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max power

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Everything posted by max power

  1. max power

    TOH Flight Model - Misunderstanding

    Can't tell if trolling... At any rate, the rest of the people in this thread are correct. If you have further flight model discussion, find one of the many existing flight model threads, thanks.
  2. max power

    ARMA 3 Addon Request Thread

    Troll elsewhere. You're now barred from the thread for a while.
  3. max power

    ARMA 3 Addon Request Thread

    I'm not sure if you know what this thread is for, Birdfleet, but as a mod maker I'm not sure I enjoy you telling me I'd better effin' prepare anything, regardless of what drives you crazy.
  4. User suspended. Links removed.
  5. The islands are our only stand alone releases. Nothing else is meant to be used without the rest of the mod.
  6. If a person is moved six feet (!!!) directly by a blastwave, he would be dead at very minimum from pulmonary edema. Your nervous system would be agitated by the blast wave, and so you would be unconscious or demented. Your eardrums would be burst therefore you would have no equilibrium and be experiencing vertigo and nausea as your lungs filled with fluid. Possibly also your lungs and exposed skin would be burned. I don't think there is any luck involved. If you weren't killed by a shockwave capable of moving a person six feet, you weren't hit by it.
  7. I don't think people get thrown meters by explosions then get up disorientated.
  8. If you have a complaint about how the forum is moderated, take it to PM.
  9. max power

    Confirmation on this flashlight 'feature'?

    BIS are known for great community interaction but they seldomly participate in threads like this. Your best bet would be to search the issue tracker for a similar ticket and vote or start a new one if it doesn't yet exist. Whether or not an issue is 'known', it can't hurt to report it. I work as an artist at a game company and I don't even know what issues the programmers 'know'. You will probably never know exactly what issues are known and what are not, or who knows and who doesn't.
  10. max power

    Modelling tutorials!

    Maya has much different controls but it's fundamentally similar. If you need a tutorial to identify the hotkeys and menu layouts, it might be best to find some basic Maya tuts. The process in either software package will be quite similar, though.
  11. max power

    elaboration about how to improve effects

    Thanks to NordKindchen and Bee8190 for their understanding :)
  12. As far as I can tell, there is no one banned from this thread.
  13. max power

    ArmA 3.com

    If you're over 40 surely you can imagine why the site would be age restricted. It's your responsibility to read and understand the forms you are filling in. Additionally, if you are on the site by falsely disclosing your details, then it is your liability, not the liability of the site owner. Closing.
  14. max power

    The all new: Ask a moderator about the forum & rules

    Well, you did, but the measures were different. They were premoderation and the moderators had to go through each new post/username/sig to determine whether or not contained spam. Spam hunting was actually quite an involved process and required actually quite a chunk of time. When I was first accepted as a moderator, the spam situation was actually accelerating quite rapidly. The premoderation now in combination with the boarding process keeps out seemingly all spambots and most spammers.... most but not all. I have personally removed porn from the forum on several occasions.
  15. So send your cheques or money orders to....
  16. max power

    elaboration about how to improve effects

    Please do not post videos or other media depicting human beings being killed. Additionally, please do not link to sites containing such media. All forum rules are enforced, including the explicit media rules. If I missed any images or videos in this thread it's not tantamount to approval. It means I missed them. This is your opportunity to edit your posts to come in line with the forum rules. The default infraction for explicit media is a 90 day ban, and I'm sure no one wants that.
  17. max power

    ace mod tank bug

    Just in case you missed it: I suggest you try here: http://forums.bistudio.com/showthread.php?129084-ACE-for-OA-1-13&highlight=ACE closing.
  18. We're just glad you're enjoying it!
  19. No I think it needs AI therefore needs to be 'piloted'. In arma there are two kinds of AI things, agents and units. Units are the soldiers that can be ordered around, and agents are things like ambient life. You can spawn any kind of thing as either a unit or an agent, I think... but I don't know if agents can pilot vehicles. BUT, if you have an unit inside a vehicle that can never get out, is invisible, etc. I don't think there's any real difference.
  20. max power

    The all new: Ask a moderator about the forum & rules

    As Dwarden indicated, they pretty much have just that. If they don't read the text right above the button that says, "I agree", I'm afraid there's nothing more we can do.
  21. max power


    My helicopter was made by me and only me, and it took 1.5 years to complete.
  22. max power

    The all new: Ask a moderator about the forum & rules

    Your question indicates you didn't read the forum rules or boarding information you agreed to when you joined. Be sure to check those out to avoid unnecessary warnings or infractions :)
  23. max power

    Need help with translations

    http://community.bistudio.com/wiki/ArmA:_Selection_Translations Please don't hide the answers to questions you ask. This is a forum, not a chat, and solutions that you find should be shared with the community knowledge base.