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Posts posted by Rg

  1. @Bigpickle

    I know that ACE2 includes a few transition speed tweaks, but I remember it just being for a few weapon changes. TrueGameplay_Animation_TransitionSpeed is literally every transition that was immediately noticeable. I probably missed a few somewhere considering just how many there are, but I definitely tweaked most. If you find any annoyingly slow transitions that I may have missed, let me know.


    Good suggestion, but not possible. All different modes types are one class, so a color change for that would be for all.


    Maybe I'll make something quick or at least a picture, but it's much quicker and more telling for the user to test it out himself.


    There is only one speed value that both you and AI share. I've noticed in default A2 other units animations don't always look synced due to they're constant morphing between speed modes (definitely in MP aswell) and I don't know how the game operates in this area, but it's probably just a case of it being a little more noticeable from the actual value changes and/or from the changes to the users perception.


    Run speeds were slowed down and walk was sped up for many reasons. Check out the description in the first post if you haven't already, but I should expand on the ratio a bit more..

    The 1:2:3 ratio for speeds is that (Walk -> Jog) is now the same speed difference as (Jog -> Sprint), so there is now 3 distinct speed modes equally apart from one another. Default A2 is a slow walk and a fast jog/run that is almost as fast as the sprint, making sprint a useless mode that barely increases your speed but instead increases your fatigue by an unproportional amount.

  2. Update #3

    For Truegameplay_Animation_TransitionSpeed + ACE users..

    - Throwing a grenade while walking should not catapult you to your death ;)

    BETA_v1 (Don't Mirror) http://dev-heaven.net/projects/rg-truemods/files

    Update #2

    For TrueUser_Fov + ACE users..

    - CQB Sights for ACE weapons should have correct Fov now.

    BETA_v2 (Don't Mirror) http://dev-heaven.net/projects/rg-truemods/files

    TrueMods consists of two groups..

    1. TrueUser - Personal client-side addons that are safe for MP.
    2. TrueGameplay - Personal client-side addons that may be considered unsafe for MP. Idealy, this should be run by all players and server-side as well for fair MP since it alters gameplay (It can give the player both advantages and disadvantages depending on a persons opinion).

    TrueMods is..

    • Meant for A2:CO (A2+OA). If you don't own both, shame on you. ;)
    • Compatible with ACE2 as I use that mod exclusively.
    • Was designed using "Very Small" GUI size, so it is strongly recommended to use that setting, but might work fine with others.
      For the best CQB/MOUT experience, use.. :shoot:
      1. TrueUser_Fov
      2. TrueGameplay_Animation_MovementSpeed
      3. TrueGameplay_Animation_TransitionSpeed
      4. ShackTac Movement addons

    Report Bugs

    Download (39.8 MB) (Mirrors Welcome)


    Quick List
    (With Pics)





















    Full Descriptions


    - Fast quick zoom.

    - Perfect FOV for MOUT/CQB.

    - No disorientation & tunnel vision.

    - FOV is consistent for all weapons & vehicles across the board when using your virtual eyes, not magnified optics.

    Effects On Gameplay


    (+) Longer duration of battles/firefights.

    (+) More emphasis on maneuvering/flanking/advancing for a closer shot (Think WGL in the OFP days, but with a quick zoom)

    (+) Binocs and Optics are more significant due to greater challenge of spotting & identifying targets.

    (+) Better balance of awareness for all players due to small FOV/LOD change when zoomed in.

    (-) Might result in more TK's from the impatient.

    Possible Negatives


    - A few gun types feel too far away from your face (ex. AK's)

    - Harder to spot and identify targets, but I see this as a positive from a gameplay standpoint.

    - Zoom is further away from real-life size..

    ..I've conceded since my ArmA releases that it's impossible to achieve since everyone has a different sized monitor. I alone have upgraded my monitor twice since then and more players have larger monitors these days.

    A2/OA is far from accurate as well. They went with resolution of image rather then real-life size, so you have have superhuman zoom. In fact, anyone that uses larger then about a 15" monitor, everything ingame is much larger then real-life size when at full zoom. If your using 17/19/22/24+, the game is already unrealistic in this area.

    People should be using different FOVs depending on their monitor size, but thats impossible for game design and MP, hence this BALANCED mod that improves situational awareness, responsiveness, and gameplay.


    - Same as above, just with automatic zoom when you press your optic key.


    - Slightly larger view then the default NVG's for less disorientation.

