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max power

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Everything posted by max power

  1. max power

    Lets Play Thread

    Also check out the casual players forum group: http://forums.bistudio.com/group.php?groupid=20
  2. max power

    Rifle damage

    I don't think the hitpoints for the toes are different than the legs, but I could be wrong. At any rate, maybe it has something to do with armoured vs. unarmoured parts. If you have a complaint and have done some repro testing, you should make a ticket on the issue tracker. http://feedback.arma3.com/
  3. Well, private groups have the right to refuse anyone they want, I guess. Putting people down is kind of weak, though.
  4. And where is it that you got the model you are wishing to rig?
  5. max power

    Zachs Full-on guide to Custom Weapons!

    google drive in pdf format? Also there's www.OFPEC.com for community editing stuff.
  6. max power

    How do i Change Skin On a Suv?

    Search 'hiddenselections' and/or 'reskin'. Here is the config for the SUV with the hiddenselections[] and hiddenselectionstextures[] array tokens. http://browser.six-projects.net/configclasses/CfgVehicles%3ESUV_Base_EP1/config?version=63 Please search before posting a new thread.
  7. I think anyone that puts someone down because of their age is demonstrating that maturity and age don't always go hand in hand. I think a better question is whether or not assholes should be allowed to play arma.
  8. max power

    Splinter Cell Blacklist

    The last one I played was Chaos Theory, and I also found the aiming to be quite good. I don't really remember the first one or the second one that well, but it didn't seem to me that aiming was much of a problem at all, especially on the PC.
  9. max power

    Career mode flying only??

    left shift. "[left shift] + [numpad minus]", "e", "n", "d", "m", "i", "s", "s", "i", "o", "n"
  10. Just to clarify, a wiki is a user-generated document. Wikipedia is a wiki, which is also an encyclopedia. The Bohemia Interactive Community Wiki (or Biki), is also a wiki, but it is not related to Wikipedia or the Wikipedia Foundation. If you have an account with Wikipedia, you will have to make another one for the BI wiki.
  11. max power

    Splinter Cell Blacklist

    I'm sure I'm not! Ironside is amazing, and he's my countryman so it's a double loss!
  12. max power

    How To Equip A Retexture

    If you copy and paste your config snippets into the reply dialogue and surround them with either code or php tags, it will display tabs properly. I, personally, use php because it's colour coded.
  13. The sweet spot is not zoomed all the way in and it's not zoomed all the way out, and it's not close but it's not super far.
  14. max power

    Splinter Cell Blacklist

    What I mean is they are taking their own franchise and moving it from something to something else, like turning Sam Fischer into GI Joe to chase dem Arkham dollaz instead of doing a spin off. Instead, they basically spun off and replaced everything that made splinter cell what it is, including Michael Ironside, but kept the same character. It is a bit puzzling.
  15. max power

    Realistic reflections

    Thanks for demonstrating that glass is reflective :p The reflection of the sun itself would not be from an environment map but from the specular properties of the glass. Everything in the game has specular properties, so I think if reflections from the sun are lacking it has something to do with the way the material is set up, not because the engine is incapable of them.
  16. max power

    Realistic reflections

    Arma 3 has static environment maps, which are blurred depending on your specular power (roughness) settings and and your gloss map per pixel, and it has a fresnel function with multiple parameters.
  17. There is some sweet spot of zoom and camera distance where the textures are at their best.
  18. max power

    Splinter Cell Blacklist

    Well, I mean, they substitute batman for some other established franchise. I can't really say that Raiden was a very successful spin off from Metal Gear Solid, but I would really rather they do something like that. I think it would be better to have a spinoff action game than to make Sam Fischer into a thoughtless killing machine, and his enemies into morons. In my opinion, the whole reason why a stealth game works is because there's some tension. The only way you can have tension is if you respect your enemy. Making the main character super OP and the enemy really stupid removes any tension at all.
  19. max power

    Eagle dynamics will release the UH-1H Huey

    I hope they put it in at some point. This was a really, really big factor in huey piloting. I was talking to an army cobra pilot and he was saying that anything under 0.5 G and you were in real danger of decapitating the rotorshaft. Mast bumping was a very important limit to the manoeuvrability of those helicopters. It was a huge factor in air-to-air testing for the cobra as well- so much so that they made a special rotor head modification. They installed a buffer below the teetering hinge so the pilots didn't have to worry about their rotors departing from the aircraft pulling some basic ACM.
  20. max power

    How To Equip A Retexture

    Use the browser to find the unit you're trying to retexture, then create a config patch that only alters what you wish to alter. If you're unfamiliar with configs, you may have to do some research. The specific tokens you're after is hiddenselections and hiddenselectionstextures. http://community.bistudio.com/wiki/CfgVehicles_Config_Reference#hiddenSelections You can search that site for the meanings of config tokens.
  21. max power

    Splinter Cell Blacklist

    I'm not contesting the legitimacy of your idea, but for me personally, I really don't give a rats ass what Ubisoft thinks, nor do I try to predict the future when it comes to what kinds of games will be produced. At least this way I get some entertainment value out of watching some terribad promo videos that depict a great frachise being flushed down the toilet. Watching all these studios chase Arkham Asylum is pretty sad.
  22. max power

    How To Equip A Retexture

    http://browser.six-projects.net/ You can use this one to write one that replaces only what you need to replace.
  23. max power

    ArmA 3 Machinima

    I see you reposted in the user video thread. Thank you :) Closing.