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max power

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Everything posted by max power

  1. That's not a damage system. That's just a physical simulation with forces throwing stuff around.
  2. max power

    From VBS2 to Arma 2 / 3

    No, you can't port objects from VBS2 to Arma or the other way around. Missions you create, I am not certain.
  3. max power

    Anyone seen facial armor systems yet?

    I've never heard of it but that sounds a little optimistic.
  4. max power

    ARMA 3 Addon Request Thread

    As far as I know, what you are suggesting is impossible. I don't think you can bind the mouse to scripted movements. I think it's not as simple as specifying how you want it to work.
  5. max power

    ARMA 3 Addon Request Thread

    Well I don't mean that, I mean how do you aim it? Even if it was possible to make a gun face sideways, how do you tell the character to roll the gun left and right to increase and decrease elevation?
  6. This is about the proper use of your mod, and what forum members can do if they see things they don't like as a result of it, so therefore it belongs here. I was responding to your post directly to address some inaccuracies.
  7. Addon makers do have the right to specify how their addons are used. In the case that something is not mentioned in their EULA, the assumption must be the most restrictive interpretation possible until otherwise clarified. Addon makers surely couldn't anticipate an addon that basically allows their addons to be used in a game they weren't designed for, so it would be extremely rare to see license which specifically names ArmA 3. Some may specify no use in sequels. At any rate, if any addon maker sees videos or images of his or her work being used in A3 and doesn't wish it, please report it and we will work something out with the image poster.
  8. I'm very glad you're enjoying the cobra. I plan on making the rotor blur a little more Take On like. Right now the rotor blur is meant to look good / realistic mainly from the external view angle, but I think it could look better from the ground as it flies over.
  9. max power

    ARMA 3 Addon Request Thread

    I wonder if it would be possible to control such a thing in arma.
  10. max power

    Anyone seen facial armor systems yet?

    The Maxillofacial shield is to protect the wearer's face from rotor wash and flying debris. It's not really a ballistic armour system.
  11. max power

    Questions about Arma3 Lighting

    Well, when you have a post with only 1 question in it there's no need to highlight it.
  12. max power

    Questions about Arma3 Lighting

    I'm very glad you are getting the help you need, but There is no need to post all in bold or all in red. The red in particular is not needed the in the first place since you don't need to double emphasize your headings.
  13. max power

    Earth Curvature

    Please search before posting. http://forums.bistudio.com/search.php?searchid=982378 And as a preventative measure, please don't necropost. You may read those topics but unless you have something significant to add, and I mean significant, the topic is considered dead.
  14. No it doesn't. I believe the term is 'desired effect'. I don't believe there is a range at which rifles stop being lethal. We were talking about this when we were talking about performance. http://browser.six-projects.net/cfg_weapons/classlist?utf8=%E2%9C%93&version=68&commit=Change&options[group_by]=weap_type&options[custom_type]=&options[faction]= I have no idea what you're talking about. I believe DayZ mod uses the same formulas and values as Arma 2. From my experience, the behaviour of the 6.5mm weapons seem to conform to what I would expect from such a weapon in Arma 2, so I would imagine they are based on the same scale. I would also not want to take anything into battle unless it was the best tool for the situation I would be expected to face, even if there was only a 1% difference. Okay, so here's some similar weapons with vastly different barrel lengths. It's probably a bad example, but here we go: The M16a1, with a 20 inch barrel, has a dispersion angle of 0.032 degrees based on an accuracy test result of 2 inches at 100 yards. It has a muzzle velocity of 1000 m/s. The XM177E2, with an 11.5 inch barrel, has a dispersion angle of 0.045 degrees based on an assessment of 2.75 inches at 100 yards. It has a muzzle velocity of 838 m/s. The difference in barrel length is 8.5 inches, or 42%. The difference In terms of accuracy, there is a difference of 0.013 degrees, or 40%. The difference in muzzle velocity 162 m/s or 16%. The maximum effective range of an m16a1 is 550m. The maximum effective range for an xm177e2 is 350m. The difference is 200m, or about 35%. I think the XM does pretty well for having a barrel that's way too short for the bullet it's firing. They had problems with this thing tumbling bullets down range, making huge fireballs and generally being a piss poor weapon design. Even here, though, the XM puts lethal hits on a man sized target at 350m 50% of the time. I expect players would notice a difference in accuracy and performance at range here, but I would also expect them to, given the track record of the XM. The surprise would be that the XM was actually a functional tool for air / vehicle crews. If anyone has any idea of the barrel lengths of the weapons in A3 we can compare those based on their ingame stats.
  15. I wouldn't really hold my breath for a more detailed vehicle damage system, or one that incorporates physx. AFAIK nothing has been announced about that.
  16. I don't believe anything is certain on that. I wouldn't expect it in the alpha builds.
  17. max power

    Weapon modeling for absolute starters?

    Guns are pretty complicated, and modelling complex things is a problem if you are fighting with the tools. I would suggest just screwing around with the tools for a while, maybe making some simple objects like chairs or something to get familiar. The objective here is not to make an awesome chair but to gain some experience with the tools in a no risk project, so you can get past the threshold where you want to take the computer and throw it out a window before you try to model something hard.
  18. max power

    Arma 2: G36 series vs XM8 series?

    Topic solved.
  19. For the same firearm, it's not so much difference as you'd think. The real difference lies in the different weapon systems. Case and point, the m24 sniper system has a 24 inch barrel but an 800 meter point target effective range, but the m16a4 has a 20 inch barrel but a 550 meter effective range. The M4 has a 16 inch barrel but a 500 meter effective range. The difference in barrel length between the m16 and the m24 is the same as the barrel length between the m4 and m16 but the difference in effective range is 6 times greater. For the m4 and m16 systems, the difference in barrel length is about 20 percent, the difference in muzzle velocity is about 10 percent, and the difference in effective range is about 10 percent. Effective range is defined as the maximum range at which a shooter can hit a standard target 50% of the time. Weapon system is I think defined as the weapons, ammunition, and other gadgets.
  20. max power

    Pintle mounted machine guns?

    https://community.bistudio.com/wiki/Turret_Config_Reference#InGunnerMayFire.3D_true This will disable the crew from firing while turned in. The solutions for getting the gun to not move while turned in might be different.
  21. I think the point is there's less than a 10 percent difference in performance. While I would like to see this difference, I am uncertain if the average user would be able to detect any difference under most conditions.
  22. Please contact the same people you contacted before about getting a new CD Key the first time. There's nothing we can do about it on the forum, unfortunately. http://forums.bistudio.com/showthread.php?138523-Bad-CD-Key-CD-Key-disabled-No-CD-key-CD-key-in-use
  23. If you're banned from steam, you will have to contact steam. If you were banned by battleye, see this thread. http://forums.bistudio.com/showthread.php?145530-Globally-banned-by-BattlEye-See-this BI isn't involved in banning users from any game services.
  24. Blood mixes with sweat then gets into your eyes and causes tears... Glad you enjoyed it!
  25. max power

    Min and Max Polygons?

    I think when you get the shakes, that's probably a good definition of need.