    - More fade on the outer edge of the cone for an immersive blur effect.


    - Changed infantry weapon crosshairs to a 2-Chevron, less precise/general aim system, where the intersection of both chevrons is where you aim.



    - Increased color saturation for a more vibrant sky.


    - Disabled mountain textures on the horizon.



    - New UI look with lots of white text and blue highlighting (To be used with TrueUser_IGUI_Hud_Black).

    - Command bar has new backgrounds.


    - Black transparency (similar to OFP, but with sharp edges) for your HUD (CommandMenu/ActionMenu/Hint/Ect..)


    - Changed the command bar layout slightly for easier readability and more compact size.


    - New command bar UI Icons that display weapon type as text, rather then the graphic Icon.

    Simple abbreviations :


    GL - GrenadeLauncher

    AR - AutomaticRifleman

    MG - Machinegunner

    AA - Anti-Air

    AT - Anti-Tank

    MM - Marksman

    SNP - Sniper

    SD - Silenced

    PST - Pistol


    - Action menu moved to the middle of your screen for quick accessibility.


    - Decreases UI text a bit further (Interface "Very Small" was not enough for text in my opinion).



    - Default Gun HUD moved to BOTTOM RIGHT of your screen.


    (Conflicts with "GPS_Top")

    - Text enlarged for easy readability & style.

    - Gun HUD remains at the TOP RIGHT of your screen.


    (Conflicts with "GPS_Bottom")

    - Text enlarged for easy readability & style.

    - Gun HUD moved to BOTTOM RIGHT of your screen.



    (Conflicts with "GunHud_BigText_Top")

    - GPS moved to the TOP RIGHT of your screen.

    - GPS with no frame image that only takes up crucial screen space.


    (Conflicts with "STHud", but can still be used as its still mostly viewable as a background image)

    - GPS moved to the BOTTOM MIDDLE of your screen.

    - No frame image that takes up crucial screen space.


    (Conflicts with "GunHud_BigText_Bottom")

    - GPS moved to the BOTTOM RIGHT of your screen.

    - No frame image that takes up crucial screen space.



    - Gets rid of the action icons (you will have action menu text only).


    - Gets rid of your ammo & mag count.


    Quick List





    Full Descriptions


    All movement speeds (Walk:Jog:Sprint) are now a balanced 1:2:3 ratio (rather then 1:3:4). Intuitive for player.

    - Walk is faster for more agile movement & quicker CQB.

    - Jog is slower for better player control, realism, & gameplay.

    - Sprint is a tad bit slower for the same reasons as above.

    * Speeds feel closer to OFP:WGL then default where it effects gameplay in a positive way.

    * All changes give the player better anticipation & control of their unit, while retaining a realistic and natural feel.


    Increased transition speeds to be less burdensome and give the

    player a quicker "battle-ready" response.

    This includes..

    - Stance changes (Stand/Crouch/Prone)

    - Weapon changes (Rifle/Pistol/Launcher/Binocular)

    - Grenade throw

    - Over/Jump action


    Limited turn speed when..

    - Sprinting to simulate low agility/momentum and reduce the exploit of "zig-zagging".

    - Running/Kneeling/Prone to simulate lower agility.


    Lowered fatigue, so it is possible to swim up to ~5 minutes before loosing your gear.

    Special thanks to..

    BIS, Kju, & Dev-Heaven :)

  3. shezan74,

    Don't listen to the bitchers, your doing a badass job. A HUGE city, which is surprisingly detailed for it's size with GREAT performance...and that performance is greatly needed when trying to populate a city like this. It feels like we got a VBS addon for free. :D

    While the OPX objects would look better and make the map more authentic, a big downside with them (aside from possible performance loss, although I wouldn't expect much) is the fact that they are not AI friendly. Only a few of his buildings can be occupied by AI, so you have all that lost potential of AI only in the streets or on the ground, not in or on buildings.

    What you currently have is a great mix with tons of occupiable buildings to bring the city alive and add that exciting challenge.

    Keep up the good work dude!

  4. This mod is damn impressive. I never thought such an enhancement would be possible.

    There are only two downsides that I see, which have already been mentioned. One being the loading time in game, but there is probably nothing that can be done about that. The other being the extra time and effort needed to add support for each individual map.

    For someone that wants that added ambience and immersion from long echoing sounds, would it be possible to enable ONE basic echo type (ex. the open field echo) to be used all the time for all non-supported maps. Either by automatically enabling the added echo or giving the user the option to enable this via their userconfig.

