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max power

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Everything posted by max power

  1. max power

    SLI Utilization Issues

    And since no one is interested in the thread's topic... /thread.
  2. max power

    Takedown: Red Sabre

    Or did you mean to say, 'yet another radar station', 'yet another "bio lab", 'yet another nuclear something something'. The only thing in there that hasn't been done a billion times in the corporate hq. While I'm no fan of overblown lighting effects, from these screens it looks like they also aren't going for the 'good lighting' look either. More than WIP, it looks like the lighting probably hasn't really been started- which is weird, because lighting is a part of level design. In the interview screens the outdoor lighting looks much better, but it does look quite overblown and atmospheric. Take bloom and god rays, crank it to 11, then break the knob off!
  3. max power

    Takedown: Red Sabre

    Yes! Thiiiiiis. Adventure games, come back pl0x. ---------- Post added at 18:34 ---------- Previous post was at 18:32 ---------- The lighting looks like it lacks detail or something. Even the lighting in Swat 4 has more character. Okay so we're busting into yet another airport or whatever but the most fun I had in any of these kinds of games was when we were conducting an arrest in someone's house or fighting in a neighbourhood.
  4. max power

    Take On Mars - New BIS Game

    I think DCS is proof of what maio was saying. Open up your textbook to page 10,021 and begin the procedure for warming up the axillary oil pump. This pump is is important in case the primary and secondary oil pumps fail. You need it to be warm. That said, inserting fiction elements into sims is kind of what BI does.
  5. max power

    keeping water out

    It doesn't delete it, gnat. It draws overtop of it. It still draws it. There is no deletion involved. You can believe that is 'deletion' if that makes you feel better but that's not descriptive of what is actually going on.
  6. max power

    poly limit?

    I was also wondering. It seems quite spendthrifty.
  7. max power

    Imported 3DS model faces

    That is likely a non-planar face/triangulation issue.
  8. There's quite a lot of mission and campaign related fixes in the pipe already. Don't you worry about it. We don't really have access to anything Playwithsix related so we can't help you troubleshoot that error. Perhaps you should report those errors in the Playwithsix project thread. I can certainly let Sickboy know but first I have to read it :p A faster line of communication would probably be directly to Sickboy or to his thread instead of through one of us as a middleman. At this point in the project I don't think we're going to be starting any brand new art projects so the addition of new vehicles is unlikely. Contrasted with the reskins we were doing, I can do one of those in an hour or two if I'm bored and the UH-1 was something we were talking about for a while. It's just unfortunate that it doesn't have the proper markings or m60s on it. That said, air defense missile systems is something we've been talking about as well so we'll see.
  9. max power

    A quantum leap - Arma 4

    Yeah, who likes the cold war anyways!
  10. http://community.bistudio.com/wiki/Vehicle_Damage
  11. max power

    3D Scopes... or zoomable Eyes?

    edit: ah, it's a different zoomable eyes thing. Okay, closing as requested.
  12. max power

    A quantum leap - Arma 4

    You'd have to be some kind of idiot to make a game like that.
  13. Absolutely. You have to make your wheels in your geolod part of the dampers named selection. This problem will happen if they wheels in the geolod are spinning.
  14. Sickboy says the six updater package should be refreshing as we speak.
  15. Sickboy has the link. Other than that, no word.
  16. Begin and End I believe are referring to two selections defining an axis. You can make a selection of two points and that can be an axis, or you can make two selections of one point each and make those the beginning and ending of an axis.
  17. So you want to know about the changelog, eh? No doubt it will be much more boring than you had imaged :p It's a sound effects fix. I saw that the uzi and mp5 were very similar in terms of traits, so I created an addition class of submachinegun that with a slower, wider diameter round with a lower rate of fire and more kick to give mission makers more to play with, and to get more out of the excellent uzi model that was given to us. There was a problem with the antenna sticking around after the vehicle was destroyed. We use includes and a list of common defines in a .h file. Some of those defines are 'macros' for magazine loads. One of the pistol magazine defines for the officer didn't exist due to a typo. The ak models had more texture / material combinations than were necessary leading to quite a massive section count. Sections are seemingly the most important factor in model performance. In 1990, there were 4,000 BTR-60s in service in the Soviet Union :)
  18. The rules of the forum state that you can't show images of altered versions of the work of others without permission. Penalties for breaking the rules of content permissions can go all the way to a permanent ban. Since you are awaiting a response, we can assume that you don't have permission at this time, therefore, your screenshots are in breach of the rules. Since you didn't claim that they are your own like so many do, we'll just leave it here. Perhaps you could find a model you have a legitimate claim to and practice on that. They do exist out there. Thread closed.
  19. max power

    Choose 4 scopes you'd like to see in Arma 3?

    Number 3: I would like the scope mounted on the suppressor of Snake Plissken's M10. [ATTACH=CONFIG]200[/ATTACH]
  20. Did you get permission to alter these models from Turn 10 Studios?
  21. max power

    Take On Mars - New BIS Game

    The Leisure Suit Larry avatar is the icing on the cake.
  22. max power

    Helicopter physics impressions - simplified

    My recollection is they said maybe, then they said yes, but not in the campaign, then they said yes and it will be default, then they said not at first, then they said maybe not at all. In the interim, the devs talked about how doing rotorlib dynamics is a black art and a tricky thing to get right.
  23. Full Size Beta R3 has just resigned. This means unfortunately that the CWR2 folder on your hard drive can't continue. In the meantime, we hope that beta R5 is up to the challenge of filling its considerable footprint in both quality and in terms of hard disk space. It has been made clear to me by R5 that this situation is temporary and we will be looking for a suitable permanent replacement as time goes on. If you're wondering where R4 is, he didn't get past the second interview. Download from our home, Arma2.fr: http://cwr2.arma2.fr/files/cwr2_beta_r5.rar Changelog:
  24. Can you please elabourate? It has come up before and I don't know if it's possible. When I say 'I' I mean the guy who is actually responsible for this kind of stuff, which is not me.