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max power

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Everything posted by max power

  1. max power

    100% Video card usage

    Yeah, it depends on if there is a frame rate limitation elsewhere like, in the case of many ai, the cpu.
  2. max power

    The Recoil Fix Mod [Alpha]

    Perhaps we should just discuss NikoTeen's addon and not question why he chose to develop something in his spare time and share it with you for free ;) If you don't see a need to download it, feel free to walk silently by.
  3. max power

    Eagle dynamics will release the UH-1H Huey

    Do they model mast bumping from low G push overs or other conditions where the rotor disc is unloaded?
  4. max power

    Work flow and Geo Shadow lods

    Land contact LOD? http://community.bistudio.com/wiki/Oxygen_2_-_Manual#LandContact Check out the example models to get a look on what that looks like.
  5. You don't need to do anything to the model, I think. You just need to make a new config that mentions hiddenselections camo1 and camo2, and points those to your new textures. class A10; class A10_base: A10; class A10_US_EP1: a10_base; class mya10: A10_US_EP1 { crew = "USMC_Soldier_Pilot"; displayname = "my USMC A10 name"; faction = "USMC"; hiddenselections[] = {"Camo1", "Camo2"}; hiddenselectionstextures[] = {"pathto\mytexture_01_co.paa", "pathto\mytexture_02_co.paa"}; }; My config skills are a bit rusty so I'm not exactly sure how back you have to go in your inheritance. This goes back to when hiddenselections are last mentioned on the config tree. http://browser.six-projects.net/cfg_vehicles/A10_US_EP1/config?version=37 There's probably a bunch of other boilerplate config stuff you have to do in order to make a stand alone addon that I'm sure you can find some information on.
  6. max power

    Work flow and Geo Shadow lods

    Sounds like a land contact point thing. If you can't get this resolved, we had a problem with our su25s sinking into the ground at mission start, it had some weird thing to do with dependency. I can ask Mikero. ---------- Post added at 16:21 ---------- Previous post was at 16:14 ---------- Yeah, there's a performance impact but it's not clear what the upper limit for that stuff should be. Nod Unit has got away with some high numbers in his cockpit LOD... but it's possible to have a vehicle with a shadow passing through several fields of smoke and casting on many objects in the exterior LODs.
  7. max power

    Mission Music - Copyright infrigement?

    Some people don't need the threat of a lawsuit to try to do the right thing :)
  8. max power

    H&K USP 9 mm Pistol

    Hmm, I just tested this out and for an accurate normal map I wouldn't recommend using this method. I could see it working on something that has forms that are difficult to define like random organic surface micro textures, but for normal maps that are augmenting actual geometry or require precision I would stay away from it.
  9. max power

    Mission Music - Copyright infrigement?

    For instance, in Australia: "Copying an article from a newspaper or magazine or up to 10 percent of a music piece of 10 or more pages, is allowable under Fair Use." Read more: Music Plagiarism Laws | eHow.com http://www.ehow.com/list_5977408_music-plagiarism-laws.html#ixzz2S4BBCYY6
  10. max power

    Mission Music - Copyright infrigement?

    I think the rule is 10% or something. At any rate, there is a guideline to that effect if you wish to look it up. There is some rule about music and percentage.
  11. Please use the sticky thread already in progress :) http://forums.bistudio.com/showthread.php?85124-ArmA2-OA-%28low%29-performance-issues/page207 In the future please search and read the stickies before creating a new thread.
  12. max power

    TOH flight model- if, when, how?

    I, personally, don't care. I'd rather have a decent frame rate than AI that are affected by wind, just so long as they aren't allowed to over-speed or other cheating.
  13. max power

    H&K USP 9 mm Pistol

    Please, share these techniques. At the moment I think you must be thinking of a cavity map. Technically you can convert any kind of map to any other kind of map, but that doesn't mean it's effective.
  14. max power

    Texture issues

    Why are you being evasive with people that are trying to help you? Why don't you just tell me the name of your texture so I can help you?
  15. max power

    ARMA 3 Addon Request Thread

    JSRS may do it now, but I was thinking of a different mod that did only echos. If you want to request sound engines changes, please use the feedback tracker.
  16. max power

    TOH flight model- if, when, how?

    I don't think the AI in Take On used the rotorlib flight model.
  17. max power

    Texture issues

    Okay, the texture name is also important.
  18. max power

    Texture issues

    what does the alpha channel look like? what is the texture's name? are you saving the tga with compression?
  19. max power

    Jagged Alliance

    Hey now. Myopia is a serious condition! You can't see shit.
  20. max power

    Work flow and Geo Shadow lods

    A goofy looking shadow LOD is not such a big deal so long as the shadows are looking okay. You can't actually get a lot of information from the shadow itself so if it's simple or somewhat inaccurate, it doesn't matter. The engine creates shadows by figuring out which polygons on your shadow LOD are 'lit', and extruding them 'infinitely' in direction the light is shining. Areas on polygons that bisect this extruded volume are then rendered with diffuse lighting only. Since your shadow LOD doesn't need to contain texture information, you're not really destroying anything by altering the uvs or topology. In certain instances it might be easier just to create a new mesh that fits inside of your first few resolution LODs. I say the first few, because shadows aren't rendered after a certain distance, and it's not wort the pain and torment trying to get something that looks good fitting inside your early and late LODs both. In most instances I would take one of your mid resolution LODs and then shrink it per vertex on the axis of your vertex normals, and then fix any hiccups. For structures that are very thin you can use a 2 sided polygon strip or even the res LOD geo turned inside out. Just make sure all of your final shadow geometry is closed. If your shadow geometry is not closed, I would do what you can to fix the problem manually. I would NOT user the O2 function to automagically close meshes. I have had a few messed up models result from that including O2 invisibly doubling the pcount of my shadow volume but still not fixing the non-closed problem. As a last step, triangulate and hard shade your shadow mesh in O2. It takes two button pushes and literally requires no effort. Doing it any sooner or outside of O2 is pointless because you're only really making your mesh harder to handle if you have to remodel some part of it.
  21. I'd rather have them sooner, actually, eggbeast. Be a dear and make me stuff. Chop chop.
  22. max power

    New Tactical Shooter Game!

    Although concept art doesn't need to be super amazing, if I was modelling from that, I would be like FFUUUUUUUUUUUU The proportions are pretty bad, the fabric is overwrought, and the details are vague. There is little to no colour information, nor any texture information, and it doesn't seem like the equipment is very accurate. I hope your modeller likes to work from photos, because if I got those concepts to model from, I would ask the concept artist to send his photo references and then never open them again. Work like this is all about the details and accuracy. I can get the 'look and feel' of a real life thing by looking at the real life thing.
  23. max power

    ARMA 3 Addon Request Thread

    I think most of these things are out of the scope of what can be done with a mod. We can't really affect engine changes. I'm not sure physx would be necessary, and I'm not sure if you can apply physx to a living character. I think it would certain be possible to set a character's velocity, but to apply a physical simulation to another character's animation is not possible. Also, I'm not sure we have the tools necessary to create animations. This is a request for addons, not for game changes. Post in the right forum and right thread. It's not just a good idea, it's the rules. I don't think you can actually limit how a character can rotate with a mod. I think this is more of a tools development thing and not a mod thing. You can't edit an island from within the game while it's running. There is a sound mod for arma 2 that adds some kind of echos through scripting but we can't really make changes to the sound engine itself.
  24. max power

    H&K USP 9 mm Pistol

    Say whaaaaaaaat?
  25. max power

    Jagged Alliance

    yeah, you're not a fully fledged hack these days until you've done your part to ruin everyone's fond memories of Jagged Alliance.