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Everything posted by rstratton

  1. unfortunately the lowest terrain resolution we can get in arma2 with suitable performance is 10 meter cells. ofdr has 2.5 meter cells
  2. did u move your arma 2 folder after installation by chance? if so u either need to move it back to its original location or edit your registry to reflect its current location
  3. http://dev-heaven.net/wiki/proper-projects/PROPER_projects#Object-drawing-distance-tweak
  4. only the terrain.png can be 16 bit interlaced. the rest is 8 bit non interlaced. also not a good idea to put your projects under ca\
  5. rstratton


    is there an easy way to put the lhd together in visitor3?
  6. ok so i was thinking. yea i know thats pretty dangerous lol. if we provide a beta for people to use with the real time editor. to place some objects and have some kind of little contest to see who comes up with the best ideas. would people be interested?
  7. anyone wanna help us with this project? go to www.armaunderground.com and let us know , if u got skype u can join our public chat via the website as well
  8. runs smooth as silk flying an av8b at 800kmph with 10k view distance
  9. rstratton

    grease pencil map

    we had that for arma 1, was named spon map. not sure if its being done for arma2
  10. rstratton

    water objects

  11. can somebody tell me where to find big_pond.p3d?
  12. rstratton


    would be so nice to have a special bulldozer mode where we can load up the game, place a player and bulldozer in the editor then load up your map and drive said bulldozer around the island editing your terrain in game. could also make a mp part to where multiple people can work on the same island.
  13. rstratton

    Dragon Rising has been released

    Arma2 FTW!!!!!
  14. http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/System_Idle_Process The threads in the System Idle Process are used by Windows NT to implement CPU power saving. The exact power saving scheme depends on the hardware and firmware capabilities of the system in question. For instance, on x86 processors, the idle thread will run a loop of HLT instructions, which causes the CPU to turn off many internal components and wait until an interrupt request arrives.
  15. rstratton

    This game is crap!!!!!!!!!!

    9 days and itll all be ok
  16. rstratton

    Donation to the community

    id like to have a look. theres quite a few file hosting sites. www.filefront.com , rapidshare.com etc etc
  17. fps capped at 30 here with 58946 vsynch forced off in nv control panel
  18. rstratton

    Beta patch fail for me

    did u defragment after the install?