    This would give everybody a basic atmospheric benefit of this mod on ALL maps until more maps are supported in full.

  5. As you said in your Tropica thread

    First, I must tell you I am not a professional map maker , just an old timer dedicated to the game ... OFP, ArmA, ArmA2, ArmA2: OA ... what else ^^.

    ..and bless ya for that. You clearly know what works well because your maps are great from a gameplay standpoint and the new Tropica map is so awesomely big for gameplay and mission making. They bring back the ofp massiveness and feel. :ok:


    While minor, but still important in my eyes is the sat resolution. Sbrodj suffers from that as do these two new maps.

    At least for Brik, was there a reason why a very low resolution sat image was used (far away google map screenshot)?

    This is a comparison screenshot with the default sat (512x512 @ ~500m high?) on one side and a modded HQ sat (2048x2048 @ 100m high) on the other.


    While it's not perfect, it's definitely better due to the higher resolution.

    This Brik Sat enhancement is easy obviously because the satellite image is done for you, but simple yet interesting things can be done with the Sbrodj & Tropica sat by just blending in real sat image layers and increasing the resolution.

    If this is something you want to do and need some help let me know.


    Anyways, you guys deserve some beers for these badass maps. Hopefully you release many more to us grunts :drinking2:

  6. It's been a long time since I've messed with this missile/lockon area (early arma1). I can't say for sure I had them engage past 6000m. I might have been able to get 5000-10000, I cant remember. All I remember was that in a couple tests, the distance was longer then the rockets fuel because it would fall out of the sky, lol. Maybe you did reach a limit though. :confused:

    Have you tried increasing the "irScanToEyeFactor"? This was the magic parameter for lockon/radar ability.

    Try this and see if AI engage farther..

    //irScanRangeMin = 35000; (you might want to comment this out to use the default value for MIN, just in case this causes any issues)
    irScanRangeMax = 35000;
    irScanToEyeFactor = 5; (something larger then 1. I think I tested up to 5, but there may be a cap on this parameter, not sure)

    Also when testing,

    1) make the plane fly at "limited" speed to give it time to fire.

    2) have ai armor targets moving, not idle.

  7. ^Agreed.

    Also, 99% of mods/addons come as rar/7z/zip. If someone can't take a minute to figure out where a .pbo/@mod folder goes and how to run a mod by a shortcut or with with many very easy ArmA launchers available, then they can't play 99% of mods. Don't cater to 1%.

    @OFPIE / Addons / ofpie.pbo & ofpie_[objects/anythingelse].pbo ...is all you need.

  8. I flew around on this map with 10km VD and no lag. Felt like a poor mans flight sim, but I liked it.

    This may be a stupid idea and not practical, but what if you released two versions of this island - A high object ArmAVersion & a non/low object FlightSimVersion? I am thinking that because this gigantic map would be perfect for air combat as well as armor and sea combat, but if you want to play with 10km, it will be impossible when 100's of thousands of objects are going to be placed. Maybe it could be that when you finish your sat and road networks, mark the FlightSimVersion as complete. Then continue on with the ArmAVersion. I'm not sure how big the Sat file size will be, but maybe later the FlightSimVersion's paths can be updated to use the ArmAVersion's rather then having two very large identical Sats.


    About your WIP Sat,

    You don't necessarily need white stones at the tops of Everon. Hills/Mountains like these look great. 1 2

    However if you keep the white stone, just add lots of cracks in it for grass/weeds and odd shrubs/trees here and there kind of like these pics 1 2


    Keep up the good work :thumbs-up:

  9. I applaud your initiative, because this is one hell of a project. I would love to see an A2-OFPworld. :thumbs-up:

    Do you plan on creating the same basic town placement and road networks?


    I just tested out your alpha0.3 and while the island shapes and certain terrain features seem close, most of the terrain is completely different, but I know it's early WIP.

    I see you want to start from scratch, but I'm sure you can get the height map data from the OFPworld already created (FYI, The-f and Kju made the OFPworld from ported data using the old OFP files, objects, and vegetation.), since I know they would like to see modern A2 versions of the old OFP islands. If you want me to get you in contact with them, just let me know.


    While seeing these islands in a completely different way does kind of intrigue me, I think it might be a better idea to use the old height data (it's low resolution, so you just have to enlarge the height image and smooth it out a bit to not get the blocky terrain like in OFP) and tweak/modify the height map from there. So, my suggestion would be to use the OFPworld data that is already available and swap out all OFP objects with A2 objects. Then make a proper A2 Sat&Mask and modify/tweak anything you would like to see differently. This would method would save you a TON of time.

