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Everything posted by sander

  1. Another trick is to use markers on an identical position and use the setMarkerSize statement in the trigger to alter the size of the markers. For example one might wish to alternate between the flags of two warring parties: (1) Place a marker named flag1 on the map. (2) Place a second marker named flag2 on the map and move it so it covers the first one, then set the size of the marker to 0 and 0. (3) Place a trigger including in the on activation field: This will ensure that the flag displayed on the map will change from the one to the other. BIS Wiki entry on setMarkerSize Regards, Sander
  2. sander

    CWR2 coop pack

    Version 4.9 contains updates to a couple of existing files and five new coops to bring the total number of missions up to 180. New files: co06_cwr2_ambulance_chasers.cain.pbo co06_cwr2_arch_order.cwr2_eilte.pbo co09_cwr2_forest_rangers.noe.pbo co09_cwr2_squat_command.cwr2_eilte.pbo co10_cwr2_southern_discomfort.cain.pbo Ambulance Chasers has a group of resistance fighters steal a medical vehicle while accomplishing other objectives along the way Arch Order features a raid by British paratroopers to destroy a bridge and take out Scud launchers before extraction Forest Rangers has a squad of Rangers scour an area of the Soviet hinterland for artillery, ammo dumps and command posts Squat Command features an attack by mechanised infantry with the aim of disrupting Soviet command and control Southern Discomfort has Naval Infantry defend against attack by rebel armour and dismounts before retrieving a captured TEL Download current version Regards, Sander
  3. sander

    CWR2 coop pack

    Thanks for the feedback, but that is intentional: Regards, Sander
  4. sander

    CWR2 coop pack

    You are welcome, I'll have a go at your SP pack and provide feedback later on. --- With version 4.8 the addition of five new coops brings the total of missions in the pack to 175. New files: co05_cwr2_raid_constant.abel.pbo co06_cwr2_blackhawk_dawn.abel.pbo co08_cwr2_bridgehead_butted.noe.pbo co09_cwr2_risk_capital.noe.pbo co09_cwr2_seafront.noe.pbo Raid Constant has Special Forces destroy SAM launchers and a radar. Blackhawk Dawn features a raid by Naval Infantry to take out transport helicopters and air defences. Bridgehead Butted has Nogovan militia caught on the wrong side of a destroyed bridge. Risk Capital features an assault to take back the Nogovan capital from separatist rebels. Seafront has mechanised infantry clear Soviet forces from three villages south of Lipany. Download current version Regards, Sander
  5. sander

    CWR2 coop pack

    Version 4.7 has updates to a couple of existing missions and five new ones to bring the total of included coops to 170. The new CWR2 Morpeh addons are a requirement for some of the new content. New files: co04_cwr2_sea_red.eden.pbo co06_cwr2_rotor_washout.abel.pbo co08_cwr2_para_logistic.cwr2_david.pbo co09_cwr2_duck_shot.cwr2_canard.pbo co10_cwr2_lamentin_loss.eden.pbo Sea Red features a maritime raid by Naval Infantry to destroy a radar and gain intelligence. Rotor Washout has resistance fighters attack a Soviet airbase to destroy fighter bombers and helicopters. Para Logistic features demolition action against four bridges by British paratroopers. Duck Shot has a Naval Infantry squad conduct a raid on Canard Island. Lamentin Loss features an attack by motorised elements of the Naval Infantry on two villages garrisoned by NATO. Download current version * Update * version 4.72 uploaded to correct briefing mistake in Para Logistic Regards, Sander
  6. You are welcome,glad to be assistance. --- The command is in fact not obsolete, regardless what the Wiki says. It provides a visual and audible clue with regard to the completion of the task in A2/CO. Reports of its demise on the Wiki are a bit premature. Regards, Sander
  7. The solution is to create briefing tasks and briefing notes for named units rather than the generic player. This makes briefing generation reliable. An example with two tasks for playable units are named alpha1, alpha2 and alpha3 as it would appear in the briefing.sqs: Then in the on activation field of the trigger the individually named tasks are updated, for example: Regards, Sander
  8. sander

