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max power

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Everything posted by max power

  1. I believe the fatigue is a way of incurring an encumbrance penalty. It works with the gear weight values to try to figure out the problem with previous games where users could take an AR like the xm8 mg and 8 beta C mags, plus a javelin, plus a machine pistol and run as fast as a guy with no gear at all. I think this is especially important now that we have more options for load bearing equipment.
  2. max power

    Mod Request

    Thread closed because a similar one exists.
  3. max power

    Collision Problem

    You need to model the geometry LOD as discrete convex components. The can be no C shapes or holes in a convex object. At any angle if you are tracing the outline of a convex component going clockwise, there can be no left turns. Even the incorrect triangulation of quad faces in an irregular shape, or something being off by a fraction of a degree can break the convexity of a component. So, each wall, ceiling, floor, etc should be its own rectangular prism shape. If you import it, make sure 'merge vertices' is off. Then go to topology\find components to get the correct names for each collision submesh, and you should be okay.
  4. max power

    Stencil shadows vs Shadow Maps

    I don't think votes are the only factor. I'm not comparing your idea to this but imagine a ticket that says pink unicorns should be added to the game. Maybe a lot of people think that's a great idea for humour or irony or whatever, and the ticket gets 10,000 votes. I really doubt that ticket would go anywhere or do anything. If BI is working in sprints, they probably have two to four week periods where their goals are set, plus stretch goals. Your idea would require a design review for the lighting and shadows system. I would imagine that if the ticket is going to get reviewed it would be when they are doing other work on the shadows or rendering stuff. Also I think there are moderators for the feedback tracker. I think the feedback might be vetted through them. I hear that they are a bit beleaguered, that is to say, there are a lot of tickets and few of them, so I would just be patient :)
  5. Pathfinding, prediction, and other problems happen more often at low frame rates.
  6. I guess in a sense it's true. While you're getting a decent video frame rate, if the server is slammed, the server side simulation is jacked... this means all the crazy things you see when your sp game is running at low frames: ai walking through walls, vehicles crashing and flipping, weird physics, etc.
  7. Those are common problems and just require some elbow grease and research to fix.
  8. max power

    Just a few questions regarding weight

    If the object is immobile I don't think it matters what the weight distribution is. I think the weight distribution helps define the handling for cars and aircraft, and how things tumble when flung. For something like a bridge that will never be moving, I don't think it matters.
  9. max power

    3ds max and reverse faces in O2

    Before exporting the mesh, you need to reset the Xform.
  10. max power

    Career mode flying only??

    Then the cheat code must be different on German keyboards ;) Either that or the German instruction in wrong.
  11. max power

    Stencil shadows vs Shadow Maps

    Do you mean action on BI's part with respect to the ticket, or do you mean interaction with BI staff? I think voting tickets might make them aware and therefore might increase the likelihood of the former but it is unlikely to produce the latter.
  12. max power

    ARMA 3 Addon Request Thread

    Don't worry. When I said it wasn't directed at you it wasn't sarcasm. Sometimes when you reply right below someone it seems like you're replying right to them. This was more generally.
  13. max power

    Stencil shadows vs Shadow Maps

    They also seem to fall apart under some circumstances. You get weird banding over shadowed surfaces sometimes. It must have something to do with precision.
  14. max power

    ARMA 3 Addon Request Thread

    I know this thread is for finding out of mods exist and that sort of thing, but it would really help us out if you would do a short forum search before you ask for other people to look for you :) This is not directed at anyone in particular... ie. Not brad7
  15. max power

    Stencil shadows vs Shadow Maps

    They do not customarily reply to threads of this nature. They are likely aware of it tho.
  16. Tell us what you really think.. lol. In our case it's because many of our project members are burnt out and our project is very large for our small team, and the parameters for making assets that take advantage of all of the features of the new game is just too much. It is our design philosophy to take OFP and put it into the new game, but to take advantage of all the things that make the new game great. We just don't have the bandwidth to change everything. We announced this because we felt obligated to let our users know what our future plans are, not because we're fishing for compliments. ---------- Post added at 11:40 ---------- Previous post was at 11:37 ---------- Horses rock. I'm sort of wondering how this topic got into addon maker bashing without much input from addon makers at all. People are just looking to bash, I guess.
  17. max power

    ARMA 3 is so poor

    The grammar of sign language is different than english. Can we please just get back on topic. Thank you.
  18. There are people still modding exclusively for OFP. Some people just prefer it.
  19. max power

    Floating ugly shadows?

    I recommend you make a ticket if you feel strongly about it.
  20. max power

    ARMA 3 is so poor

    That thread was closed because TOP provided nothing but a video and we have a video thread already.
  21. I've never really seen that much change between photoshop versions and I can't say that I can think of features I wish photoshop had. I've used several versions of photoshop and we have a creative cloud subscription at work. I've used it on the max and the PC. I can really say I am indifferent about new photoshop versions in general and I think if anyone has the current version they aren't going to be missing much for a while.
  22. I think that the truth is a little greyer than that. They are enhancing the realism in some parts, and smoothing out the gameplay at realism's expense in others. ---------- Post added at 21:09 ---------- Previous post was at 21:04 ---------- Yeah, the implication that DayZ is popular because of no fatigue, therefore everything else will be more popular with no fatigue is a little weird.
  23. CWR2 stated they/we won't be doing an arma 3 version, but I don't think that means that all of the modders involved in the project will stop producing work for either game. Some will, some won't, I think.
  24. max power

    Why are we not seeing new A3 maps yet?

    Yeah, making art for mods is more complex and I think, for whatever reason, mod makers aim higher... but I don't think there was such a quantum leap between armas 1 and 2. But, I don't think islands are things you bang out link nobody's business in the first place. There's a lot that goes into them.
  25. You can use the six config browser to find the config of the units and see which hidden selections it uses if any. Usually they are 'camo', 'camo1', or 'camo2'.