  10. Isn't the grass just super green because its using the color from the Sat? A2 Sat color directly affects the grass color.

    Thank you for the answer the grass will make sometimes a little darker.

    Would also have with pleasure a few tips of old island maker with regard to Sat and Mask.

    Greeting Hotzenplotz

    would be also nice where one such a Teamspeak would have where himself island makers could hit exchange.

    sorry for my English

    My advice for your Sat would be to unpbo SapEve and Celle and look at they're paa layers. You could easily patch together a rough Sat using pieces from these two islands as a base and then tweak from there, or if you have PS skills, do it the hard way from scratch. :eek: But you could have a very good looking Sat just from stiching together a Sat from those two maps which both have superb color tones. A hybrid of both, depending on how big your map is, could be very cool.

    As for the Mask. I would say just use a one color temporarily until you have a finished Sat. Then you can pretty easily convert that in 4-6 colors required for a Mask. I think a few tips have been posted in these forums, but if you need some help later, just pm me.

    Keep up the good work :thumbs-up:

  11. ODEN;1594490']I honestly haven't had a single thought on AI skill :-)

    The dummies are there as a fix to my "failure" using createCenter (civilians wouldn't jump into truck trying to rescue them) so you need to search and edit all "createUnit" calls (thats a good idea though' date=' maybe setting specops to higher and others to random).

    ACE block is for people not understanding the diff between addons and mods and when they respawn I get these errors for all kinds of ACE stuff but maybe one day very far into the future I might create ACE versions of all my missions.

    There are no other implications so do not worry over removing the ACE block (while at it add "ace_core" to the addons['] array in mission.sqm or even better, change the few units in the mission to ACE dudes making it mandatory).

    SAP Everon used to be part of my missionpacks but I felt it rarely got used so I dropped that one, Celle is a very nice map but I had problems with the new one in my Warfare so I never got into adding that one for this pack.

    You mean find the "createUnit" calls and add something like setSkill for each? I wonder what skills they are now. I would guess they are all default values like when you place a group down in the editor or maybe all single units placed default to X (0.2 maybe).


    What problems are you getting with Celle? I hope you still will consider using that island though.


    Thanks ODEN,

  12. You only needed to add "spawned" to the parameters of UPSMON squad created, plese send me your mision to chs.monsada@gmail.com I will revise it and find the problem or bug.

    Thanks Monsada, email sent.

    Also, I noticed in the beta, the paradroppers still just stand around and not move after they land. Any idea about this?

    I'll make sure to test this again with this new version. Maybe it's fixed since the beta.

    This is fixed in last release.

    To anyone who plays ACE, this bug only happens when playing ACE. The paradroppers work correctly in default ArmA, not ACE. No clue as to why though :confused:

  13. Ambush mode looks great. I'll try it out as soon as I can.


    Can you provide a sample mission using the "spawned" parameter?

    I tried using this
    both with and without "spawned" using the 5.0.4beta, but had no luck getting it to work. The closest I got was it worked fine until the units respawned, but then did not create new waypoints. They just stood there with no orders.

    Also, I noticed in the beta, the paradroppers still just stand around and not move after they land. Any idea about this?

    I'll make sure to test this again with this new version. Maybe it's fixed since the beta.

  14. I messed around with this a bit and it looks great for quick tactical action.


    One thing I am wondering is how to adjust AI skill. Would changing the skill (anywhere from 0.2-1.0) for the 3 dummy AI to the north change the skill for ALL spawning AI (infantry & vehicles)? I changed them to 0.2 for a quick test and it seemed like it worked but can't say for sure.

    Can I suggest adding these 2 islands even if its only 1 mission for each?

    1. Sap Everon

    2. Celle
      (It feels like a hybrid between SapEveron & Chernarus)

    -EDIT- Also, why is ACE not recommended for this mission in MP? I commented out that one line of code and it seems to work fine, but is there a possible bug by using this mission with ACE?


  15. I spent the last couple of nights messing around with this and works nicely. Very nice job. Right now I'm mainly just using it for an ambient battlefield and extra defense on top of another mission.

    Here's some quick feedback, but forgive me if I'm missing something obvious.

