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Everything posted by rstratton

  1. rstratton

    Sakakah Al Jawf OPEN BETA

    any word yet on why this will not run on a dedicated server?
  2. rstratton

    Cannot create system memory

    buying 2 8800's for arma is nothing but a waste of money
  3. rstratton

    Sakakah Al Jawf OPEN BETA

    this will not run at all on the 3rd infantry dedicated server
  4. rstratton

    Server weirdness and file sizes

    the mission probably uses addons that the server does not have
  5. rstratton

    Tank Fire Control Systems

    very nice but is there anyway to have new balistics without the fire control system?
  6. rstratton

    Sakakah Al Jawf OPEN BETA

    yes they are free sorry @ moderator wont happen again. there a tons of freeware models out there.
  7. rstratton

    Sakakah Al Jawf OPEN BETA

    a mosque http://sketchup.google.com/3dwareh....start=0
  8. rstratton

    Sakakah Al Jawf OPEN BETA

    this to http://sketchup.google.com/3dwareh....start=0
  9. rstratton

    Sakakah Al Jawf OPEN BETA

    @ Opteryx a website with loads of free building models http://www.greatbuildings.com/types/models/models.html
  10. rstratton


    BIS= bohemia impractical studios lol
  11. rstratton

    Mirrored Normal Maps

    when u mirror a mesh the mapping is mirrored to
  12. rstratton

    Sakakah Al Jawf OPEN BETA

    google sketchup has loads and loads of free models
  13. rstratton

    Sakakah Al Jawf OPEN BETA

    wow this is great i can run maximum settings and 3000 meter view distance and get 30 fps on my lowly 7600gt 256mb
  14. rstratton

    High Detail Texture Project

    it was the best and highest res picture i could find. so a 7000x3000 pixel picture isnt big enough
  15. rstratton

    High Detail Texture Project

    even if that picture covers hundred of miles?
  16. rstratton

    High Detail Texture Project

    http://www.raize.ch/Reisen/velo-eurasien/satellite-images/satellite-westtibet-large.jpg could this be useful?
  17. rstratton

    High Detail Texture Project

    i think its to small. make it 10 times the size
  18. rstratton

    CVR(T) Scimitar

    a few hundred polygons less will make hardly any difference at all. texture sizes and shaders used is more important than overall polycount anyways
  19. rstratton


    i know most people dont like steam but i think its a good option. make it so you must register you arma key to you steam acct. i also wonder why BI did not incorporate a cd key check with a master server when you click on multiplayer
  20. rstratton

    Visitor 3!

    ffs cant anyone translate that pdf to english?
  21. rstratton

    Tutorial for Visitor3 ?

    now how the heck did u import that into visitor 3?
  22. rstratton

    Tutorial for Visitor3 ?

    so what are you saying? your supposed to de pbo the contents of your addons folder to the p drive?
  23. rstratton

    Thank You BIS for the TOOLS!

    this is what extrusion means in the 3d modelling world http://img207.imageshack.us/img207/5594/extrudedpolygonsht1.jpg
  24. rstratton

    ArmA 2

    i feel like we all are just a bunch of paying beta testers for bis while they rake in the cash and dont care about what their customers want