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max power

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Everything posted by max power

  1. max power

    nohq vs. no ? (normalmaps)

    It looks like one is less compressed than the other.
  2. max power

    nohq vs. no ? (normalmaps)

  3. max power

    Help with ban

    For help with battleye, I'm afraid you'll have to contact them directly. http://www.battleye.com/ As for being banned for life, I don't know, you'll have to contact them.
  4. Don't feel bad for w0lle. Now that he's sick we can finally regrow some skin on our backs from the whip!
  5. max power

    Cherno port - 99% Done

    You are not permitted to unpack and redistribute materials without permission, including the works of Bohemia Interactive. Topic closed. Account suspended. PM me if you wish to remain a member of this forum.
  6. It does breach the license. However, I am a moderator of these forums, not an FBI officer.
  7. I take it you didn't review the rules for content permissions. Since the rules link seems to be broken, I will be a nice guy and not suspend your account. To make a long story short, posting images or videos of content that was edited without permission risks a permanent ban. Do not edit content without permission. Do not show images or videos of edited content. @SGT_SAVAGE If you have authorized this video, or wish to authorize it, please let me know. Alternately, if you require the link to report to the youtube administration, also PM me.
  8. Please use the wishlist and ideas thread. Thanks :) http://forums.bistudio.com/showthread.php?125819-ArmA-3-Community-wishes-amp-ideas-NO-DISCUSSION/page191
  9. It sounds like not keeping track of animation states and hidden selections on weapons that are not being used is some kind of optimization.
  10. Yep. The data shows about a 10% difference which is something but not much.
  11. max power

    Giffords, Kelly take on NRA with gun control group

    There is a reason why there is no US gun debate allowed in the US politics thread. I'm not implying that you should have had foreknowledge, but... Too OT for OT, too much tendency to get heated. Closing.
  12. When you turn the gunner out, the TOW launcher should fold away and the shutters on the gunner's periscope should close. If it doesn't I spent a lot of time fixing animations for no reason!
  13. If you need to use any material from Unsung mod, including unpacking or altering their files, it may be against their EULA or even against any agreement Unsung has with other mod makers to exchange assets. IP stuff is taken pretty seriously on the forum. I would recommend contacting SGT_SAVAGE and attempting to come to some agreement before doing anything. For instance, if he gives you his classnames then you can create a sound pack for Unsung without altering or unpacking anything. If it's not possible to create a mod pack without unpacking the files, and SGT_SAVAGE doesn't give you permission, and then you release it anyway, you may in violation of the rules of content permissions. If that happens your links can be taken down and your account can be suspended.
  14. To inflate the issue to cartoonish proportions, what I mean is if you're wearing a plate carrier, a round nosed lead rifle bullet should splatter all over it without any hope of doing serious damage. If you're not, then it should enter your body and explode, causing a massive permanent cavity. Right now I don't think you can have a bullet with extremely high damage do nothing to an armoured character. It was something I was considering when I was doing some research into a more realistic damage system based on empirical data that I don't think could be implemented. It was something I was thinking about when I was thinking about the OFP resistance campaign. When they start out, they have shotguns and hunting rifles, but no one hunts with armour piercing bullets. Soft nosed or deforming bullets transfer energy more efficiently, which is good for hurting someone but bad for getting past armour. It would make ad hoc resistance scenarios more interesting if their weapons performed differently, I think.
  15. Sounds like we're saying the same thing. Initially I thought you were talking about subsonic vs. supersonic pistol loads but the nuts and bolts are the same. I really wish we had some kind of body armour vs. body armour penetrating system so we could properly simulate hunting rounds and other non full metal jacketed bullets, like shotgun slugs.
  16. I think it's unusual for people to leap out of the woodwork to commit to a months long project, especially if it's for something very personal to yourself. You should post a request in the addon request thread sticky and indicate you're willing to help.
  17. max power

    Weapon modeling for absolute starters?

    I think you could make that out of a geodesic primitive but I don't think O2 has them... plus adding edges to faces in O2 is :(
  18. Well if you had this simulation for shotshell at least you would be able to tune penetration materials and weapons to reflect the expected behaviour. I think, as of now, the cannon caliber and other anti tank weapons are what's lacking in detail.
  19. I think he must be talking about more massive bullets... Tissue damage from pistols is pretty much all crush cavity. So, the damage they do can be boiled down to bullet diameter * length of wound tract (ignoring what exactly the wound tract intersects). So I would imagine that Gary Roberts is saying that there's not much difference in wound tract length given a slower bullet when the maximum depth you have to penetrate is the average human torso. So both heavy and light bullets are able to penetrate greater than nine inches of ballistic medium, probably.
  20. Tuning Arma's current system should be able to get those results. There's minimalhit, and also the penetration materials which seem to actually have some influence on the damage stuff does. We were having some trouble where a material assignment made the wheels of our BRDM-2 all but indestructible to small arms.
  21. max power

    Weapon modeling for absolute starters?

    What's an iso container? edit: Ah. A shipping container.
  22. Looking at that link I posted, it would appear that 6.5mm rifle suppressors slow the muzzle velocity down to 60%, and reduce the maximum damage to 80%. I think the damage calculation for arma is complex but, based on these numbers, you would expect the suppressed rifles to do less than 80% of the damage of unsuppressed rifles at all ranges, probably much less. Maybe we can assume that the mx series of rifles has a gas system bleed-off device that converts supersonic ammo to subsonic, like the cancelled MP-2000 (which I always thought was quite a nice looking submachinegun).
  23. max power

    Weapon modeling for absolute starters?

    I suggest chairs because they are essentially a bunch of cubes that you have to texture map. You don't need to worry so much about edgeloops but you do need to manipulate things into forms, and have different forms interact with each other. It has a physical presence so you need to make a geoLOD. You can shoot it so you need a firegeoLOD. Its topology is simple so it wont break you brain when you do a shadow LOD, but it does have intersecting forms so you need to do some problem solving. Then you can make it a vehicle and get someone to sit in it, so you need memory points to get in, a crew proxy, and config stuff. http://image.made-in-china.com/2f0j00teoTjvcBZZkE/Wooden-Chair-With-PU-Seat-AD20-.jpg
  24. max power

    ARMA 3 Addon Request Thread

    I know what I am doing and I'm telling you that it probably won't work. Pufu also knows what he's talking about. He didn't insult you, he brought up two points that are true. He could have been nicer about it but it is obvious you don't know what you're talking about.