    1. BUG? - I found that paradroppers would land with weapons on they're backs and not move. One time they took fire from enemy and only when 1 bullet hit one of them, they reacted and pulled out they're gun EXCEPT for the squad leader.
    2. BUG? - The gunner slots of choppers are not alway occupied. Most of the time, after the paradroppers dropped, the chopper would just hover and take fire as if there were no AI in the gunner slots or just not opening fire. The only engagement I would see was from an attack chopper firing rocket (guessing from the pilot). I would love to see effective air support (guns/rockets/missiles).
    3. BUG? - AI get stuck behind walls and fences. They need to be able to break away from the current waypoint if they can't reach it and find a new one (after X seconds/minutes maybe).

    1. FEATURE? - AI need to only occupy they're own sides vehicles (maybe have this as an editable option in case people want that element of surprise for certain situations).
    2. FEATURE? - Need DISMISSED behavoir for patrols.
      *Maybe you could simply have a group use the default DISMISSED waypoint within the marker radius, then when they see or hear of contact they go into action until it's clear then they go back into the same or another DISMISSED waypoint within the marker radius.
      • This means that 1 squad can separate into smaller groups like fireteams or smaller.
      • They should sometimes hold a position and random guys sit down or take a knee with weapon down.
      • If expanded upon, play different ambient animations sometimes when they stop for a minute (like smoking, talking, pushups, ect..)

    [*]FEATURE? - Need DISMISSED behavoir also for civilians that are on foot & driving (they would really need to stick to roads though).

    Also, someone requested being able to respawn units. This would be hugely helpful to keep the battles going for a very long time.

  16. A long time ago when we were getting upcoming info about ArmA2, for some reason I thought I heard about a new function for mission making.

    Basically I was thinking there was a way to spawn in some sort of a "template" ingame via a trigger or have that "template" deactivated at mission start and activate it when needed to save on resources.

    • You would basically place down a square trigger and make sure you have everything (all units+waypoints+triggers) placed inside the radius of that one trigger.
    • Then you could essentially spawn that entire template ingame or activate it ingame when needed so it would save a ton of resources.

    Does anything like described above sound familiar? I'm wondering if there is something like that currently possible or if I'm crazy and mistook a dream of mine for reality. :crazy:


    I have a decent understanding of how to create good unpredictable gameplay with certain AI scenarios by using traditional waypoints & triggers. My issue with spawning everything in currently from scripts (like ups,dac,evo,dom,ect..) is that..

    1. I don't know how to convert certain AI waypoints+behaviors over to scripts that spawn everything in.
    2. My hunch is that they might be limiting as far as what I am able to achieve currently and what I might want to achieve later, but I don't know since I haven't tried.

    P.S. How the hell do people spawn scenarios in via a script (like domination objective or side missions, ect..)? Freehand coded or are they're "templates" being converted into script code?:confused:

  17. Funny thread.


    To Fintroll and whoever else,

    It's much less complicated then it looks. It will probably take you only 10 minutes to setup if using the 3-step video tutorial (that's not 10 minutes of actual steps, its mostly just a handful of steps and video watching time). If I didn't have that tutorial I would probably be screwed.

    After you set that up...everytime you want to update any mod through SIX-Updater, you litterally....

    1. Double-click exe.
    2. Press 2
    3. Press Enter

    Everything dl's in minutes and your ready to play.

    Take 10 minutes out of your life and setup this awesome system.

  18. Great chopper. Nice visibility for the pilot and improved agility for quick maneuvers. Pulling a 180 and swinging that rear out is much quicker now. ;)

    I remember the old poll thread where the challenging flight model won out. Is this chopper the best example of a challening flight model? While it's definitely improved over the default A2 choppers, I don't exactly see it as more challenging. It clearly has stronger rudder control and roll capability, but is this the maximum that can be done with A2 flight models?

    I'm wondering if there is a way to lose control or "fall out of the sky" faster (like fast stalling in some of the older jet addons for A1 when you turned too fast. Not sure if it was the F18 or F16 that had that extra sensitive handling :confused:). Maybe there is a way to increase the speed of ascent and decent via script similar to the people that have used nitro boosts for cars.

    I know the flight model in this engine is seriously limited, but you guys are most likely the ones that are going to be pushing the boundries as far as they'll go. :bounce3:

  19. I'm guessing the issue you are having is that hint text stays on your screen for ~30 seconds. You won't see the text change every 10 seconds because it would still be on your screen for another 20. I think it just keeps expanding the time with the repeated trigger. Try using a sound effect every 10 seconds to test this rather then text.