    CWR2 coop pack

    Thanks for the feedback: RPG error was already fixed, setpos done now as well. Rgeards, Sander
  9. Thanks for the feedback. --- The version 1.5 has one updated scenario to fix a trigger as well as two new coops. New files: co06_blechbearbeitung.Baranow.ifa co06_crossing_out.Baranow.ifa Blechbearbeitung has German grenadiers destroy a tank and radio HQ before making their way back to friendly lines. Crossing Out features a raid by Soviet reconnaissance troops in order to take out the Gagolin bridge and eliminate German officers. Regards, Sander
  10. sander

    CWR2 coop pack

    The missions are compatible with CWR2 Beta Release 6 and have been tested as such. Use of additional conflicting addons is entirely at your own risk, so don't come whining here when a scenario does not behave as in a default setting. --- Version 4.6 has one update and five new mission files to bring the total number of included coops in the pack to 165. New files: co05_cwr2_trail_arms.cwr2_david.pbo co06_cwr2_bridgework.noe.pbo co08_cwr2_froward_echelon.cwr2_david.pbo co08_cwr2_tracked_housing.cwr2_eilte.pbo co08_cwr2_uncivil_war.adam.pbo Trail Arms has a resistance band ambush a Soviet convoy and raid a helicopter dispersal field. Bridgework features a raid by Spetsnaz to destroy Davle bridge. Froward Echelon has resistance fighters retake a village from a Soviet advance guard before defending the place against the main force. Tracked Housing features British light armour wreaking havoc in the Soviet hinterland. Uncivil War has partisans seize two villages held by rival factions. Download current version Regards, Sander
  11. sander

    CWR2 coop pack

    Version 4.5 contains a number of minor updates to existing missions as well as five new coops for a grand total of 160 missions in the pack. New files: co05_cwr2_hammer_beam.pbo co06_cwr2_bridgehead_start.cwr2_david.pbo co08_cwr2_cretins_from_troyes.cwr2_david.pbo co08_cwr2_needle_time.adam.pbo co09_cwr2_rolling_resistance.abel.pbo Hammer Beam has maritime SF raid a radar site before extracting with a resistance contact. Bridgehead Start features the defence of a bridge by a team of combat engineers. Cretins from Troyes has the resistance eliminate a collaborator before kidnapping a Soviet radio operator. Needle Time features a raid by resistance fighters to knock out Soviet vehicles held in storage near Saint Adam. Rolling resistance has a guerilla band strike at several targets to degrade Soviet coastal defences. *edit* V4.51 contains fixed version of Hammer Beam Download current version Regards, Sander
  12. sander

    CWR2 coop pack

    I surmise you mean a missing briefingDescription entry, because that is not defined whereas the briefings are generated allright. There are several dozen scenario's yet to come, so don't worry about spots on the map not yet covered by any scenario. In due time they are bound to be the scene of a mission. Regards, Sander
  13. sander

    CWR2 coop pack

    My bad, did not pack the correct version apparantly. The properly working one will be in the next update of the pack somewhere next week. Regards, Sander
  14. Current version: 1.3 with 25 coop missions The CWR2 standalone islands coop pack contains a number of coop missions intended to be used with the CWR2 islands in standalone mode ( more information: http://cwr.armedzone.com/news/cold-war-rearmed-%C2%B2-islands-standalone-howto/ ). The initial release contains a total of twelve missions, four updated existing ones as well as eight newly created scenario's. Although primarily intended for coop multiplayer all missions can be played in SP with the player taking on the duties of squad leader. Download current version Regards, Sander
  15. Various weapons in Operation Arrowhead and in the DLC packages come equipped with two sight modes, which can be changed using Numpad / by default. On the ACOG equipped L85/L86 weapons this allows the player to alternate between the magnifying scope and an ancillary red dot sight mounted on top of the main scope. The latter is suited for close range combat and compatible with NVG. BAF - Covered Way forces players who have been pampered with scopes allowing easy kills at a distance to close in for combat by design. Regards, Sander
  16. The backup sights (eg red dot on the ACOG) are night sight compatible and the IR also aids in aiming in low light conditions with NVG. Regards, Sander
  17. sander

