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max power

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Everything posted by max power

  1. max power


    Okay... but profiting from steam workshop is still a company based thing and Valve is still liable. The idea behind the article daze posted is that profiting from the use of the tools is actually quite likely, or rather, quite possible. I'm not sure where the statistical likelihood comes from either. You're saying that the law doesn't require you to read EULA because they are 'too long'. However, I'd imagine that there is little excuse for Lawyers not to read long licenses since they wrote them.
  2. max power

    Takedown: Red Sabre

    The lighting problem isn't really that the colours are saturated, but that's what makes it look like old CG. The lighting problem is that some of the images are extremely flat. You have to work pretty hard to give a scene dimension. The screens themselves seem to have odd splashes of random colour all over the place and just end up looking like a random jumble of materials. Who knows if that's how the end of it will look like. I'm fairly certain these promo images are staged renders or something. In that one scene with the operators about to storm a room, there's little things like the shadows make no sense, and really big staging issues like where the hell are the second operator's legs? How is he so small yet so tall? And the scene was seemingly staged by someone with no animation background. There's no sense of movement to the scene or the poses of the men.
  3. Geez. With the number of repeated objects, you'd think it would be one of those things you'd want to take advantage of.
  4. max power

    keeping water out

    Looks like a good start! You should start a project thread in A&M: Discussion.
  5. The patches do do quite a lot of fix the stability and performance of the game, as well as many issues in the campaign(s). Jay Crowe described the original release of Arma 2 as 'janky-ass'.
  6. I don't think anyone has done that before so I think you'd have to do a test. You could do a top speed test at a given weight, and then make an unhide animation similar to a wheeled vehicle's destroyed wheel proxy. You don't even have to have it unhide at any point. If the top speed is different then you know. Another issue might be that helicopters never really get that sluggish to command inputs so the difference in handling may be subtle.
  7. Then you might try reinstalling it. Have you noticed any other strange behaviour like really inaccurate weapons or other glitches?
  8. Since I don't know everything that you're doing, I might be out to lunch here. But, considering armas behaviour, I don't think adding mass will achieve what you think it would achieve in a rational world. This means you might have to do a lot of experimentation to find the behaviour in the outside boundaries of mass in Arma. A very important consideration in the handling of a helicopter is its available power. Weight plays a significant factor in the way a helicopter behaves because of the reduction of that. Arma doesn't really model engine power in any way, shape, or form. There is an assumption that the vehicle will have enough power to perform at any weight. In the real world, adding weight to any aircraft will decrease its top speed and fuel efficiency. In ArmA, adding weight to any vehicle makes it faster, and given that it's faster, also makes it more fuel efficient. Adding weight has some effect on maneuverability, but not so much as to make you unable to pull aerobatics. In fact, the Arma engine is very sensitive to weight distribution, so increasing a vehicle's weight near the centre of mass will actually make it way more agile. Case and point, the cwr2 ah-1's total weight is 7,000 kg. The hind is 11,000 kg. The added 36% (4,000kg!) in weight makes the hind the faster aircraft, and the added width makes it the more benign to fly. And to fly the hind, you certainly don't notice the hind is lacking in any engine power or maneuverability. Another thing I found is that the engine REALLY doesn't like a lot of mass volumes. Originally I had mass volumes for all of the major weight contributing components like ammunition, fuel, engine, transmission, crew, etc and the result was the aircraft would 'fall out' of the flightmodel and tumble erratically until it hit the ground.
  9. If you downloaded the game from steam you might try verifying the integrity of the game cache.
  10. no idea why that is happening. I would try reverting the mission in the campaigns menu.
  11. I wasn't provided with a changelog. There are many, many changes though. edit: I have been informed that the changelogs are included in the zip files. I happen to know the changes included in 'various fixes and tweaks' are many.
  12. This has been discussed to death. If you want background info on it, just search the forum.
  13. I'm glad you enjoyed it! Since you said the secret word, we have some new versions of the campaign and missions! New CWC campaign version: http://cwr2.arma2.fr/files/cwr2_1985_v108.zip New SP/MP Missions: http://cwr2.arma2.fr/files/cwr2_missions.zip First post updated.
  14. max power

    Takedown: Red Sabre

    Yeah, the oversaturated colours look like architectural renders from the 90s.
  15. Expect my job application as assistant leaf counter in the next couple of days!
  16. In one of their promos they said they had watched hundreds of hours of reference to get their grenade particles correct.
  17. max power

    A quantum leap - Arma 4

    I wonder what proportion of the Planetside 2 players have actually paid a single dime.
  18. max power


    Right. I'm not sure I understand what you're trying to say. This is how the conversation went from my perspective: daze was saying that people who make content for steamworkshop have a chance to profit on it. I said that's not the case for addon makers the way the tools license works right now. You said noone needs to respect the tools license... I said Valve probably would if they value the business relationship... Then you said something about companies stealing stuff, which I don't understand.
  19. max power


    I'd imagine that if BI and Steam wished to have a productive business relationship, they would accept each others' terms and conditions.
  20. Dumbledor is an old word for bumblebee.
  21. max power


    Unfortunately, mod makers can't profit from anything made with the BI tools without a commercial license at this point.
  22. The shining cows were a result of the cow's diffuse map being too close to actual white. It was just an error in texture calibration, not a fault with the bloom engine itself. If the value of the texture is 1 out of 1, any light you add to it above nominal will make it overbright, causing HDR bloom.
  23. Our main goal is the stuff that came with OFP and Res, but we have other projects as well we want to do for our own missions (ie. the ones not converted from BI), or for our own pleasure. These projects aren't delaying the core content, as most things are done and the people doing stuff aren't the same people as the other people doing other stuff, if you get my meaning. Actually, the biggest delay probably comes from me being the leader and the sole modeller as well, since we have at least 1 modelling project still on the go. Thanks for the comment about the cobra. I'm glad you enjoy it :) ---------- Post added at 13:48 ---------- Previous post was at 13:40 ---------- That one's really hard. I passed it by taking the bmp out myself by finding an AT weapon among the dead Russians.
  24. I have an AMD card and it was the same with me. I think Chernarus + Take On's view distance = slideshow.
  25. class damage shouldn't be in class hitpoints, and neither should the damagex arrays. Put them in your hilux vehicle class. You can get rid of the damage arrays. The damage class supplanted them, I think.