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Everything posted by ricbar89

  1. ricbar89

    FP : DR - News & Discussion

    I love how Walker just turns up and spouts of load of bile and disappears again without having to answer any of his claims, like the “why has Operation Flashpoint Dragon Rising been cancelled†post for example. Anyway pretty much all of that has turned out to be false and it completely contradicts what CM have said so why you're paying attention to it i dont know.
  2. ricbar89

    FP : DR - News & Discussion

    Its not like it couldnt be done in ARMA2 if you wanted to.
  3. ricbar89

    FP : DR - News & Discussion

    The point im making is you can at least get an idea of what to expect at gameplay wise from watching...gameplay. You're right, some really hyped games have turned out to be crap, and most of the time people have started to realise how crap these games are around the time gameplay/preview/reviews start arriving on the net. You're foggeting the whole host of previews that have said the game is great, and unlike either of us they have played the game. So going by screens, gameplay and previews its not to unfair that richie can make at least some judgement on how the game will turn out, both realism wise and how good he can expect it to be.
  4. ricbar89

    FP : DR - News & Discussion

    Isnt that the whole point, they show you something you want and then you buy the game? Is it any different when OFP, ARMA and ARMAII came out? BIS showed you what they aimed to do, you liked it and ran to the shopes to buy their games. Were people not allowed to judge before those games came out? I dont remember many complaints then. And QFT? Think he's making a joke that you generally have some idea of what you're getting before a game comes out, or why else would you be interested? Something you dont seem to be agreeing with.
  5. ricbar89

    FP : DR - News & Discussion

    Theres also plenty of gameplay videos out now, or are we not meant to judge from them either? If not how are we ever supposed to have any idea of what any comming game is like?
  6. There is no "acog" with FLIR built in, thats a specialised IR scope. 117 kb
  7. ricbar89

    FP : DR - News & Discussion

    Latest screen. http://www.flickr.com/photos/codemasters/3815413110/sizes/o/
  8. Splitscreen is a relic of pre-online multiplayer times, i havent used it in years. Who on earth would want to play such a large scale game on half a screen?
  9. richiespeed13 if you are looking forward to DR why have you tagged your videos with: "flashpoint dragon rising can suck twos balls!" :p
  10. ricbar89

    FP : DR - News & Discussion

    Was just fine in OFP:Elite. ;)
  11. ricbar89

    FP : DR - News & Discussion

    Taurus All vehicles are drivable, theres armour penetration for all vehicles, no hitpoint system (no machine gunning a T90 to death). Also all building are destructable, trees are supposed to be but no footage has show that, but those that have been allowed to have a quick look through the files has spotted a destructible tree command line set to false. For me the lastest videos are looking great, really cant wait for this, just a shame no editor on console.
  12. ricbar89

    FP : DR - News & Discussion

    Could'nt agree with you more.
  13. ricbar89

    ArmA2 - The Xbox 360 thread

    The medicore reviews complained about it being Operation Flashpoint, not Operation Flashpoint on a console. And its pretty irrelevant how you see it, it how BIS sees it that matters.
  14. ricbar89

    ArmA2 - The Xbox 360 thread

    When i read post like this i wonder if Operation Flashpoint: Elite really does exist or is it just a figment of my imagination.
  15. ricbar89

    ArmA2 - The Xbox 360 thread

    Placebo theres a couple of videos where a console version is talked about, one where Marek talks about moving into the console market and another where the other guy (who i have fotgotten the name of right now :p ) talks about developing for both PC and consoles as well as controls, the editor etc. Just pointing it out. :)
  16. ricbar89

    T90 weak as hell?

    Wait are people even arguing over whether this is realistic, its not, simple as that, you could shoot a 50 cal at a tank all day and it wouldn’t do squat, apart from maybe damage some of the external equipment and systems. This game needs a proper amour penetration system like WW2 online.
  17. ricbar89

    FP : DR - News & Discussion

    And you are to tell me what i want? :rolleyes:
  18. ricbar89

    CH-47 In Arma 2?

    It would have been nice to have CH-46 included, at least for old times sake. :)
  19. ricbar89

    FP : DR - News & Discussion

    Didnt know that, can you post a link please?
  20. ricbar89

    FP : DR - News & Discussion

    From Codemasters:
  21. ricbar89

    ArmA2 - The Xbox 360 thread

    http://www.505games.co.uk/Games.aspx?ID=116 No word on release date as far as i know.
  22. ricbar89

    ArmA2 - The Xbox 360 thread

    They're publishing IL-2 Sturmovik: Birds of Prey though, which is a true PC game coming consoles.
  23. ricbar89

    FP : DR - News & Discussion

    What and the members here arent biased, just look back over this thread. :rolleyes: A large amount of OFP: DR fans (including myslef) intend to get both games, just because some says "ARMA2 teh suck" doesnt mean everyone shares the opinion.
  24. ricbar89

    FP : DR - News & Discussion

    It seems CM hasnt taken that route, they have gone with 2 superpowers fighting over a wilderness with no civilian involvment. Its just about the 2 army's facing off, nothing more.