    CWR2 coop pack

    Version 4.4 contains a number of updated files with minor corrections as well as five new coops to bring the total of included missions to 155. New files: co06_cwr2_cold_call.wcain.pbo co06_cwr2_cold_snap_ambush.wcain.pbo co08_cwr2_cold_haul.wcain.pbo co08_cwr2_inconvenience_store.noe.pbo co09_cwr2_country_brad.cwr2_david.pbo Cold Call has resistance fighters snatch Soviet communications equipment and destroy a radio mast. Cold Snap Ambush features an ambush of Soviet armour by a resistance band. Cold Haul has Soviet troops deploying to rescue a downed pilot and destroy MANPADS. Inconvenience Store features an attack on a Soviet outpost in order to destroy stockpiled stores. Country Brad has mechanised infantry secure two Soviet held villages. Download current version Regards, Sander
  18. Thanks for the hard work put into the conversion and patches. Iron Front really improved on A2 in various ways and it is great to have this available in CO as well so as to be able to use additional terrains. Regards, Sander
  19. sander

    CWR2 coop pack

    Version 4.3 contains a couple of updates as well as five new coops to bring the total number of missions in the pack to a solid 150. New files: co04_cwr2_gear_cutter.cwr2_eilte.pbo co06_cwr2_span_of_attention.cwr2_eilte.pbo co08_cwr2_chill_reception.wcain.pbo co08_cwr2_spare_effort.cwr2_eilte.pbo co10_cwr2_riverfront.cwr2_eilte.pbo Gear Cutter features a saboteur attack intent on the destruction of prepositioned military equipment. Span of attention has commandoes destroy a selection of different targets in a night raid. Chill Reception features a coastal raid by Dutch Marines to take out an enemy listening post. Spare Effort has British troops attempt to locate a repair vehicle to bring their FV432 into running order. Riverfront features an attack by motor rifles to gain possession of a vital bridge. Download current version Regards, Sander
  20. For A2/CO one defines the debriefing in the briefing.html file rather than the description.ext file. For example, the file reproduced below contains the debriefing for three different endings. As the Debriefing:End1 is always picked by default when people enter the Endmission cheat I reserve it for a taunt or admonishment against cheating rather than making it the successful ending. Regards, Sander
  21. Version 1.4 contains updates to some missions and two additional coops to bring the total of included missions in the pack to 14. New files: co06_off_axis.Colleville.ifa co10_repulsive_act.Colleville.ifa Download current version Regards, Sander
  22. Well, no big loss there. Almost a year and a half after the extraordinarily buggy release there is still no support provided whatsoever to fix any of the many, many things wrong with it. Regards, Sander
  23. It is an official map, included with the ACR DLC. It suffers from the same effect as custom islands when the Armoury mission is used on those, ie the generated scenarioÅ› are screwed up as there is not a specific adaptation that matches the mission to the map. Since Bystrica is basically an area of the Chernarus map sloppily converted to a more verdant palette the workaround is to play the Armoury mission on Chernarus itself. Regards, Sander
  24. Thanks for the mirror. --- Due to the different destruction model in IFL some missions have been updated with more fool proof additional triggers to ensure the objectives do kick off. In addition two new missions have been added. New files: co08_hedge_bets.Colleville.ifa co10_combined_arms_length.Colleville.ifa Hedge Bets features a combat patrol by an infantry unit. Combined Arms' length has a mixed tank/infantry team attack the village of Colleville. Download current version Regards, Sander
  25. sander

    CWR2 coop pack

    Hi, There are a couple of missions using playable Soviet units in the pack: co08_cwr2_bear_claw.cwr2_eilte.pbo (Spetsnaz) co08_cwr2_easy_listening.eden.pbo (Airmobile infantry) co08_cwr2_red_zone.abel.pbo (Spetsnaz) co08_cwr2_tasmanian_exorcism.noe.pbo (Spetsnaz) co10_cwr2_dushman_friday.cwr2_david.pbo (Motorised infantry) co10_cwr2_fire_sack.eden.pbo (Mechanised infantry) Also, in the Trinity CWR2 Coop Pack: co08_cwr2_sixtyfours_field.trinity.pbo (Spetsnaz) In time there will also be some missions for some Soviet units I am still working on. Regards, Sander