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Everything posted by rstratton

  1. rstratton

    Importing LODs from an external program.

    well u could import all your lod's at once if u name the parts accordingly in your modelling software. then just assign lod's using what gnat said in the o2 import options
  2. rstratton

    Importing LODs from an external program.

    yes u can create a geometry lod in a program such as 3ds max or maya. u need to make each selection of the geo lod a seperate object. and make sure all your vertices are welded. like if u have a box and u detach each face of the box to seperate elements o2 will see each element as a selection. will cause a big mess, and alot of extra vertices
  3. rstratton

    different tool possible?

    okino polytrans? deep exploration will do the same as well
  4. rstratton


    i for one think people dont use enough polygons in their models.
  5. rstratton


    how high is high poly?
  6. rstratton

    Server rental

    www.zebgames.com is good if ur in the states. quad core boxes with no bandwidth restrictions
  7. unless there are deicated servers. hosting a 40vs 40 game on a home internet connection wouldnt work because of the bandwidth limitations
  8. rstratton

    Computer starting but no image

    ur lucky. last time my psu went out it took the motherboard with it
  9. rstratton

    Sarahni model

    the only way u can edit the island is with the source files
  10. rstratton

    Sarahni model

    it may be possible using "some software" , but i promise what ever it rips will not be very useable for anything except wasting your time
  11. rstratton


    make some new road models
  12. rstratton

    Laser guided bombing changes in 1.14?

    increase your altitude and dive down towards the taget
  13. sounds like a hardware issue to me
  14. your project folder shouldnt be in the ca folder, put your project folder in the p drive. change your paths removing ca\ . your mask and sat images must be in 8 bit color non interlaced. only image that must be 16 bit interlaced is your terrain.png
  15. rstratton


    dude dont be a wuss
  16. here is something i just threw together. it came out really nice. so far there are no objects except for about 1000 feet of runway. it is 80 km by 80km in size. runs great with viewdistance set at 30,000 i will release my source files if anyone would be interested in helping me improve it, and or add objects to it http://files.filefront.com/Antarcticarar/;12187863;/fileinfo.html
  17. rstratton

    4096 map problem

    i take that back , visitor 3 is a pos
  18. rstratton

    Antarctica Alpha Release

    as far as plans go i really dont know, maybe could make some large scale warefare. have the feeling of being totally lost, i donno. a place to fly planes in a strait line for more than 5 minutes at a time. id like it to be a community project. im open to ideas
  19. rstratton

    Island combining?

    it could be possible. but not likely at all unless u had the source data and could combine the terrain,sat and mask images.... to make a long story short, it would be more trouble than its worth.
  20. rstratton

    Nevada Terrain 0.1

    i think about 25-30k is the max viewdistance possible
  21. rstratton

    4096 map problem

    i dont have the issue when i save the heightmap as 2048x2048, only does that when i try to save it as 4096x
  22. rstratton

    Zeitgeist: Addendum

    whether the video is right or wrong, there is still something seriously FUCKED UP with this world we live in.
  23. rstratton

    Textures going Black after BinPBO

    no idea why it would do that but it certainly wont hurt anything
  24. why isnt there an option in oxygen 2 to hide every thing you havent selected?
  25. rstratton

    Purchasing Models

    go for what ever u can find. ive got tools to convert from just about any 3d format to just about any 3d format