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max power

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Everything posted by max power

  1. max power

    Invisible Model Through Glass

    Did you try setting the alpha priority of the faces of your object as I suggested earlier? I should say that the thing not appearing behind an alpha plane is an alpha sorting problem. One would want to eliminate as many alpha sorting factors as possible.
  2. max power

    Surround sound problems, DEVs take notice

    Enough of the bickering, please. If you don't have the inclination to put a proper argument together to express what you mean, perhaps it would be better if you found a different discussion to participate in.
  3. I agree with you, InstaGoat, that modding isn't easy. I would like to point out that on the game I'm working on right now, the pipeline is INSANE. I have to constantly refer to a chart to make sure I'm on the right track, and a thorough chart would actually be three charts that could be overlayed. In the scope of things, the arma modding pipeline is actually not so bad, but it is unfortunately it requires the disciplines of like 4 different people to take an addon from nothing to something. I'm not saying it is as easy as it can be, but it is easier than some professional pipelines. The difference is that artists or who ever in the community have to go out seeking support when they're stuck, whereas on a professional team usually you can just go ask the guy who designed the system what's going on with it.
  4. max power

    Helicopter physics impressions - simplified

    I would imagine that everything in the beta is subject to change. Whether the FM is changed, and whether it moves towards something you consider to be more appropriate, who knows. Since they just changed it, I would imagine that indicates it's still being worked on.
  5. max power

    CPU / GPU low activity

    Sounds like the issue is as solved as it's going to be. In the future, please search before opening new threads.
  6. max power

    They better have female soldiers...

    Well, despite some quite thoughtful posts, I think this thread has contributed to everyone's unhappiness for long enough again. Thank you to the people who kept their posts on topic and expressed themselves without malice.
  7. max power

    arma 3 poly limit

    It depends on the turbosquid license. One assumes turbosquid has the right to sell the content on its website.
  8. You can use our images if you wish :)
  9. max power

    Helicopter physics impressions - simplified

    They said that they have a focus on doing things 'right' this time so I hope so.
  10. max power

    They better have female soldiers...

    It was reopened because of some news that was posted IIRC but I don't recall what that was anymore.
  11. Then you ask to look at the files, ask for help on the forums, or seek out samples or other references.
  12. max power

    They better have female soldiers...

    I don't think I mentioned anything about women in that passage and I don't think I said anything about what BI should or should not bother with. I was saying that BI don't model the difference between individuals currently.
  13. max power

    They better have female soldiers...

    I really think you're still trying to find an argument in something I was saying. I was simply informing you that the characters in arma are not based on human averages. Can you please find me the exact passage where I said anything about how females should perform in game, nevermind asserted any such thing?
  14. max power

    Helicopter physics impressions - simplified

    I'm just basing my comment on the statement by the devs that the alpha was infantry focussed and the vehicles are in development.
  15. max power

    They better have female soldiers...

    I'm not sure what you mean by you're disgreeing with me. This further comment doesn't really seem to bear any relation to my point of fact comment that the size and performance of the characters are not based on human averages. I think in order for you to disagree with me you have to either provide some kind of evidence to the contrary, because I was not indicating a preference or an opinion. If you have questions or comments for the developers about their ideas about human performance in videogames, I would suggest you try to contact one of them. If you have any suggestions for new units for the game, such as laser-suits, please use the wishlist thread. Finally, if you have a problem with the way the forum is moderated, contact a moderator in PM. It is in the rules for a reason.
  16. max power

    They better have female soldiers...

    Please don't spam.
  17. max power

    They better have female soldiers...

    I haven't tried to sprint with no equipment on, but so be it, the physical performance of the avatars is 'stylized'.
  18. max power

    They better have female soldiers...

    The men depicted in this game are certainly not average in physical dimensions or in capability. They are well above average in height and build and superhuman in physical capability.
  19. max power

    They better have female soldiers...

    I think there is a dramatic difference between individuals as well, and that is not modeled at all.
  20. max power

    Helicopter physics impressions - simplified

    The Physx vs. rotorlib thing was mentioned on the forums. Are you perhaps basing this feedback on the alpha where the vehicles were not fully implemented?
  21. max power

    Missing 3D tank interiors

    I think you are inter-relating too many things, not the least of which is the tank interior issue is not a rendering / engine issue.
  22. max power

    They better have female soldiers...

    That's fine. What I'm saying is that, at the end of the day, the community has little or no control over how that kind of input is interpreted, classified, and actioned. So, there is no worry how the community classifies its input. It's a non-issue on BI's side. It's a discussion you're having with other community members and neither side is having much of an effect on BI's system. I think the primary things to think about would be more like whether or not the thing is present on the tracker and maybe how many votes it has, from BI's side. I think incorrect classification is more of a thing for the moderators of the feedback tracker to worry about, as I would imagine going through all of those tickets is a PITA.
  23. max power

    They better have female soldiers...

    I wouldn't worry too much about how the community 'classifies' things. It's up to the devs to interpret the community input, no matter what it is.
  24. max power

    Missing 3D tank interiors

    They are.