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max power

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Everything posted by max power

  1. max power

    Custom Weapon Design

    A flood of pimp my gun requests in that thread won't really change the actual utility of that thread very much. You can use the addon request thread for this purpose :)
  2. max power

    poly limit?

    Per object vertex normal buffer limit, or other similar limit. It's technical limitation. Dx10 shouldn't have the same limit and so we'll see what the exact limitations are latterly when the new tools come out.
  3. max power

    SLI Utilization Issues

    Well thanks for all of the biting you're doing. I appreciate it.
  4. max power

    SLI Utilization Issues

    Can we please get back on topic? And I don't mean after someone else gets a word in edgewise, or after you say one last thing. Please take the intel vs. amd dispute to PM.
  5. max power

    Helicopter physics impressions - simplified

    To be honest I think the reason they decided to incorporate the FM into arma 3 in the first place is because it would be a popular move.
  6. max power

    Choose 4 scopes you'd like to see in Arma 3?

    Number 2: The television scope on Reese's 40 watt phased plasma rifle (valmet m82) from The Terminator. [ATTACH=CONFIG]201[/ATTACH]
  7. max power

    keeping water out

    I'm not sure it's strictly instancing, for instance if you destroyed something or moved something in one base it would not move in the other. Since they would not be close to each other and rendered at the same time I'm not even sure they would take advantage of geometry instancing. And, I suppose, the underwater base would not really need to have an interior and the out of water base would no need to have an exterior. This is more or less just more illusions stuff, but it's common to do stuff like this in games. Like, you're playing an FPS and you're going around a C shaped corridor. You think you're walking through a contiguous corridor but in actuality the C shaped passageway is a place for the game to swap environments because you can't see where you've been or where you're going at the same time.
  8. max power

    keeping water out

    To be more accurate' date=' the alpha plane influences the draw order so it draws the surface of the water before the boat. The water is drawn first, and then the boat is drawn over top of that. ---------- Post added at 13:11 ---------- Previous post was at 13:09 ---------- The point of my post was that I'm skeptical that there is one, but VBS2 has some underwater stuff. What you could do is write a script so when you enter the underwater area, you are teleported to a duplicate structure that's partially out of the water.
  9. The back seat texture could be a missing texture, or it could be a glass alpha sorting problem. That is the correct path to that file. Try without the first slash.
  10. You could experiment with it. I would just translate it tho. TranslationY is animated on the Y axis so axis doesn't do anything for that animation type. Translation animations use offset0 and offset1 to determine the starting and ending points of the animation, dictated by minValue and maxValue. The animation controller for damage animations goes between 0 and 1, so I guess your minValue would be 0.79 and your maxValue would be like 0.80 to coincide with the hide value of 0.8. Offset0 would be 0 and Offset1 would be some distance (maybe in meters?).
  11. I just described how. You know how to do it and you also know how to time animations so they only happen at a certain damage level. Animate the ground contact point until it's within the radius of the destroyed wheel proxy.
  12. max power

    Choose 4 scopes you'd like to see in Arma 3?

    Number the first: The XRay scope on the railguns from Eraser! [ATTACH=CONFIG]202[/ATTACH]
  13. You animate the ground contact point of the wheel upwards. That causes the suspension to sink. If you want the tire to appear flat, you counter animate the damper downwards a bit. That causes portions of the tire to go below the ground plane.
  14. max power

    keeping water out

    It's possible they have a code now to keep water out of boats, but the technique I've seen used is basically just an optical illusion. That's a weird statement because everything in the game is an illusion but you know what I mean.
  15. max power

    Take On Mars - New BIS Game

    I would not buy this game or even accept it as a gift.
  16. max power

    Helicopter physics impressions - simplified

    Haha! Take On has Hinds but I think primarily it's a civil type franchise. I don't think we're in for Take On Tanks or whatever.
  17. max power

    Helicopter physics impressions - simplified

    They hadn't mentioned anything about helicopters in the new Take On so it seems like even the new Take On won't have the Take On helicopter dynamics model.
  18. max power

    SLI Utilization Issues

    I think there is some disconnect here. 1. I think only the people who work on these systems are in any place to judge what 'properly' is when talking about how their software is utilizing your hardware. The important thing is it's not performing the way you think it should, and that's what you should focus on. 2. SLI support is on the hardware vendor's side. This has been mentioned by the developers many times. If you are going to participate in a discussion, yours are not the only important posts in that discussion. 3. I did not imply anything you attributed to me, not even slightly.
  19. max power

    SLI Utilization Issues

    Yeah, a problem called 'in development'. And when OFP, Arma, and Arma 2 all came out there was hardly a computer on earth that could run them on anything approaching max settings, and really good computers would run them on average settings. These games are just really demanding.
  20. Oh, I know what's wrong. You have to create bones in the skeleton for the unhide parts. You should put them as children of the undamaged wheels.
  21. max power

    Mig-29 Fulcrum

    It's really great to see another legit modeller in the community. For all of the animated parts you need axes. Axes are made of two vertices, usually placed in the memory point LOD. Usually you would have to place those in O2 unless you use Soul Assassin's Arma 2 Tool Suite for 3dsmax. http://forums.bistudio.com/showthread.php?78083-3Dsmax-ArmA2-modding-toolset&p=1345673&viewfull=1#post1345673 Then you would make a layer in 3dsmax for the memory point lod in O2 and export it.
  22. Moving to the configs and scripting section.
  23. max power

    Realtime immersive - Militar simulator cryengine

    That doesn't seem to be RTIMSC, but a project to recreate an LCS ship in the Cryengine to train crews. RTIMSC at first looked like it was going for a VBS type thing, then there were other videos that seemed like it was being used to make machinema training vids. This sounds like something different than both of those.
  24. max power

    Realtime immersive - Militar simulator cryengine

    Do you think that because something is abandoned that people who are interested in discussing it should be barred from doing so?