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Everything posted by svendejong

  1. svendejong

    SP Fly Like An Eagle

    saok, I salute and thank you (and cocreators of this mission) for this great mission. Ive not been able to finish it due to my very restricted time but till now its more enjoyable then any official arma mission ive played. Great use of radio chatter etc !!! Thanks!
  2. svendejong


    http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki....essions Might come in handy this one.
  3. svendejong

    Zeus Gaming Nights

    is this slang? you lost me there :-)
  4. svendejong


    I've got one and never start up arma without it. Even when playing infantry it adds a lot to the game (for me that is).
  5. svendejong

    The BBC

    are you contradicting yourself here or are my english language skills not up to par?
  6. svendejong

    ArmA Photography I - No images over 100kb.

    My first arma foto, taken on a Zeus gaming night. and some more
  7. svendejong

    Head tracking using wiimote

    179 $$ to be exact. and worth every cent :-)
  8. svendejong

    V1.09 von taking shape

    Link to simHQ doesnt work for me. Is this mine or a general problem?? Nice find btw :-)
  9. svendejong


    Hey guys Hope it's not too ot for ot but here's the link for 3 virals i worked on that are payed for (hard to believe) by the dutch government to make people aware of the dangers of impropper handeling of fireworks. We're working on versions with english subs now but what the guys are talking about is the standard: 'we will rain fire upon you with our mighty rockets etc etc' bs. Here's the link: www.laaf.info
  10. svendejong

    Graphics engine improvement

    Inverse kinematics are a help in rigging 3d chars to help the animation process. how do you imagine having them in the game?
  11. svendejong

    Transformers The movie (07.04.07)

    yeah your right, im just amazed about how wide the ' crack' is this time. reminds me of my trip to the grand canyon ;-)
  12. svendejong

    Transformers The movie (07.04.07)

    i start wondering if we've seen the same movie.
  13. svendejong

    There is a program which "virtualise" your face?

    here's another image based moddeler: http://www.realviz.com/image_based_modeling.htm
  14. svendejong

    Transformers The movie (07.04.07)

    Seen it 2 days ago and I hated it more then anything Ive seen lately. The trailer looked good and I like big explosions, military hardware and robots in movies but this plot and dialoque was written for 10 year olds. vern wrote a review on aintitcool.com that nails this movie exactly. advise: wait for ratatouille. sven out
  15. svendejong

    Pilot - wait for me!

    ok fair enough, buy anyone with a brain would inform the pilot and others in his team that he's about to take some potshots at a vehicle before actually doing it.
  16. svendejong

    Pilot - wait for me!

    we used to nicely hand these folks a shiny boot. Only a complete retard shoots a chopper to get the pilots attention.
  17. svendejong

    Info on upcoming 1.08 patch

    dont mind the language, mind the length of you sentences. Havent seen em this long since gradeschool!!
  18. svendejong

    Be apart of the Apocalyse

    shameless plug???
  19. tk-ing to solve a problem like being stuck by a player isnt a frivilous reason. many ppl are complaining about how bad most public servers are regarding tk-ing etc. Try to realise how difficult it is for admins to force all those anonimous ppl to behave and not ruin the gameplay for other people. Admining is a tough job and sometimes admins make mistakes or behave rude, but realise that the job they have very tough and they are not doing it for them selves only. behave , dont intentionally tk!!! your remark about the id changer makes me ralise how important ts is and how necesary it is to form a group of ' friends ' on servers to keep people like you out. im sorry for my pathetic english, im a bit tipsy. :-)
  20. Hey m8, just pretend the beta's arent released. keep playing the last non beta version and happyly upgrade when the next 'official non beta' patch is released. Problem solved...
  21. svendejong

    ArmA Disappointing

    He's entitles to an answer of cource, its just that there are more topics where ppl are discussing what they like and dislike about arma. So many answers to find there I guess. I wasn't trying to be non-nice, if I was I hereby apologize . greetz sven
  22. svendejong

    ArmA Disappointing

    If you are seriously looking for an answer to your question I think an advice to search the forums is all you need :-)
  23. svendejong

    official complaint to BIS

    very well put bootlegg soldier!
  24. svendejong

    ArmA 1.05 TrackIR problem

    Track ir did and does work fine before and after installing 1.05. Reinstall the track ir software maybe. gl solving the problem.