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Everything posted by rstratton

  1. rstratton

    Server config

    how would i set up a dedicated server to run in veteran mode only if i dont have acess to the profile config file? i have an arma.cfg in the arma directory with this in it language="English"; adapter=-1; 3D_Performance=6849.000000; Resolution_W=800; Resolution_H=600; Resolution_Bpp=32; voteMissionPlayers= 1; voteThreshold= 0.4; disableVoN= 0; kickduplicate= 1; persistent= 1; MaxCustomFileSize= 750; MaxSizeNonguaranteed= 256; MaxMsgSend= 2048; MaxSizeGuaranteed=1024; MinBandwidth= 2000000; MaxBandwidth= 10000000; MinErrorToSend= 0.0001; class Difficulties { class regular { class Flags { Armor=0; FriendlyTag=0; EnemyTag=0; HUD=0; HUDPerm=0; HUDWp=0; HUDWpPerm=0; AutoSpot=0; Map=0; WeaponCursor=0; AutoGuideAT=0 ClockIndicator=0; 3rdPersonView=0; Tracers=1; UltraAI=0; AutoAim=0; UnlimitedSaves=1; }; skillFriendly=0.750000; skillEnemy=0.750000; precisionFriendly=0.650000; precisionEnemy=0.650000; }; class veteran { class Flags { Armor=0; FriendlyTag=0; EnemyTag=0; HUD=0; HUDPerm=0; HUDWp=0; HUDWpPerm=0; AutoSpot=0; Map=0; WeaponCursor=0; AutoGuideAT=1; ClockIndicator=0; 3rdPersonView=0; Tracers=1; UltraAI=0; AutoAim=0; UnlimitedSaves=1; }; skillFriendly=0.80000; skillEnemy=0.850000; precisionFriendly=0.850000; precisionEnemy=0.850000; }; }; showTitles=1; along with the server.cfg with this in it password =""; passwordAdmin ="****************"; reportingIP ="armedass.master.gamespy.com"; maxPlayers=64 hostname="{3RD INF DIV} Realism at it's Best"; motd[]= { "Welcome to 3rdInf/10thSFG/1stCav Dedicated Realism Server / tier-1 / 100mbits", "www.regiment-hq.com - Donations are accepted at our website and thank you for keeping this server alive", "Approx. 82% of our members are active duty or former military", "RULES: 1. NO SPAWN CAMPING 2. NO FOUL LANG OR FOUL NAME TAG'S 3. RESPECT ALL MEMBERS AND PLAYERS 4. NO XAM OR 6TH SENSE MODS", "IPs are logged for the security of our players and keeps the cheaters out so all can enjoy a peaceful game ", "Report To WWW.REGIMENT-HQ.COM for recruitment and TeamSpeak info", }; voteMissionPlayers= 1; voteThreshold= 0.4; disableVoN= 0; kickduplicate= 1; persistent= 1; MaxCustomFileSize= 750; MaxSizeNonguaranteed= 256; MaxMsgSend= 2048; MaxSizeGuaranteed=1024; MinBandwidth= 2000000; MaxBandwidth= 10000000; MinErrorToSend= 0.0001; class Missions { class Mission0 { template=2; param1=1; param2=2; cadetMode = 0; };
  2. rstratton

    Server config

    problem solved. plz delete this thread
  3. rstratton

    Server config

    ty will do
  4. rstratton

    Projekt Gardinas Island

    kinda seems like they just dont care. sorry for 2 posts together moderator
  5. rstratton

    Projekt Gardinas Island

    would be nice of someone could teach them how to code an easy to use program
  6. id kill for a supressed m4a1 qds with ironsights or a supressed spr
  7. rstratton

    What Mods are You Using?

    -mod=@GMJ_SightAdjustment;@NWD_Ballistics;@NWD_ScopeFix;@DBO_afghanistan;FDF_Sounds;@RealArtill ery;DBE1;@Q11;@DurgsVegetationFix;@Proper;@MLK_Ironsights;@ArmAEffects
  8. rstratton

    Joining non dedicated servers?

    right, but im saying that if u have a router thats not configured right it can pose problems with trying to join a non dedicated server
  9. rstratton

    Joining non dedicated servers?

    same problem for me. it seems that if you are behind a router u cant connect to a non dedicated server
  10. rstratton

    what is this?

    I think this only happens sometimes on JiP-Players. We lock our server, if we play revive-missions to avoid that. MfG Medicus yes its a join in progress bug
  11. rstratton

    what is this?

    its a bug in the script. its happened to me on server occasions playing the black sword halo/revive mission
  12. rstratton

    LSD Mission package (Last release)

    you must have never played on the 3rd infantry division server, were a unit based on realism and we do things the proper way
  13. rstratton

    Durg's Vegetation Fix

    wtf this batch file deleted my plants.pbo from my addons folder
  14. rstratton

    Lowplants v1.1

    it makes no sense to not release this fully ready to use
  15. rstratton

    Tank Fire Control Systems

    so when can we expect new ballistics for the default arma tank rounds? also wondering why the default arma rounds seem to hit or miss at random?
  16. rstratton

    Sakakah - City Assault 2

    whats up with this mission? i preview it in the editor it spawns over 700 ai units
  17. rstratton

    Community Sound Mod - idea

    way off-topic but do those zalman's sound good?
  18. rstratton

    Sakakah Al Jawf OPEN BETA

    Not at all! At least now I might get some proper confirmation if this really is the source of the dedi problem. Thank you OFP2! i can confirm that the problem has been solved
  19. rstratton

    mp mission cache

    C:\Documents and Settings\*acct name*\Local Settings\Application Data\ArmA\MPMissionsCache local settings is a hidden folder by default so u need to have it show hidden files and folders in folder options under tools menu
  20. rstratton

    Admins reclaim control over your servers!

    does the server exe included with queens gambit include this?
  21. rstratton

    queens gambit missions

    anyone got any good mp missions using queens gambit content?
  22. rstratton

    co30 Domination! One Team

    would that have been the 3rd infantry ?
  23. rstratton

    Sakakah Al Jawf OPEN BETA

    it still will not load on the 3rd inf server