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Everything posted by prowler.wolf

  1. Special surprise to be found on Mana Island. http://picasaweb.google.com/prowler.plr/ManaIslandAlpha# Looks like Mana will be trading up Tourists for Terrorists in the near(ish) future. :p
  2. prowler.wolf

    How to Waygate Several Groups?

    This is the visitor forum, you guys are looking for the mission editing forum. http://forums.bistudio.com/forumdisplay.php?f=93
  3. I followed all the instructions I could find and I get "Application load error 5:0000065434" when I try and load buldozer. :( I even reinstalled the tools and started from scratch and I can't get the new buldozer to work as this error keeps popping up. Anyone with the steam version of Arma2OA able to get this to work? EDIT: I got it working by copying over the Expansion\beta\arma2ao.exe to my P:\ directory. Hmmm
  4. prowler.wolf

    Fallujah City

    Excellent work so far shezan, very solid and the performance is good too so I'll be looking forward to future improvements. :)
  5. prowler.wolf

    New project: Fallujah

    I have been waiting on someone to make a fallujah island, excellent work so far. ;)
  6. prowler.wolf

    The name of this forum

    I wholeheartedly agree with this, I can assume when new people see "(Visitor)" they think it is a forum for first timers to ask stupid questions :(
  7. the map is 5km² but the island itself only takes up about 1/4 of that. So pretty small and is meant to be for online play or smaller missions(aka, for fun).
  8. Trying out the new African Foliage pack. Mana island is just.... about... done. Real life work sucks. :mad: http://picasaweb.google.com/prowler.plr/ManaIsland#
  9. prowler.wolf

    African Foliage

    This is getting better with every release and I also hope the issues stated previously get fixed. It's so nice to have some greener foliage to choose from. http://picasaweb.google.com/prowler.plr/ManaIsland#
  10. prowler.wolf

    Road Painter tool (development thread)

    The new camera views gives this tool way more flexibility and took very little time to get used to. My only gripe would have to be the mouse not being able to control to position of the overhead view. It only just collides with the edges when you expect it to move the camera. Very minor but you might want to consider adding a guide(info popup on startup?) that lists all the controls. Excellent work so far! I have been placing roads like crazy tonight and one small thing I would like to see in the future, the ability to "step back" while constructing a road and make corrections to specific sections. But I already mentioned that earlier. Also it would be nice to see the angle for a keypart in the GUI(information box with position/angle?). Then I would just have to place a keypart in visitor, input the angle and the Y/Z and import my road work with very little tweaking. Food for thought. Hope these suggestions make sense :o Looking forward to your next update!
  11. prowler.wolf


    Same here, all small changes to the terrain I do in photoshop.
  12. I need to finish the config for clutter and the runway/grid. So yes, it is underwater :P
  13. Heres some more, should be getting close to release soon. | Mana Island, Fiji Mana Island, Fiji | Mana Island, Fiji Mana Island, Fiji Mana Island, Fiji
  14. Hey everyone, I got some more WIP of Mana Island for you. | Mana Island, Fiji Mana Island, Fiji | Mana Island, Fiji Mana Island, Fiji
  15. I agree Buldozer has a lot of wasted potential for terrain editing
  16. prowler.wolf

    Road Painter tool (development thread)

    This is coming along nicely. Been so busy that every time I come to this thread there is a new version to download. :o
  17. prowler.wolf


    When I upload large files to filefront they seem to always get corrupted. Try uploading to some other location like megaupload for example.
  18. prowler.wolf

    Road Painter tool (development thread)

    Excellent I'll give this a try later tonight :)
  19. prowler.wolf

    Script / Tool suggestion box

    With maskmapper I would love to see it be expanded in being able to place more then one object type per BMP image. Of course in a perfect world you could just load the satellite image in and select which pixels(by color like magic wand in photoshop) you want for which objects.
  20. prowler.wolf

    The best way to add roads?

    You got my hopes up :(
  21. prowler.wolf

    Water Color

    Has anyone changed the water color for their island in A2? If so would you be so kind as to explain how exactly. :)
  22. prowler.wolf

    Water Color

    Sorry to dig this up but I am having a weird issue with this, the water appears exactly the way I intended in single player but when the map is being played online the water color goes back to the default green. ???
  23. prowler.wolf

    UI Select image

    I am trying to create a custom paa for the ui select but it crashes texview2 when I try to open it. Can someone tell me what settings I need to use when saving it as a paa with transparency? I am using photoshop CS4 ---------- Post added at 10:56 AM ---------- Previous post was at 10:15 AM ---------- nevermind, it worked when I saved it as a tga :)
  24. prowler.wolf

    Invisible road object

    that seems to work well enough for me to move on but I recall in arma1 you only had to place them down as artificial objects and they would snap together. Thanks B
  25. My invisible road objects in roads2 have no icon when I place it into visitor. I tried replacing it with the games invisible road but it won't snap together which is pretty useless when building a runway. Has anyone else come across this issue? (maybe someone could zip up the object and attach it for me? :o)