western Front would be great to. Thanks in advance
  10. seminara

    Looking for WWII campaigns

    Hey @Gunter Severloh, I've subscribed to a number of MODs now, thanks. Can you recommend any that are popular for online/co-op missions?
  11. Hi all, I'm new to Arma III and about to complete the VR training. That said, I'm blocked from continuing as the 3rd target in: VR Training - Weapon Handling III - Part III - doesn't appear. It's only a blank area with the brown recticle where it should be. Has anyone else come across this? Image link below: https://www.dropbox.com/preview/Public/IMG_7397.jpg?role=personal
  12. Hello, I've installed an old copy of OFP Cold War and Resistance, but need to update them (my Cold War copy is version 1.30). I know these are ancient games, but I've searched the Web for an hour and not been able to find official update patches for them. Can anyone help? Thanks in advance!
  13. seminara

    Operation Flashpoint update links required

    Great, thanks everyone! 👍
  14. seminara

    Operation Flashpoint update links required

    Hi again, just looking at that Steam link and I'm interested in the ease of that option. However, do you know if it's possible to add MODs to that? ie. Will there be a folder local to my machine where I can add or remove game files?
  15. seminara

    Operation Flashpoint update links required

    Hello Gunter. Thanks you! You're an absolute star. I know it's a very old game, but I'm reliving my youth I guess. 😀 I'm only just recalling the fantastic community that existed around these games. The MOD makers, the vehicle designers, the scenario developers. An extremely enthusiastic and talanted bunch of people. I don't know if an equivalent community stil exists out there?? Thanks again! Anthony
  16. I've been out of the gaming loop for a while so apologies for what may be a lame question. But does a WWII mod exist for ARMA2 (as some did for OFP)? Thanks
  17. I've been out of the gaming loop for a while so apologies for what may be a lame question. But does a WWII mod exist for ARMA (as some did for OFP)? Thanks
  18. I've been out of the gaming loop for a while so apologies for what may be a lame question. But does a WWII mod exist for ARMA2 (as some did for OFP)? Thanks
  19. seminara

    WWII mod available?

    Looks good - early AFVs not usually covered so nice to have something different. BTW, was LIBMOD ported to ARMA? I've been looking for it on this forum but haven't spotted it.
  20. seminara

    WWII mod available?

    Excellent. Nice to see the community's been working while I've been away. :D In case, I helped out on a few OFP projects. Happy to lend a hand to any of these WWII projects when time allows (mainly graphics/textures).
  21. seminara

    WWII mod available?

    That's great news. I remember 2 of these from the good ol OFP days.
  22. seminara

    WWII mod available?

    Fantastic, I look forward to exploring your sites!
  23. seminara

    WWII Mod?

    Cute, I tried. Will try again when I've more time
  24. seminara

    WWII Mod?

    Well, as I was asking about a Mod that could have been completed without my being aware - I've asked in this 'complete' section. But if it makes life easier, I'll post the query in the Discussion forum. Moderator, please delete this thread. Thanks